
Done: Nullposter and Nurleser kicken?

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(serves only as pseudowissenschaftliche investigation and bereitet none Grossangriff to... )

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say we time so:

i'm glad, I as "NurLeser" ScienceFiction novels reading must, without apiece self a To write!
(I have of course time a - never published - written, but the crux we times under "Jugendsünden" (1973) ex ... additionally game it in the meantime in the past tense between 1999 and 2005.)

and there's too many Forums, with them I grateful be, me too as "NurLeser" informieren To can, How I indeed in Bibliotheken etc. informiere. Since I it not yet geschafft have, my day over 24 hours auszudehnen, beschränke I active schreibend on very little Forums, How - next to XProfan - on one StarTrek-Forum and things DVD/video/Heimkino the Forum the DVD-board. already seltener write I time in the Delphi-Forum, though I there regularly read, and in the Forum of my Forum Software I had next to two ask too only two or three extensions posted, The I by me seinerzeit installed having. nevertheless there another row of Programmierforen, in them I announced be and once in a while stöbere and schmökere. what about me be grateful, I this must, without gezuwungen To his, something To post, only uum something posted to have. i'm the opinion, one ought to only talk, if one too what To say or To ask has. This is too for the Post.

i think, its here How in many Forums with Login: Since there it a right considerable number of angenmeldeten Usern (here presently 1050), a explicit smaller ones number, The to the ANmeldung yet to that more or less regemäßigen reading come along and another explicit smaller ones number, which through regelmäßige Postings highlight. (where here presumably nocheinmal The number the Fragenden larger is, as The derer The constructively Answer and help.)

two Listviews a restriktive Maßnahme, How the Delete of "NurLesern" achieve? encourage the The recent reader now too active To post? sooner not. who nothing To say has or itself simply not traut, because it itself about as To small light next to whom Kapazitäten this Forum empfindet, becomes through derartige Maßnahmen sooner vertrieben. Also: whom damage fügen The NurLeser the Forum To? i think time: none.

what remaining, is by the friendly and apertured Use together here in the Forum bislang only lesende Members To encourage, itself too time To express, as they Questions or Answer having.


(by me in the Forum lösche I regularly only people (and Robots), which of course announced having, these Login but never verifiziert having.)
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

mandatory check, that unangemelde Visitors even not gladly seen go. The get now, as they a Posting see want, to 10s a Page in bestem html 1.0 with of/ one Reklameeinblendung. can then to weiterem Click on "Originalseite anzeigen" and Wartezeit finally The Page with everything thatswhy and Drann see. poor Modembenutzer.
Musste the his?
Gruß Thomas
Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2

I change the once in a while, time so time so - depending on How I mean, as wise is. in the momentum is it z.B. again quite different, as to that Time, as You tested had.

two Listviews dat because.

which Hautfarbe want your not having.
somehow weg with you now The Pferde through.


with you but too.

So I would this Thread as "erledigt" class - 93% are for, that too The "Schweiger" furthermore Welcome are !

The Thread was already Done, before Frank this eröffnet has.

One artificially aufoktruiertes Mitgliederprunning is here so sinnfrei, How the ask the Members thereafter, whether tappt im dunkeln deleted go should with "Nichtposten".

Nachtrag: your solltet rather consider, How your Visitors heranschafft, instead of To consider, to whom criteria one itself the Members entledigen ought to.

[offtopic]it reicht incidentally oktroyiert, there the already force/aufgezwungen is.[/offtopic]

otherwise give I you right.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

thanks Jörg.

time pleasure To try, as would, unless displayed would, How many Members and Posts and who online is?

so, so now z.B. Dietmar and z.B. Frank plainer peace of mind find, and Diskussionen over Accountlöschungen or "inaktive Mitglieder" or "Anzahl the Registrationen" of Dannen are, suppress I simply The Mitgliederanzeigen as well as lists.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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