
need your yet @INP, @INPB, OUT, OUTB?

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Hello XProfan,

the direct target the I/O-Ports is under neueren Windowsversionen (NT, 2000, XP, VISTA) Yes not any more possible and the named functions and command functions on this Plattformen of therefore not any more. programs, The these command/functions benefit are therefore on Rechnern with windows 95/98/ME dull.

therefore my question, whether your these functions/command yet uses.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

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The Headline (to this survey) is still a only Suggestiv-question, The of my opinion to further RGH-Grausamkeiten ex XProfan 11 step for step whom lane ebnen should (almost so How in the large politics!): first time sachte a Testballon to the others Starting and one Weilchen Waiting and aussitzen - and if itself then the resistance in border holds, becomes it on bend and break without regard on losses durchgepeitscht!

two Listviews because this scheibchenweise Killenwollen of long-standing in (X)Profan encompassed command again bring?

of my opinion to still utterly quite nothing! whether the Runtime therefore circa little Kilobyte schlanker or The Ablaufgeschwindigkeit possible in amount for a couple Millisekunden increased becomes - whom interested the because with whom present Rechnergeschwindigkeiten really? on The speed of Assembler or C becomes XProfan as Interpretersprache anyway never herankommmen - but the has eachone XProfan Yes before known or. to kurzer Time yourself come along, after it itself for sometime time decided having.

somehow have I the local, that Roland with Nachdruck on it werkelt To prevent, that time someone over years away kontinuierlich and long-term on komplexeren Programmierprojekten with XProfan operates.

the yellow of egg can it still really not his, if one only because of the Killens of command all couple years its Codes paraphrase must! Something like have I yet with none others Programming-Language erlebt! first the monatelange wrangling around the GoTo-story well then already since over one year The announcement of further RGH-Grausamkeiten in this direction (and OGL-Basic to that part already verwirklicht).

there power it the hern then neither More big, if it here and there a couple crutches to that Konvertieren älterer Codes gives, The yet anyhow not reliably functions!

slow comes me the everything a morsel of How Rattenfängerei to: to not yet too langer Time watts Profan² 6.6 as Freeware released. sure not lastly under the viewpoint the Marketings and the advertisement for XProfan - what Yes so too aale is. One armer Programmieranfänger or Umsteiger a others Programming-Language crashes itself hereon and eignet itself by degrees The Syntax on - and sometime has it it Perhaps even too geschnallt. One or two years later freut it itself above, that it The 60 Euronen for actually Full Version finally somehow zusammengekratzt has and falls from all clouds, because it then check must, that its jahrelang developed Codes at the latest ex XProfan 11 none More functions. ought to itself derjenige then not reasonable over the table pulled feel - or How, or what?

If it because already from irgendwelchen Found necessary his ought to, because it Perhaps differently no reasonable Weiterentwicklung More for XProfan give can (?), then would it of my opinion to the ehrlichste lane, this open and public einzugestehen and a real incision To make! possible whom jetzigen stood (XProfan 10) as Freeware freizugeben and a utterly new start To carriages - with all Konsequenzen! with this opportunity could then sämtlicher old Schrott and Garbage, the itself in the running of over 10 years angesammelt has, without If and but with a Slip thoroughly ausgemistet go! thereafter can itself still eachone XProfan decide, whether it with the new XProfan weitermacht and umlernt, or whether it these opportunity uses, its new start same with of/ one Programming-Language begins, where it such ständigen Ankündigungen and Verunsicherungen not all couple years gives.

then rather one end with terror, as one terror without end!

i'd on any Cases one solches Affentheater not longer join, if Roland its angekündigten Grausamkeiten for XProfan 11 one To one umsetzen ought to and will be then probably XProfan whom Back sweep! to that Happiness there meanwhile Yes just as preiswerte (and to that part even Free) Alternativen To XProfan Internet, with them one not any Nasen long to that rethinking, Umlernen and Codes paraphrase forced becomes!


I have in this Posting purposely no Smilies uses, because I each set really so my, How it written standing. because i'm Real raging above, that one here all couple weeks over ands over again a new Killer-Story vorgesetzt get!

even if it in the obigen survey only few percent users To give shining, The The named command use, so means the still long not, that these couple Hanseln, The here voted having, a repräsentative opinion all XProfan present. just as could one Votings To others command started, The on the Abschußliste stand and one becomes (depending on, How one The ask psychological skillful words) mehrheitlich always the of Fragesteller desired Result receive!
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

i know Yes not, take off Brillen here some carry, but from one Wegfallen of functions and command is still nirgendwo The speech. I mean even, one Posting moreover supra erwähnt to have, that the named command and functions meaningfully are!

too The coming XProfan-Version becomes compatible To Vorgängerversionen his. the was yet always so.
who with Profan 6.6 starting, using with safety already The Operators and not any more The functions, The original as Operatorersatz present were. and nevertheless becomes the next XProfan-Version a Include-File beiliegen, The for sorgt, that too Source code yet älterer versions with the Operator-substitute-functions free from problems functions. concise: everything what now functions, becomes too still functions.

nevertheless starte I now and then a survey, circa over the Nutzerverhalten informed To go, in order to know, where I Schwerpunkte settle must. there naturally eachone others Präferenzen has, I will But presumably never all right make can. means I will find out, How I it at least the majority of my customers right make. ;)

means Dietmar, no reason to excitement! (this is eh not well for health and the Bluhochdruck ... says at least my Hausarzt.)

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

That the Kompatibiltät is correct not integrally, I miss to that example already long Getrusage.
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP


Jacob Liebeck
That the Kompatibiltät is correct not integrally, I miss to that example already long Getrusage.

the Getrusage is at Umstieg of 16 bit windows on 32 bit windows weggefallen, there ex windows 95 The suitable API Windows not any more supported watts and WinExec not any more the handle of an application, separate only another Erfolgsmeldung zurückgibt.
i think but here went the Umstieg a 16-bit-Development Environment on a 32-bit-Development Environment in all rule right free from problems. further differences Have not. even The 16-bit-API watts initially yet a ploy (undokumentierte windows-API) supported.
If I there on others Programmiersprachen, How about Delphi think: no Program, that one with Turbo Pascal for windows or Delphi 1 written having, let itself without (partly gravierende) Anpassung or paraphrase compilieren! the counted too for Profan and its Development Environment.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Dietmar, now mach time our Roland not only badly. in the Grossen and whole has it Changes or Wegfälle the Syntax very well gemeistert.
is still verständlich time by the flower anzufragen, take off next versions yet on ballast hinterhergezogen go must and what not. The survey - I stops tappt im dunkeln for representativ - beweisst Yes eindeutig Rolands supposition.
After George Posting has it then immediate explicit made, which viewpoint To understand. where means is the trouble...?



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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Sebastian Sprenger08/01/13


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