
Profan ²/XProfan gotten to know

How have You erstmalig of Profan²/XProfan experienced?

I have of Profan²4.5 by a journal experienced, no idea whether I it by the internet too sometime found (and value learnt) had.

can it his, that Zeitschriften this wirkungsvollstes Werbemittel are?

middle-long-term seen I will the Nity the spoke-feature procure want, that one means spare dial can z.B. between german, english, french, Español.

Threads can I of/ one spoke-ID zuordnen, could now means z.B. already english Threads Hide or only french overlay. The Bezeichner in the Forumstruktur must into jeweilige Language konvertiert and a few (Have I already terrific minimizes) Keywords.

however - vlt. helps The survey something thereby, to get, which Werbemittel vlt. too andernlands for care could, that it More XProfan gives. (would not calm?)

A beautiful Hello .........

I have of X-Profan heard by a very good friend and find thats Page of time To time
rather becomes........

I say only power weiterso....

love Regards your Maik

i'm by the journal DOSTrent on Profan attentive become and thereby stayed.

Zu wenig Wissen ist gefärlich, zu viel auch.(XProfan X4) | Win 10 Pro 64 | Win7 Ultimate 32/64 | AMD FX-8320, 16GB, GeForce GT 630 |


I have Profan² circa 1993/94 around(?) on the book-floppy disk of "DOS-Trend" gotten to know. These Trial named itself then well "ProBat" (or so similar) and coming without Compiler and of/ one Restriction of 1000 Codezeilen therefore.

because I then already some years with Turbo-Pascal, TPW, C Assembler program having, coming I immediate so zurecht and farming me already to few Meet The Full Version Profan² 3.3 to that Sonderpreis (over these journal) for 75 DM (instead of regular 150 DM). the internet was to this Time not yet for each Normalo affordable been, so that the learn solely with the beiliegenden Helpfile klappen had to - but the funktionierte correct, though my gray boxes then with middle / end thirty already not any more straight The Jüngsten and Frischesten been were.

since then be I thereby stayed and I the to date not bereut.

And if nowadys normal intelligente adolescent Programmieranfänger and even children without jegliche Programmier-Vorkenntnisse already to about one Vierteljahr your first reasonable Windowsprogramme so create can, then speaks The quality and Einfachkeit of XProfan well zweifelsfrei for itself!

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

me fell too so ca. 1993/94 a book CD (Aufdruck "RGH Profan" lila Font, blue shadowed) into Hands the book hieß mean I "Vollversion Gold" or so similar, since the verfolge I The development of Profan in the background with and teste ex and on times the offered Freeware versions, I already others Basicsprachen have with them I constantly work coming it not yet to registration, in Profan are missing me too another couple Features sofern these then available stand, changes the site in reference on "Registrierung" drastisch ;)

your Ronny.

Hi Ronny, then wirf still The Proposals for functions, command and Co. which you are missing simply time to go there [...]  . If makes sense, will Roland even over good Proposals forward ^^

Hello Rolf,
there it several Features are erstell I time a list and compare then my Opportunities with the already angefragten extensions, what of my opinion to yet missing schreib I still with moreover. thanks, for Tipp.

Greeting, Ronny.

Nachtrag circa 00:05 watch :

I must even look over whether your a Hinterausgang in the Forum have where I quiet and vorallem unseen rausschleichen can , soeben have I The XProfan 10 angetestet and must confess that some on development on me past gone is.i think ex next month have your a new XProfan User, unfortunately Have I no shareware Version of XProfan 11 to that Download found but the 10it Test I now times correctly through.

Nachtrag 16.09.09 : i was time in my cellar
so saw my Version then from (Perhaps for a or others interestingly ):

52 kB

I have Profan time in a ShareBerts book found. was in the Media market so one Bücherregal, with two shareware Programs. Profan 3 and a windows-Help Program over RTF...
Website:  [...] 
Facebook:  [...] 

Hi Ronny

very The Version have so did i yet somewhere present.
I had me then, faith I, almost any "Fast geschenkt" Hefte
bought. to my knowledge were The of Pearl.

Greeting Wilfried
Board MSI B450M BAZOOKA CPU AMD Ryzen 7 2700x 8 Core 3,7-4,2 GH 32 Gb Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX 3060 12 GB Ram Window 11 Prof 64 Bit

Sun-Guru-Barebone CPU I7-9750H 16 GB Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX1660TI 6 GB Ram Window 11 Hom 64 Bit

Profan 4.5 bis Xprofan 14
Ein frisch geschriebenes Programm hat meistens einen großen Fehler.Sollte man versuchen diesen großen Fehler zu beseitigen, hat man viele kleine Fehler "Grins"

Hello Ronny, thanks for these Einblicke.

Ronny, Beitrag=54221, Zeitpunkt=10.09.2009
unfortunately Have I no shareware Version of XProfan 11 to that Download found but the 10it Test I now times correctly through.

i'd The 11it Freeware [...]  take!

I sought to few Monaten after a Programming-Language, The DBase-Files supported and of jemandem To erlernen is, the except with QuickBasic 4.0 for DOS nothing program can. I had to a couple years time with VisualBasic 6.0 a couple Gehversuche made, but except of/ one Winziganwendung be I there never warm with become and habs again seingelassen. after to a couple Monaten the last NT-computer in that Nirvana disappeared is, on the a DBase application running, The I me to a couple years have program let, and these application not on faster Rechnern started can and also my colleague from lack of time too no new application program can, had I hold self what on The feet to put. so coming I over Internetrecherche To XProfan and Have me The 11it Full Version and the ProBase-expansion zugelegt and be in the meantime so far, that my application really everything can, what The DOS-application too could... pleased means.

Hello people,
after I with some years with Basic and Z80-Maschinencode program have first on one ZX81 dan on one MSX2 of Phillips. there I had then too a Betriebssystem expansion with integriertem Farbdruckertreiber for a HP Deskjet 550C further functions gebastelt, which in a Steck-Module befand. as i then my first IBM-kompatiblen having, have one Rauswurf-Hodell from Ner firm, the new PCs angeschafft having, as gift get. then Have I some Time longer the hardware the PCs and a little QBasic befasst, To I then in a journal, knows but not any more very which, on Freeware Profan 4.5 pushing. so Have I then rumprobiert and me on Buttons and Windows glad. Sometime known I, i will More, and Have then The buy-Version 7 found, The ic me then order have.
what me to profane2/XProfan particularly gefällt is, that
1. the pkg to the buy too really entire is, without that one itself yet x Module zukaufen must, only that one really what so begin can.
2. the More as equatable Price of Profan2/XProfan really too for Finanzschwächere aufzubringen is.
3. Entwiklung/Support and Forum itself in the deutschsprachigen space abspielt/befindet
4. one high strain on downward compatibility exists.
5. one The Possibility has, on future versions through suggestions/Opportunities Einfluss To take.
greeting Stefan.
Ich habe grosses Glück, weil ich Mitmenschen helfen darf.
XProfan11 , Win XP Pro 32Bit , Win XP Home ,Win7 HomePremium 64Bit
PC: P4/3GHz , 2GB RAM , 1700GB HD
Laptop: Intel Core 2 Duo /2,2GHz , 4GB RAM , 500GB HD


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Wilfried Friebe11/26/16


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