
should "Killerspiele" prohibited go?

there in Germany some gentlemen my, violence be nothing for boyhood, said one itself: violence must lane. Why now The virtual and not The reale frag I self, but in the Communiti go sure too some such gewaltverherlichenden Games How Eye Toy play. The Bezeichnung Killerspiele Gibts of course not, backing but the Support by the parents.

remaining The question, as Gamer with of/ one tatsächlichen Umsetzung react (Auswanderungswellen ; Gamer occupy Regierungsgebäude ; Gamer sing hurrah, The Hauptstadt burn ; Gamer take government, world ahmt Germany to).

The question is for me More, what under Killerspiele and so falls. sure is not absolutely förderlich for Kreativität Humans (or Mutanten, robot or whatever) abzuschießen. but myself Games awfully many this Killerspiele. and yet have I weder aggresive currents check can geschweige because, I The Weltherrschaft take wants. its always a question the Blickwinkels. I personally Games no Games, with them one Zivilisten kill must, The with Nazigut concern and ähnliches. this is simply geschmacklos and nasty. but others Games a la Halo and helped-Life 2 are of my opinion to no Killlerspiele or further something in the direction.

Also Gibts Yes The BPJM, The FSK an so on. before parents these Games condemn, should tappt im dunkeln time with ihren Kindern nachschauen, what so everything (mostly illegally copies) in the wardrobe stand having. of my experience to play most jugendlichen Gamer Games, The loudly FSK and so not for your Altersklasse To recommend are. means make The parents what wrong, if your children either this Kram play (and not yet ripe for are) or tappt im dunkeln concern itself none correctly. circa your children. myself have such Games already played as i not yet 18 was, but of my opinion to i was already ready for and weder my schulische Training yet my behaviour having under suffered. I Have even withal Autorennspiele a driver's license and can vernünfitg rad (even if I with Need for Speed - Most Wanted How the devil's by the countryside cucumber). its hold simply a thing the ripe. what about me think of a 18jährigen can expect, that it reality and game voneinander discern can.
unfortunately Gibts too over ands over again Gegenbeispiele, what about me can also no reasonable Solution for suggest. Schlussendlich be I but not the opinion, that one Killerspiele prohibit ought to. there ought to one best too Autorennspiele prohibit. and films with violence (is too one Topic for itself -> Fürsorgepflicht the parents and so). and the internet best too. and...The list ließe itself unending fortführen...

Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

means Games with echtem Matsch- or Psycho-Character belong In any drop the toilet runtergespült. Since there it quite disgusting representative this Genres. who something like game, the must simply a on the Klatsche having (or then get).

such Games are but durchweg of FSK and Co. damn been. means who itself on these Empfehlungen holds the is well consult.

not always can self namely whom Psycho-effect to judge, the of such one Schwachsinn-game ausgeht. often helps here but the well Menschenverstand (and the is with whom parents simply something rather ausgeprägt as with whom Kiddies).

Doom is so one Matsch-game. its Although a simple Ballerspiel, but if I no Mun More have and the Brechstange on my opponent make at can around the situation To saving, then has this on young Gemüter with safety a negativen effect (alas, simply draufhauen, then is everything Paletti). me anyway schwirrte after a round Doom The question in the head around: which Psychpath has since here Zubrot earn.

How one itself too turn and wind - on whom prohibited is already what dran. one forbid Games Yes not simply so from Jux.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

I am not really the opinion the that Aufzeigen of Gewallt absolutely kontraproduktiv his must. one has well recognized the it less The children are which The virtual not from the real present unterscheinden can. i want solely express the one not the basis MatschKopf==Schlecht | BarbieKopf==gut) generalisieren ought to.

I have people erlebt The for hours Doom played circa itself abzureagieren what about me have people erlebt which hochaggresiv in a Lernprogramm failed. the speaks not against that I none Skinhead know the Doom game - it But rather do ought to?


my personal opinion!:
on my own if I on these Kriegsspiele think, comes me the Kotzen.
as if not enough war on the world were, where too children ums life come.
And then simply everything Nachspielen and if one asks: the backing The community and the Logik - LAAACCHHHHH. Sorry is perversely and sick!
but with such Games widert The industry Yes coal without end.
The people, which something like insist, would as first in the Ernstfall on the front MAMA scream and circa Help to that sky call.
its Yes so fine simply one Humans (whom one straight time from joke angeschossen has (naturally the Logik because of)) into schmerzverzehrtem eyes To look - because its Yes only one virtueller opponent. so is the certainly in the to uphold life not - one think of The soldiers from Vietnam, which in the Klappse debarked o.ä.!!!
i'm glad, that my son not such Games , separate so things How ledge and others Simulationsspiele game.

Well, but I Have me already with many Lehrlingen of these Sätzen The teeth ausgebissen, because the true war is Yes sooooo far away - NOCH!



i think its always important to know, where itself Virtualität and Relität separate. in the Endeffekt these Games really sinnloser pursuit. but with ledge and so power one too no sinnvolleren things. one kill of course niemanden, but in the Endeffekt is everything to the game How to the game. what about me know only few people, The ledge play and not sometime begin The ledge The kitchen light or others Mist varanstalten. only, that hold nobody killed becomes. but Perhaps lying Yes The Hemmschwelle at Kücheanzünden niedriger and plenty More Kiddies zünden then Küchen on??? who can tell?????

Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

who Games likes where it circa murder and Totschlag goes ought to The of my opinion to get and who not wants the should it even give up. one must itself so what Yes not buy or.
and only because one itself so ´ne Games buy must the Yes not same hot the the too same to that Killer becomes.
i'm there one good example, my parents permit it that I something like Games, tappt im dunkeln like it of course not if I me often Games fetch, but this is what other, i'm anyway normal stayed.
therefore ought to one tappt im dunkeln not prohibit, sooner ought to one what against The violence on the Straßen make.
the was The opinion one Zockers the such Games gladly has.
MfG Timää


Betriebssysteme: Windows Vista

Profanversion: XProfan 11

i'm How apparently many in this Forum the opinion,
that one Killerspiele, -films, u.s.w not generalisieren ought to.
One grundsätzliches forbidden would nothing bring, there one nevertheless on The Games rankommt. :/
it depends simply from the ripe the Humans together.
I z.B. own one Kriegs-Strategiespiel and incline in keinster point to violence (nagut, its WIRKLICH one strategy-game, one sees z.B. no blood) ;D .
of my opinion ought to it on the best with a kind recommendation, How the FSK stay.
or it'll for provided, that such Games not at all first published go.
and DAS would so possible like a Petpetuum Mobile.
Nico Madysa

calm so How Nico the sees find I the too.
only I faith More Kriegsspiele, Egoshooter, etc.
whom hold The parents Games over their old buy does it the state of my opinion to nothing on. who The FSK bypass can the reserves make and see what from it becomes.
MfG Timää


Betriebssysteme: Windows Vista

Profanversion: XProfan 11

Well, The thing is the, that each ungewöhnlichen murder or Massaker naturally geforscht becomes. and now and than comes even out, that the offenders Counterstrike or Doom or white the Geier what gezockt has. Hm, but there's world-wide millions of Counterstrike-Spielern. and Abermillionen of Doom-Spielern. therefore lebe I but now not constantly in fear, I each momentum umgebracht go can. who can tell, what The people to yours doing eaten having. Perhaps make Yes scrap of paper aggressively. or food with MäcDoof. or Coca Cola. or...i think not, that Killerspiele one beachtenswerter reason are, aggressively To go or moreover. at least not generally. and therefore should tappt im dunkeln of my opinion to neither generally prohibited go. me power to that example the Musikantenstadl aggressively. then ought to the too prohibited go. and Seifenopern. and Gerichtssendungen. and...

Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

> me power to that example the Musikantenstadl aggressively.
*LOL* the was horny, can I you fully and integrally consent

In my example but I'm going not of it from, that one of Killergame to a Pshyo becomes (what naturally totaler balderdash is - naja Ausnahmen, but the wären too without such Games so on it).
then would I indeed one Killer, because former get Metalfreaks before it warned once Satanisch and Blutlüstern To go
I have deliberate Kriegsspiele written (means not Doom o.ä), there it here mere only around the sense the Thematik goes. but Perhaps stand I Yes on my own with the Antikriegshaltung here

[quote:462e2fdad3=Rolf cook] but Perhaps stand I Yes on my own with the Antikriegshaltung here [/quote:462e2fdad3]
...with safety not...
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


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