
should "Killerspiele" prohibited go?

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there in Germany some gentlemen my, violence be nothing for boyhood, said one itself: violence must lane. Why now The virtual and not The reale frag I self, but in the Communiti go sure too some such gewaltverherlichenden Games How Eye Toy play. The Bezeichnung Killerspiele Gibts of course not, backing but the Support by the parents.

remaining The question, as Gamer with of/ one tatsächlichen Umsetzung react (Auswanderungswellen ; Gamer occupy Regierungsgebäude ; Gamer sing hurrah, The Hauptstadt burn ; Gamer take government, world ahmt Germany to).

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> me power to that example the Musikantenstadl aggressively.
*LOL* the was horny, can I you fully and integrally consent

In my example but I'm going not of it from, that one of Killergame to a Pshyo becomes (what naturally totaler balderdash is - naja Ausnahmen, but the wären too without such Games so on it).
then would I indeed one Killer, because former get Metalfreaks before it warned once Satanisch and Blutlüstern To go
I have deliberate Kriegsspiele written (means not Doom o.ä), there it here mere only around the sense the Thematik goes. but Perhaps stand I Yes on my own with the Antikriegshaltung here

[quote:462e2fdad3=Rolf cook] but Perhaps stand I Yes on my own with the Antikriegshaltung here [/quote:462e2fdad3]
...with safety not...
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

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Well eachone has its opinion what about me will be certainly not (so How some think) only because I such Spile likes somebody verkloppen only because it tappt im dunkeln not likes, means no fear having!
MfG Timää


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well, God Thanks!
Nico Madysa

i think - I hope - I for each in the Community talk can, that war and violence something are, the in unserem real life none Space having ought to!

but game one not Computerspiele - which too always - circa stood off from the reality To get? this is still with Doom just as How with ledge or NfS Most Wanted!

Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
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fundamentally could one any Games prohibit, there one always somehow violence drin has, or somebody besiegen must.
but mainly GEHTS circa joke (too ifs eklich becomes), around the experience and, with online-Games, around the community.


so I mean i want too something To Killerspielen write:

i'm fundamentally for, each yourself decide To let what it play would like and what not (ok, children haven't umsonst Erziehungsberechtigte and the FSK etc is neither wrong).

I personally have z. b. for me yourself fixes, the if I to one stressigen workday to dwell come and very genervt and say we time unausgeglichen be then helps it me terrific me for ne half-way hour or so even time on a Wolfenstein ET Server Internet einzuklinken. thereafter be I, I very relax my of course not very ausgeprägten but still vorhandenen Agressionen retrench can, again for my Mitmenschen edible.

what about me faith if I in my Bekanntenkreis ask around would, would I well sooner as Schlappi with constantly guter mood and not as agressiver potentieller Menschenerschießer tituliert go.

means: it comes eindeutig on the individual Humans on, what a solches game with even jenem individual Bewirkt.

Achja: I have on such Ballerspielen first interest found as i from the Training out was and a job with blame übernommen have.
shining means so To his, the Stress whom joke on such play favour can. ;D

Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht!
- Ubuntu 15.x
- Windows (diverse)
XProfan Version: X2


people The correctly. ticken, can yourself decide, where your border lying. These border are individually - the a tip already circa, if it think about must, that it same blood abgenommen becomes. The others ißt during of/ one Autopsie genüsslich its Käsestulle.
even these width boundary existing with all Things, naturally too with Computerspielen. here somewhere a incision To wander, as The FSK power, stops I for very heavy. really unmöglich.
differently sees The thing with Kindern from. them missing grösstenteil yet The evenhandedness, your boundary To discern, so schlimme Traumata come into being can, The Perhaps first to zig years break out. here stops I a überwachende instance for very meaningfully.
And then there even yet The people, The not correctly. ticken. the are even those, which a Horrorstreifen standing and thereafter losziehen, circa Kollegen, bosses, Mitschüler, teacher, neighbors or sonstwen to bump off. the are diejenigen, of them one in Messages hears. Tickende Zeitbomben, The only a suitable releases need, in order to detonieren.

jo dat meiste watts Yes scho said ...
in my opinion these people those amok walk people, also without these games amok walk would.these people play sure no tetris or schaun sandmänchen.not violence Games make amok läufer separate amok läufer make(play) violence Games.
but our gesetzgeber machts itself hold beautiful simply relating something like and does the whole then with the play ex and ready, what there in reality for Problems ,famillieär or school or whatever, behind it are go therefore simply ingnoriert.
I had time in a IRChat what interresantes moreover red :
I lösche now any my Games , schmeiss any my cds lane and installier me löwenzahn and schaff me ne pokemon dvd sammlumg on, then running I amok ^^, there ham The erstaml what To creak ;)
I personally Games very gladly egoshooter, too The in the ww2 How z.B. Enemy territory, where I sure no kriegsverherlicher be but the reitz in a ego is the thrill in the game,the adrenalien schub here and da;)
too helped life is there in of my hitliste. with E.T. ists hold The tactic and the teamplay .
sure is some too the game postal 2 famous.
the this game KRANK is, is well too each clear but joke machts nevertheless because it so durchgedreht is, but NEN good gallows humour I had scho always ;)
and with this game Have I plenty laughed, where I even the view be the it one the bestem ego in the last time is.
however, these Games To prohibit and is has too very the opposite bewirkt. something like enhance first right The verkaufszahlen or downloads ^^
i think eachone knows The P2P networks and there go straight these in Germany forbidden Games in measured offered.
best example : Manhunt
not only in Germany prohibited separate even verklagt been.
in england is a schoolboy losgezogen and has a mitmenschen with a tischlerhammer slay.
because these thing too a task in manhunt is and the besagte schoolboy the game home having, would naturally the game guilt and the software firm watts verklagt, on what the game first correctly. famous watts.
on itself absolute nonsense ,whether with or without manhunt, it would in any case durchgedreht, The question Why is so plainer ,the game is guilt and ready.
if one really nails with köpfen make wants, ought to one complete everything in this direction turn off.the means films,Games,Images etc.
I find the films too without the one interaktive interfere can, circa some worse are and there in the present time the P2P networks unmöglich is ,a alterskontrolle durchzuführen, plenty gefährlicher are.but too moreover can only say the people The To violence incline itself such films gladly anschaun but not The films tappt im dunkeln moreover make.prohibit there or since , The reasons the something like prohibited go should are utterly ridiculous, there these Humans so or so insane are, with or without violence or killer games.
moreover ought to one itself consider what well occur would if these things prohibited go would. one think there only on the alcohol forbidden into usa.
at all no control More ,schaffung one schwarzmarktes etc.
i think this is the incorrect lane, if too the simplest for our gesetzgeber.

probably becomes my Ticetac & Männlkiken soon too prohibited and indiziert .
finally go there simply innocent Strichmännchen gesprengt.
Nico Madysa

as kid - Jahrgang 1940 - in a utterly of bombs wrecked tall-town aufgewachsen be I against each manner of Kriegsspielen. but who setting The border and finds not The eigentliche Kontolle in the Elterhaus instead of ? - what nützen Verbote, if itself none thatswhy kümmert. Additional another Quote (knows but not any more, of whom it stammt - Perhaps Assimov ?): who bewacht The sentinel ? -

and very the meant I Host!!!
After many Erzählungen of my Vaters be I glad, I do not in this Time born watts.
clear, Games are a getaway from the reality.
but Please no Kriegsspiele. Kotzen me really on. straight to present Time.
then rather one nice Retrogame ala Pitfall, Pacman or ähnliches!
naturally give so did i all others right: Eín game power none murder or Perversen. because The hätten it too without Game made.
It's all right here on my own around the Review, that something nachspielt, where eachone animal fear to has.
I möcht niiiiieeemallls my children to strangers soldiers patronize must.


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