
speed, Profan ², XP and Bitmaps

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Hello, in a body!

I have here several Questions speed of Profan² Programs:

I have by me on the equal computer to Time four different Betriebssysteme installs (Pentium2, 233MHz - windows3.1 / windows95 / windows98 / windows2000). thereby is me noticed, that zumindestens The Bitmap command of Profan² under whom individual Betriebssystemen with (extreme) unterschiedlicher speed worn out go (tested with Speicherbitmaps of 640x270 Pixeln Size). under windows2000 shining The Testanwendung only with a drittel the speed How under windows95 To walk. under XP shining The speed even on one tenth To shrink! has someone similar/others Experience made? can itself someone these extremen differences explain? meet these Geschwindigkeitsunterschiede on others Profan command To?

If the point 1. at all so zutrifft, How see it then with the speed of others , not Profan² erstellten Applications or. whom API`s from, The the same do?

programs shine with the Profan² Version 6.0 twice so quick To walk, How with Version 7.5 (jedenfall The Bitmap command). How quick runs XProfan² really? faster as 6.0 or slower as 7.5?

I have in my Testprogramm LOADSIZEDBMP akin, around the Testspielchen with eachone Grafikauflösung always in the same Size darzustellen. logical would here, that the Color Depth and the Bildschirmauflösung very heavy on The speed work out. But this is definitiv not all Rechnern so! How can itself the explain? lying the possible on the Grafiktreiber??

so, that I under Umständen on other Betriebssystemen with Geschwindigkeitsverlust calculate must, have I calculated. These extremen differences (under 1.) To windows2000/XP there can I me with my Erklärungsmodell on my own not hinbiegen - therefore here over again my survey...

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Hello Andreas

have the Prog. even tested:

- with 640x480: FPS variable circa 8 To max. 10
- with 800x600: FPS variable circa 5 To max. 6

under following hardware/system:

Duron 1200MHz ; s3-ProSavage ; TFT 17/72Hz ; XP

hope, it helps moreover...

WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia

and the whole again under Win98 (on the same computer):

- both Auflösungen about identisch; FPS variable circa 5 To 6

a signifikanten Difference between 9x and XP bezügl.
the Grafikverarbeitung/-statement have I yet not
check can (independent of this Test). I stops
the gleichfalls, How Roland already wrote, for a mere
hardwareabhängiges trouble, means Grafikkarte, driver etc.

WinXP SP2, Win7 - XProfan 10/11/FreeProfan32 - Xpia


if I high dissolution einstelle then crashes not More ex.
in the incision 3,36 FPS.

though does it too ONLY if I The colours on 32bit set
let. with Highcolor crashes the program too with high
dissolution ex

AMD Athlon 2600+
NVidia Geforce FX 5200

here first once my Ergebnise, The FPS are to the terminate the music and without the Mäcki moving watts measured. with the high dissolution in the game are The bitmaps 4x larger as with the geringen dissolution in the game

-Pentium 2 233MHz
-ältere 8MB ATI AGP Grafikkarte

windows 3.1 with WIN32s and 640x480 256 colours Grafiktreiber
-FPS with less Bitmapauflösung=9,9
-FPS with high Bitmapauflösung=4,5
-worth of TEST.EXE=14775ms

windows95 640x480 16bit Grafiktreiber
-FPS with less Bitmapauflösung=8,6
-FPS with high Bitmapauflösung=8,8
-worth of TEST.EXE=14927ms

windows98 640x480 16bit Grafiktreiber
-FPS with less Bitmapauflösung=9,3
-FPS with high Bitmapauflösung=9,0
-worth of TEST.EXE=14985ms

windows2000 640x480 16bit Grafiktreiber
-FPS with less Bitmapauflösung=7,6
-FPS with high Bitmapauflösung=3,0
-worth of TEST.EXE=15683ms

-Pentium 2 133MHz
- 2MB Matrox PCI Grafikkarte

windows95 640x480 16bit Grafiktreiber
-FPS with less Bitmapauflösung=7,0
-FPS with high Bitmapauflösung=3,4
-worth of TEST.EXE=32396ms

my Überlegungen:
Höheres 32bit Betriebssystem=TEST.EXE needed with same computer with höherem Betriebssystem More Zeitt. there it itself with TEST.EXE circa a einfachen counter in a Loop deals, dürften here driver really little strain play, or crazy I there (be no expert)? I have so whom local, that the values, The here posted been are, this confirm.
unfortunately be I, How said, no expert, and white too therefore not very, what in the computer to itself goes, if one in memory Bitmaps übereinander copies- and which Bauteile there very addressed go. I, as laity, find But utterly strange, that on Rechnern (in the rule with XP), The up to 10x More Processor performance than my computer - and its Grafikkarte well too rather is (my driver is ditto not the best, the manufacturers the ticket has because of Bugs recommended, it abzudaten), the game slower runs as by me! zurück at copy of Bitmaps (with Profan command) any Vorgänge into Vordergrund, The The Processor performance utterly beside the point go let?

Hmmm, now I say time so, one kluges windows or. a good GRTreiber realized these Operationen over DIBs. this is So the good old BitBlit Topic. the power a normal Grafikkarte means gladly self. So More the windows over the Proz on it (before/hereafter) yourself fummeln would like, so longer lasts it. what on it now very longer lasts, obs So the lay out one DIBs, or the Releasen is, or The alleinige management which, can I ld. not say. Perhaps ists simply no good idea such Game over mehere DIBs To release, instead of only over one Einziges which hold so big How the Anzeigebereich is. the stuff the DIBs with the entsprechenen graphic (or hold whom Sprites) ought to over a simple Speicherroutine erfolgen, accordingly is there the Proz demand to that Painting, and the ticket to that Show. accordingly can too gradlinigere Results produce.


Hello IF...

Perhaps ists simply no good idea such Game over mehere DIBs To release, instead of only over one Einziges which hold so big How the Anzeigebereich is. the stuff the DIBs with the entsprechenen graphic (or hold whom Sprites) ought to over a simple Speicherroutine erfolgen, accordingly is there the Proz demand to that Painting, and the ticket to that Show.
How very position You you the to? possible Quellcodeschnipsel in Profan parat? be no API-expert, first right not, what DIBs and Bitmaps angeht.

...I get increasingly whom local (another couple Own Tests made), that Matthias right has and it itself with the Geschwindigkeitsproblem mainly for a Treiberproblem deals. thereby becomes Roland here Perhaps well whom nail on the head met having:
the could under Umständen so concern, that XP and 2000 NT-mutants are and NT something moreover from the hardware removes is and therefore möglicherweise The Treiberprogrammierung aufwändiger is. but the are now only guesses.
one can even apparently well still not of it go out, that one schnellerer computer releases too really faster Done.

...I put now time here a small Formel for Time The the program Test.EXE needed on, if it with the equal Hintergrundprogrammen, but on unterschiedlichen Betriebssystemen, on the equal computer runs:
who can me the widerlegen?

Hello Andreas, i'm even sure the Roland right has, I vertrete its opinion just as. the I supra described having, is with Profan on my own not To release. that is, naturally goes it, but it would infinite gammy. You would have vergleichsweise (too ifs ne übelst schwehre rating is the eh not hinhaut) 0.02FPS, instead of 50 with the Prospeed. but very for this object Gibts The Prospeed.Dll, The has your Forum here in the Community. The machts very so How I described. and to Prospeed Gibts too one AddOn, The PSA.Dll, The is for there the eachone Opportunities express can, what it on effects missing, The I then reinprogge. look time into Forums.


well Yes... the one schrottreifer computer with uralter Grafikkarte Graphics faster processing as one new Notebook find I still plenty gravely. first right, if the on Problemen with the Treiberentwicklung beruhen ought to... :roll:
have dus already time with nem Treiberupdate attempts, IF?

Lol, ne but have You already at times one Computerupdate virtual?

look time, is still cool the on the part everything so superschnell runs, lad time FlashMX-2004. If I former To Dos-times directly on the memory the gr-Card written having, I had too sauviele-fps.

I say only mov ax,13 on int 10 and $a000:y*320+x *gg*

can Yes his the your Sprite-engineering on your unit adjusted is, uses but nothing wennz on aktuelleren Geräten not any more runs How desired. Perhaps die these Operationen simply from, but the Time runs moreover.

only to that comparison, ne Mesa-Application of me (Debian/Linux) (then auftragsmäßig erstelltes demonstration) bring 250 satte fps on my Notebückchen, complex 3D-graphic with jeglichem Schnickschnack. (Mirrors/Echtzeitreflections + tons on Lichtquellen and Particle-effects)


Hello IF...

even if XP for my tack nichrt particularly well to that works taugt, would me one new PC with WindowsXP already interested - alone to that software design....
there my momentanes Buget chronisch in the 0,.Euro area lying, becomes well but on longer Time there no Computerupdate in visibility his.
Also see so did i not one, that I me always better computer add should, only circa always balastigere Betriebssysteme to get started, its functions I not at all use, not need or me really only at works hinder. :roll:

the The performance of/ one Grafikkarte, apparently because of of not optimalen Treibern, around the Half shrink can, find I still very remarkable - and had so did i so extreme not vermutet.
because of the Results of TEST.EXE have I now too at times of my survey teilgenommen.....




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