
Textbook at all erwünscht?

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emerged from:  [...]  and  [...] 
Since the manuals in the Wiki now still to a further Online-Helpfile develops ought to one further book as Textbook aufgebaut go.

- rewards itself the hoisted at all?
- gives it as a want?
- gives it somebody the mitmacht?

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich

with Textbook my I a guide The really with zero begins in Profan. so these Language too really each laymen verständlich declared becomes.
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

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To GoTo ought to one explain, that it pfui is something like To use, one should still rather Proc o.ä. use

Hello Christian,

is correct - the have You really lovely nachgeplappert!

but now and than something over the own Tellerrand look, the has too yet niemandem geschadet! sometimes there even things between sky and world, everybody can yourself yet never uses has, because one tappt im dunkeln not knows! the has then but utterly nothing with pfui To do, separate with the own Unwissenheit!

name me still to that example time a clevere alternative To GoTo, with the one with the Programmentwicklung To Testzwecken quick time hundreds or quite thousands of Codezeilen skipping can, without first each single row as comment mark and later again demarkieren To must. that the with XPSE functions, the white I - but we talk here Yes of a XProfan-Textbook and not over XPSE. such Compilerdirektiven How $IFDEF etc. will need you neither as conked anzuführen, because these there first ex XProfan 10.

clear, who yet yourself only smaller ones programs with few hundred or thousand Codezeilen develops has, the plappert quick time such nonsense to, because it it simply not rather white! still this is yet long no reason, these Own opinion as universally valid sell To want.

In Assembler to that example functions without Goto so well How quite nothing! is Assembler therefore Perhaps ditto pfui, only because You yourself which advantages not To value know?

an right langwierige Goto-Discussion had we to years already time in the RGH-Forum had, as Roland the GoTo ersatzlos killen wished. Result: because of the massiven Widerstandes erfahrenerer Profaner has it the GoTo to date not removes.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


nevertheless würd I the with the Binärsystem complete from the XProfan - book rauslassen. If somebody something like interested, the can yes a other book reading ...

again such a cheap and primitive Black-white-Malerei!

How would You one Beginner such things explain want, How z.B. Segment- and Offset-Adressen, reaches, byte, word, long, binäres write and Reading Files etc., without the Binärsystem come in To want?

naturally could one it with one Textbook on simple IF-inquire, a simple WHILE-WEND-Loop, as well as on The vorgefertigten Create-things limit - still the would then of my opinion to not whom concept Textbook earn, separate sooner something like in direction How Schrott, Müllhaufen, or so. or I learn the program with XProfan in 3 hours! - Lehrbücher with such similar klingenden Titeln there for others Programmiersprachen Yes already How sand on the More (cue: Abzocke!)!

of my opinion to ought to one Textbook explain, How XProfan funktionniert and not as entstaden is.

If the Textbook not only one unlogisches Sammelsurium of Begriffserklärungen or demonstration-Source code or a new edition the Helpfile go should, then should too a couple things all around described, and not only one commands to the others abgehandelt go, To one so through is. because moreover could one in the Helpfile take after, and need no Textbook.

if to the tidy and thoroughly power, then go the anyhow loosly several Volumes or. several thousand pages - and there comes it now verily not 1 or 2 additional pages on, on them short on The Entstehungsgeschichte of Profan² or. XProfan eingegangen becomes.

If you you a new PC zulegst, then buy You indeed not a Pappkarton, in the any PC-pieces drin lying, together verkabelt and verstöpselt are, even if this Monstrum then as computer Perhaps nevertheless functions would, or?

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


If I Time find, would I around the chapter MCI concern, where I Mithilfe (in the area Messages or so, I know finally neither everything) naturally begrüßen would.
Nico Madysa

Nico Madysa
If I Time find, would I around the chapter MCI concern, where I Mithilfe (in the area Messages or so, I know finally neither everything) naturally begrüßen would.

...there falls me a:
create on the Tutorial-Page a entry with MCI-Tutorial. Abspeichern and then hereon clicking.
on this Page can You then a small Einstiegslehrgang give for MCI and by degrees increasingly delicacies the MCI explain.

there can itself then too others with yielding - the can You then again correct, unless correctly - etc.

would be already time one schöner beginning.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


To GoTo ought to one explain, that it pfui is something like To use, one should still rather Proc o.ä. use.

The large Breitseite have you got Yes of Dietmar already get. too i think, it speaks nothing against Sprungbefehle, How tappt im dunkeln with Assembler Yes ambulation and give are.
as long as the Programmer whom Überblick keep can, because only therefore is the Goto verpönt.
additionally has Roland the Goto just badly in Profan umgesetzt, so it To Fehlern lead can, if the Programmer with the Goto z.B. from While-Loops jumping.
but these whole Discussion results in nothing more, the watts already former extensively done. let we it thereby.

after your me now for my opinion beautiful ready made have, can I indeed time again what say

what Goto & Assembler concerns : Gehts now for a XProfan or for a Assemblerhandbuch ? Dass GoTo with Assembler usual is and therefore too is used likes Yes his ... I personally Have too, How I started Have GoTo uses ... the were then too only very short programs, max 100 Lines. today komm I KOMPLETT without GoTo from... I komm not time More on The idea GoTo einzusetzen...

is correct - the have You really lovely nachgeplappert!

correctly., this is from the Profan² 6.6 - Helpfile out !
there standing, time irrespective the Übersichtsproblem, that The programs so too slow down ... moreover, the would like I here time note, becomes RGH already know, Why already with the middle-aged (of 98) Freewareversion of Profan² drinnen standing, that it only yet from Kompatiblitätsgründen present is.

now well, the was now my Einschätzung to the Topic, leave we it thereby, before I, as Beginner (with nem Dickkopf ) with the komplet all Membern of XProfan.com squabbles ... (wants I do not : )

and what the Binärsystem concerns : my thought was Yes only, there it yes a Einsteigerbuch go should, that not To tricky becomes.

if to the tidy and thoroughly power, then go the anyhow loosly several Volumes or. several thousand pages - and there comes it now verily not 1 or 2 additional pages on, on them short on The Entstehungsgeschichte of Profan² or. XProfan eingegangen becomes.

Hmm... there like You to be right... only whom most Büchern The I kenn stand in the KOMPLETTEN 1., several pages long chapter, Info over The Entstehungsgeschichte ... me PERSÖNLICH has the awful gelangweit what about me Have the übersprungen...

If you you a new PC zulegst, then buy You indeed not a Pappkarton, in the any PC-pieces drin lying, together verkabelt and verstöpselt are, even if this Monstrum then as computer Perhaps nevertheless functions would, or?

there did you know me badly ...

In Assembler to that example functions without Goto so well How quite nothing! is Assembler therefore Perhaps ditto pfui, only because You yourself which advantages not To value know?

sometimes frag I, whether I in incorrect film be : are we now with Assembler or with XProfan ?

now well, now Have I (mean I) To each the Vorwürfe geäußert.

If I again from my hideaway come can, without in Lebensgefahr To his, then say of/ one message
Debian Lenny, Intel Celeron 2,8 Ghz, 768 MB Ram && Win XP Pro, Intel C2D 1,66Ghz, 2 GB Ram ... PROFAN² 6.6

Christan get of me Welpenschutz and may now again from seinem hideaway hervorkommen.

Streichen we here The Gotodiskussion.

not without a latest Note...

correctly., this is from the Profan² 6.6 - Helpfile out !
there standing, time irrespective the Übersichtsproblem, that The programs so too slow down ...

I said already, Roland has with seinem GOTO whom direktenProgrammsprung badly umgesetzt. I stops the for to uphold reason .

well, You come without GOTO from, but then try too, without BREAK and CONTINUE auszukommen. too the are Sprünge.

Frank Abbing
I said already, Roland has with seinem GOTO whom direktenProgrammsprung badly umgesetzt. I stops the for to uphold reason .

No. The only reason is: I have it, in the Contrast to the others Strukturbefehlen, in the Compilat not berschleunigen can. there behind GOTO one Stringausdruck stand can, which worth to Compilezeit not feststehen must, can the Compiler here too no Sprungadresse present, separate these must first to Laufzeit suchenderweise determined go. with Procedures becomes to Laufzeit nothing more sought, there its address of Compiler determined and registered becomes! Gleiches counts for IF-, WHILE- and REPEAT-Konstrukte.

Frank Abbing
well, You come without GOTO from, but then try too, without BREAK and CONTINUE auszukommen. too the are Sprünge.

One weiser council!

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

well, You come without GOTO from, but then try too, without BREAK and CONTINUE auszukommen. too the are Sprünge.

One weiser council!


Hm, then come but too without if and else and while from - the are in the false-drop too Sprünge, but too Fns and Procs

So I likes Goto , only use I not because it I do not really helps something yet faster run out To let. (in the Ggs. To z.B. break and continue) so my I the one WhileLoop 200;wend faster is as one label:;inc loop;goto label. there's however situations and entourages in them it without Goto utterly not goes, so my I, not at all differently went. and now: Search one Smilie and klick on it!

Hello Christian, I drive already three years with Welpenschutz and I still my head not ragged get.

Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Christof Neuß06/25/18


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