
what would if The XProfan.Exe Freeware would?

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what would if The XProfan.Exe Freeware would?

The question set I me strain...

one could these into own Programs use circa z.B. a Untersprache anzubieten - or circa freiprogrammierbare Plugins produce.

here goes it only around the Interpreter!

it would too so the so some for the time being on the buy of XProfan and would give with the XProfan.Exe would program - and then but Profan.Exe with Prf transmit should.


a) The Prf-Files (The Source) would itself More get around - on Rechnern of not-program. The Profan.Exe-User would itself warscheinlich a Exe building let (ne or in an emergency bat) The his Program with the Profan.Exe same aufruft. it know but the its Version runs more slowly as a compiled Version

b) one could XProfan simply transmit - and of course not only a eingeschränkte Version - separate a Full Version the Profan.Exe. (sound simply rather!)

c) Roland had it plainer because to that buy were it hold only whom Compiler. it would so a Freewareprogrammiersprache (plenty more currency) where one solely The option has too a ExeKompiler buy to so The own programs hold faster are and without code delivered go can.

XProfan self would not at all More commercial (what many abschreckt) separate solely the Compiler.

would be then so looks:

Download XProfan 10 Full Version
Buy XProfan Compiler (Optional)

If Roland the interestingly finds then would so did i suggest The weitergabeerlaubte Profan.Exe in XProfan.Exe umzubenennen. ;)

what means your lieg I wrong?

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from of my visibility, was The PROFAN_and_Friends the Grundstein, circa with Profan To stay.
thereafter have I in PC-Heften No further Profanversionen More seen.
Gruß Thomas
Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2


an Programming-Language, with the one no EXE-Files create can, shining little interest To rousing.

So I see the something differently, because i'm then (I faith, the should thereabouts circa 1995 around been his) over ProBat to profane² come: Interpreter and Helpfile - and the Interpreter was (faith I) on 1000 Codezeilen terminable.

i was immediate from the Simplicity of ProBat fasciated, so that I me already to 3 Meet The then actually Full Version Profan² 3.3 order having. well - I had already Vorkenntnisse and having already under DOS with Turbo Pascal, C Assembler something program and was straight thereby been, me in Turbo Pascal for windows 1.0 reinzufuchsen (Delphi there were there not yet).

what itself from it (from ProBat) yield has (means my jahrelangen Profan-Programmierkurse), the sees one Yes today yet. From many Jugendlichen white I it, that tappt im dunkeln itself first a couple years later The latest Full Version zugelegt had, after tappt im dunkeln already students or Lehrlinge been were. therefore can Roland the probably neither anhand its Registrierungsunterlagen over its Postanschrift HY-mäßig zuordnen.

straight for Kurstätigkeit would it favorable, if the actually Interpreter Freeware would. well well - I yourself have dbzgl. none reason to that Meckern: initially set Roland my Kursteilnehmern a actually Full Version for only 25 DM available and thereafter durfte I the Schülern with his permit always a Full Version with a couple higher Versionsnummern as The jeweilige Freewareversion free copy (z.Z. works we with Rolands permit with XProfan 8.0).

and 60 Euro for a XProfan-Full Version on the table To lay - the make too The wenigsten parents with, if the Sohnemann itself straight time to that XProfan-basic course announced has. from this Grunde is with us too yet never one C- or Delphi-course zustande come. of what avail is it, if the schoolboy in the course z.B. with of/ one Delphi-Full Version (Schulversion) operates and itself his Handwerkszeug for To dwell not legally copy must? The prices for actually Borland-Full versions lying Yes still beyond well and evilly ... That here and there of Lehrern illegally Delphi-Full versions relayed go, the white so did i - but me personally would this iron To hot.

in between I had it in the course too now and than time with Ner actually shareware- or SE-Version of Profan² or. XProfan attempts, but so is of my opinion to no vernünftiges works possible. any the Einschränkungen disturbed there always very (on the most the fehlender Window Style-commands). I faith, that something like nowadys sooner abschreckt, as The people to that buy the Full Version To animate.

who with with the actually Interpreter learn can, the will anyhow sometime whom Compiler buy, if it thereby remaining. because program without his Program compiliert transmit to, is well keinem on duration fallen.

One further argument for a Free Interpreterversion would moreover, that then really eachone without Einschränkungen all demonstration-Codes from the internet testing could (and accordingly too The diversity the Opportunities of XProfan).

If ProBat then not The desired Registrierungszahlen brought has, then must the still not absolutely today again so his! between Profan² 3.3 and XProfan 10 lying Yes now really worlds!

the most Handicap shining me the fehlende marketing To his, if it circa XProfan goes. in the wide Public knows hardly someone XProfan - against it having most PC-Freaks at least already something of Delphi, C++ or Visual Basic as Windowsprogrammiersprachen heard. and the JDS-Shop as Alleinvertreiber of XProfan knows except Insidern eh none, because it something like nowadys How sand on the sea gives. If still hinzu comes, that in the JDS-Shop for XProfan yet Tools with the Jahreszahl 98 in the names offered, or Tools How z.B. The Power-DLLs, The already since years not any more weiterentwickelt go, then might the ditto not straight to that buy animate. the verstaubte ProHelp for hard Teuronen in the JDS-Shop - and on the other hand there something like How Uwes Hilfehelfer with -zig More Opportunities, or whom Helpmaker to that produce of CHM-Help Files as Freeware - something shining there in the whole marketing not To voices. who itself with JDS from Unkenntnis ProHelp buy, the must itself still zwangsläufig over the table pulled feel, if it sometime later mitbekommt, that it for 0 Euro integral More as Gegenleistung get had.

who against it first time ca. one Vierteljahr in the XProfan-basic course durchgehalten has, the remaining in the rule too a couple years thereby, sofern it not straight circa a geistigen Tiefflieger deals. or it uses The thereby acquired Grundkenntnisse in the program then for later Umstieg on Delphi or C - I too aale find.

of my opinion to should it first time therefore weg, XProfan in the wide Public at all famous To make!

my Why stay would means ditto: current XProfan-Interpreter as Freeware without jegliche Einschränkungen!

if these bill against expect not open ought to, then could Roland dbzgl. ex XProfan 11 or 12 Yes still back rowing.

integral More advertisement for XProfan (z.B. in PC- and Games-Zeitschriften) and a stabiler Vollversionspreis of 60 Euro How yet - then should the still hinzukriegen his, that itself XProfan finally something moreover common! but as long as The people not know, that tappt im dunkeln for only 60 Euro really a vollwertige Windowsprogrammiersprache get, and that it almost everything else drumherum free as Freeware Internet gives, as long as klemmt The saw somehow ...

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Thomas suitor
thereafter have I in PC-Heften No further Profanversionen More seen.

No, separate mangelndes interest the Redaktionen on Programmiertools. this is even one Nischenmarkt.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4




Hm Why only is Roland the only the against it is.





is The XProfan.exe not Freeware? I faith me To remind, that only The Disclosure the Compilers untersagt is.

@Roland: the mangelnde interest lying on everything Möglichem, but not on To niedrigen Preisen. The problem is crept the Teufelskreis the Unbekanntheit (nobody undergo of it -> niemanden interessierts -> none wants drüber report -> nobody undergo of it -> ...)
One Infolehrer ours school leistete itself, after I time XProfan erwähnt having, The crazy remark, that be still ever so a Programming-Language, The in eastern europe vorkommt. its simply so, that The schoolboy with Begriffen How BASIC or C++ More begin can and therefore these prefer. (of Tokio hotel go More CDs sales means of matter of nerves, but not because tappt im dunkeln rather, separate because tappt im dunkeln known are) so now Have I time my mustard dazugegeben.
Nico Madysa


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Georg Teles05/19/14


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