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![ByteAttack: 05/17/05](.././../../i/a/285.gif) ByteAttack | under: [...] there a Unit, circa with only one commands, because Content of/ one FTP-Verzeichnissliste in a ListView view.
the particular thereby, man must itself selbt with the ListView not concern, weder circa Split, Lines, yet must one it with one renewed Calling the command does not delete or like. though must I confess, thats Unit (yet) not for all FTP-pages functions. ![](.././../../i/s/_n_red_smile.gif)
guide: CompileMarkSeparationAls erstes füge die Unit zum Programm hinzu:
$U FTP2LV.PCU = List.
Erstelle in dem Profan-Programm ein leeres Listview mit dem Style $30 am Ende.
Ab jetzt braucht man sich nichtmehr um das ListView kümmern, der Rest macht die Unit.
Stelle eine Verbindung zum Server her.
Jetzt kommt die Unit zum Einsatz: LIST.FTPLV [Handle der ListView]
LIST.FTPLV listview&
(Das aktuelle Verzeichniss wird angezeigt)
Jetzt kann z.B. in ein anderes Verzeichniss gewechselt werden:
und um die Liste wieder anzuzeigen, einfach wieder den Befehl:
LIST.FTPLV listview&
man braucht sich also nicht um das löschen der ListView zu kümmern. Das übernimmt die Unit.
One complete example: CompileMarkSeparation $P+
SetErrorLevel 0
Declare lvdll&,ftpexit%,listview&
Def GetSysColor(1) !USER32,GetSysColor
$I ListView_Funktionen.inc
tab(123456) or so ähnlich :-)
$u FTP2LV.PCU = List.
SetTrueColor 1
Window Style 26
Window Title FTP2LV
Window %maxX/2-400,(%maxY/2-300)-800,600
CLS GetSysColor(15)
LIST.FTPLV listview&
sleep 2000
LIST.FTPLV listview&
WhileNot ftpexit%
Case %Umessage=16:ftpexit%=1
Dispose clv1#
Dispose clv2#
Dispose clvall#
Dispose lvitem#
freedll lvdll&
![](/intl/i/dw.gif) |
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![iF: 05/17/05](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | functions on Your Webspace well - but not others.
If you whom iFTP-Algo too yet install would...
salvo. |
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![ByteAttack: 05/17/05](.././../../i/a/285.gif) ByteAttack | be already thereby, it come there yet others command hinzu, be there straight on the consider, whether the whole not rather with Ner DLL To solve would... |
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![ByteAttack: 05/18/05](.././../../i/a/285.gif) ByteAttack | ALLES NEW so, now have I The Unit complete NEW prepares. furthermore have I these then too with almost 20 FTP-lists ausprobiert. ![](.././../../i/s/grin.gif)
Nochwas so on the side: The address of my Homepage has changed. having The Schnauze of Freespace-Provider full, where one not time Files over 200kB draufpacken can.
my new address: [...] ![](.././../../i/lnk.gif) |
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![iF: 05/18/05](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Very nice your HP ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif) |
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![: 01/24/06](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) | Hello MARK your ftp2cv.pcu-File functions by me correct (Server: 1and1) - unfortunately has tappt im dunkeln a disadvantage: in the momentum try I in a FTP-Client. The building is also where ready, the access comes and the Content of my Home is completely aufgelistet. unfortunately is But you don't say so, Dateioperationen How z.B. FTP(UpLoad,s1,s2) to execute. in the equal momentum in the I a Button or the List view with the Content of my Festplatte anklicke, läd The ftp2cv.pcu again The Serverdateien new. How can I the prevent or can You in your ...pcu there yet a ploy install, that one any FTP-command perform can ? greeting horst ![](.././../../i/s/smile.gif) |
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