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here my zweiter Wettbewerbsbeitrag


I have me time with the Richedit befasst and a PCU written, The the whole Handling
heavy vereinfachen should. there are 99 functions include, with many Features How zoomen, the complete
Handling including the dialogs for Search and Search and supplant as well as different Bullets
Line break, one Context menu and print, hope that the Print everywhere functions, I only with
the PDF-Printer tested have
thereby is a, How I mean, good Documentation and a Beispielprogramm as prf the The functions run
shows, so that it dead easy his ought to tappt im dunkeln To benefit.
I have worth hereon laid always the to integrate complete handling of a function, so that the meiste
with a appeal abgedeckt is, as well as The Number of Parameter so lowly as can be To hold, usually becomes
only the lever the Richedits transfer.
its no Subclassing present, I The PCU ex XProfan 8.0 run make wished.
Since I no 8 it Version installs have, must Tests show whether it me been successful is.
too in the Beispielprogramm have I ready only command the 8.0 Version To benefit, know but
whom Befehlsumfang not very. under Version 11 runs but everything.
Images insert is ditto not yet integrate, there me from Zeitgründen the hoisted To big was.
comes but yet, as my Time allows.
Proposals and review to Weiterentwicklung are Welcome.

in the pkg include are

demonstration.prf, One Demonstartionsprogramm for Opportunities the PCU
Documentation.chm, The Documentation the 99 functions.
Documentation.rtf, The Documentation as RTF-File
MinitextPad.zipper, One small editor whom I to Demonstartion written have (as Exe)
RTFHandling.def, The of XPSE begot Definationsdatei,
RTFHandling.pcu, The PCU
RTFHandling.html The of XPSE begot Help.



139 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: Version 1.0.5 - 07.09.2009
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

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Dietmar horn
I have The Thread time into Wettbewerbsbereich 2008 moved, for it loudly Eröffnungsposting of Dieter well too virtual been was.


the wasn't correctly., The Thread there therefore here twice  [...]  .

the was already correctly, The Einreichung physical with whom Units stored (because it a is), and here a Schattenkopie (Link).

would have here geschaut  [...]  would have whom entry seen, so How it now twice present is.

I look time the To correct.

Linker and right edge without dialog settle is already present
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

@iF: Sorry! there must my Glasaugen well time again integrally beautiful shoed been his. If I seniles stupid-Hörnchen already time try would like, what aale To bring ...
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Dietmar horn
...already time try would like, what aale To bring...

name we it simply Anfangsschwierigkeiten.

@Dieter, with the the Randeinstellung I had überlesen.
enclosed one small Test how far, what about me would The RTF.pcu gladly bring into action, my Presentation worn out is with your Beispielprogramm. that I to that Test The old *.rtf taken have was pure caution.
1. Font read...display: 0 ....Cancel pressed and the Fonthöhe watts changed Image Font-1.png .
2. The display on the RTF-Edit is identical Image Edit-1.png . edge left and supra is in the Original= 0. Text watts eingerückt. supra a Leerzeile.
3. at that pressure parting the Geister. there come into being at Beispielprogramm Borders? Image Print-1.png . the Etikettenpapier has edge 0/0. there I get Real Problems. where come The Randabstände since?
the Original have I umbenannt in *.prf appended. with the editor opened,is too The Formatierung well To discern.

1 kB
32 kB
28 kB
20 kB
Gruß Thomas
Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2

i'll me the time look at, The Borders in my Beispielprogramm come
of R_RTFPrint(ed&,2,2), You müsstest then R_RTFPrint(ed&,0,0) use, then
should The Borders lane his, except for whom druckbaren area
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

The I had in the Beispielprogramm on 0/0 staid and both over FreePdf XP ausgedruckt. In this case is the druckbare area the whole leaf.
Gruß Thomas
Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2

your RTF-File has already a edge of dwell from, Perhaps can you The Borders
in your PDF-Printer yet take on, there always the printer Device Context gotten becomes.
I have it with the PDF-Creator ausgedruckt, has only The in your RTF-File voreingestellten
You must naturally micht with the Druckversion over Write print, because there count The
there voreingestellten Borders.
See attachment

87 kB
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

The voreingestellte Randabstand ought to with 2mm lying and the Text is in the RTF Eingerückt. here ca. 5mm.
too with the Destiller tested and Result see *.ZIP .

Gruß Thomas
Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2

understand now not integrally what you mean, have you got with the your routine ausgedruckt ?

whom long expression sure not, there your routine Yes only a couple Lines ausdruckt,
if You there with 0,0 printed have go The Margins in the large File with the Creation
the PDFs eingefügt. If I The File with 0,0 ausdrucke becomes everything without a edge directly
left and directly of supra ausgedruckt.

I have The Parameter in cm definiert and rechne Twips To cm, this is in of my
korrigierten Arbeitsversion changed To mm, there cm still To roughly are, there with 0,0 no
Borders More present are and 1 same a cm einrückt. in the new Version might
means The Control feiner his.

on the side: your Pfadermittlung appear quite uncertain. I have time your Program
tested and Files, Image and RTF in that directory copies, The Files get first
found, after I way$ removes have.
the Result having but then too Borders with PDF-Creator and your routine.

see Appendix

99 kB
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

have straight seen, I, its one RTF-Example of "Pascal", the Original into ZIP copies having.
circa randlos To print is the part:

if %printing--with pressure: %HDC2 = %HDC = &PDC
PosX%=PosX%+30--Korrektur ???
PosY%=PosY%+30--Korrektur ???

PosX%+30--Korrektur ??? then on PosX%+0--Korrektur ??? changed been,or., The values go by me then through Variable for X/Y-Margins gesteuert.
in the momentum stand I yet on the Hose, because with unverändertem Druckertreiber comes it different. will be next week moreover testing.
As I said, use I for Etiketendruck a RTF, The then according to Etikettengröße, in the example 2 Rows and 7 Lines, properly 14 time on the A4-bow printed becomes, before one Seitenvorschub stattfindet.
Gruß Thomas
Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2

If worked has, have I at Eingangsposting whom Download upgedatet. having suddenly no
link More.

Changes to Vorversion

Druckrändereinstellung of cm in mm changed
Druckerdialog can now optional using go.
New Feature SaveRTF shows if Filenames present none Savedialog, unless comes the Savedialog
The old function RTFSaveunder shows now always a Savedialog whether a name present or not.
New Feature GetMarkedFontname gives whom Fontnamen the Mark back
New Feature GetEntireFontname gives whom in the document tuned Fontnamen back
New Feature RTFFormLetter a Serienbrieffunktion.
new self-contained PCU to that Insert of Objecten and Images.

the Insert of Images could I only over the clipboard realiesieren, I no better idea having as one Memory bitmap To produce into Clipboard To copy with EM_Pastespezial from the Clipboard into Richedit einzufügen.
The users observes but nothing of it, because The function position as normales loading one Bildes dar, there to the Ladedialog everything else without weiters Zutun happens.

the alleinige Insert of Objecten appeared I do not the true, there one only Bmp one Vorschauicon sees, with others Formaten only the Icon the verknüpften application and hold always whom names the File.
i think, the with the Clipboard is withal some Nachteilen one gangbarer lane circa *.BMP;*.JPG;*.GIF;*.PNG;*.ICO;*.WMF;*.RLE
in Originalgröße in a Richedit view and even to print. The Images are in the Richedit scallierbar.

The objects.pcu is be based on whom Vorlagen of Uwe "Pascal" Niemeier, so I tappt im dunkeln except for a function not as my Werk bezeichnen wants, because I have tappt im dunkeln only so far aufbereitet. without these Presentation had it with safety longer gedauert, To one Result there been would. particularly without The Asemblerroutine to Übergabe of More Parameters, would it Perhaps none possible been.

In so far position these OBJECTS.PCU no Wettbewerbsbeitrag dar, separate solely a Zugabe The The thing
abrundet, there Uwe the eigentliche Author is, i want micht Yes not strangers feathers deck

Since I random, as i Internet something over Richedits sought have, on The Problems with Loading and Save one Richedits with RTF() up to XProfan 10 punched be, have I decided for Profanversionen 8 + 9 The undokumentierte Call-function To benefit and a Version only for XProfan 8 + 9 beizulegen, is not tested.

with thereby is again one Complete editor as Exe, the too the Einbinden of/ one DBase-scheduler into Seriendruck-function demonstrating.
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2


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