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here my zweiter Wettbewerbsbeitrag


I have me time with the Richedit befasst and a PCU written, The the whole Handling
heavy vereinfachen should. there are 99 functions include, with many Features How zoomen, the complete
Handling including the dialogs for Search and Search and supplant as well as different Bullets
Line break, one Context menu and print, hope that the Print everywhere functions, I only with
the PDF-Printer tested have
thereby is a, How I mean, good Documentation and a Beispielprogramm as prf the The functions run
shows, so that it dead easy his ought to tappt im dunkeln To benefit.
I have worth hereon laid always the to integrate complete handling of a function, so that the meiste
with a appeal abgedeckt is, as well as The Number of Parameter so lowly as can be To hold, usually becomes
only the lever the Richedits transfer.
its no Subclassing present, I The PCU ex XProfan 8.0 run make wished.
Since I no 8 it Version installs have, must Tests show whether it me been successful is.
too in the Beispielprogramm have I ready only command the 8.0 Version To benefit, know but
whom Befehlsumfang not very. under Version 11 runs but everything.
Images insert is ditto not yet integrate, there me from Zeitgründen the hoisted To big was.
comes but yet, as my Time allows.
Proposals and review to Weiterentwicklung are Welcome.

in the pkg include are

demonstration.prf, One Demonstartionsprogramm for Opportunities the PCU
Documentation.chm, The Documentation the 99 functions.
Documentation.rtf, The Documentation as RTF-File
MinitextPad.zipper, One small editor whom I to Demonstartion written have (as Exe)
RTFHandling.def, The of XPSE begot Definationsdatei,
RTFHandling.pcu, The PCU
RTFHandling.html The of XPSE begot Help.



139 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: Version 1.0.5 - 07.09.2009
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

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functions correctly. well the whole - a schweigvollen crash with XProfan 11.1 each time at terminate the Program have I but nevertheless.

XPSE:> Ausfuehren: Exit-code: -1073741819 [Error]

Nachtrag: The mitgelieferte Minitextpad.exe is too class hehe! but here at terminate one "Absturz".

strange, I had yet never a crash and Minitextpad use I
meanwhile instead of Notepad means very often. can it his, that there in XPSE
another Error stick. I have too in the latest Version yet Error
at Syntaxcheck discover.
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

Error in the XPSE can always his, but I have Yes your Exe used and self no manufactured.

crazy work. One Durchtesten becomes yet last.
at that terminate I get too a Error Message. have tappt im dunkeln first once through employment of DestroyWindow(%hwnd) fixed.
at that Weiterbearbeiten vorhandener Applications with XProfan 11 have I öffters the Problem terminate.
I suspect XProfan 10 was with the Speicherverwaltung for Memory-Variables humaner. I give tappt im dunkeln now immediate to the employment again spare and I momentarily no trouble More.
I have not integrally understood and tested: The Font-data go only one marked Textteil grasped or on the Curserposition on the rtf-Edit?
after You the Insert Objects realized have, How see it with of/ one scheduler from?
Perhaps as Posting 2009. (The enclosed is a *.rtf)

Gruß Thomas
Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2

Related to the crash is really strange, I not understand can, can I neither thereafter search. The Bereichsvariblen setting so did i over ands over again immediate back, except for The Objecte, The can first
at leave released go.
is correct with whom Fontnamen have I only SCF_Selection ought to yet SCF_Word dazuaddieren
was one slip
this is the scheduler I will me time standing, whether me moreover what falls in, Perhaps
nächstes year.
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

I have now The File (PCU) in the first Posting renewed, to final Version.
there are only a couple Detailverbesserungen include. I wanted to another
Print Preview to assimilate, could But only on my printer testing, so that
it me To uncertain was, the To take. in the beigelegten Minitextpad is tappt im dunkeln time
ansatzweise to that testing include.

whom Error terminate could I now on my Notebook understand. it was
no Programmierfehler, separate The Reihefolge at straighten up the both PCUs.
it must absolutely The following Order eingehalten go, otherwise comes the Error.
is now too in the Documentation vermerkt.

R_DEINITRTF(ed&,hdc&,dll&) straighten up handlings.pcu

R_DeInit_object() straighten up objects.pcu

deleteobject font& eventueller Font

Destroywindow(%hwnd) destroy the Mainwindow


Seltsamerweise could I the Error on my master-PC not understand
though on both Windows XP installs is.
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2


Seltsamerweise could I the Error on my master-PC not understand
though on both Windows XP installs is.

there were we still in a previous Thread already einig:
"Windows-Computer" develop one Life of its own !
...or should I say: character ?

Musste still one Update distinguished, I a couple functions,
with them I thought tappt im dunkeln already thereby to have, yet added have.

Changes to Vorversion

with GotoLinenumber becomes now too the Cursor on whom Beginn the row staid.

small Error settle the Fontgröße bereinigt, Font was circa a point
To small. with 12 watts Real only z.B. 11 tuned. Error in the Multiplikator.

new functions

color whom Text Background one marked Wortes or Bereiches, markiert means

setting whom Cursor on The desired place

gives The Size the tuned Fonts back
gives The Fontgröße the marked Bereiches back

in the beiliegenden Minitextpad The new functions intergriert and
too there a couple Error bereinigt.
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

I have time my RTFHandlingsPCU of last year something extended. Download in the first Posting watts renewed. it get to the recently in the incorrect Rubrik geposteten PCU yet some Changes undertaken.

new functions

setting a Textstring according to Parameters either Unicodetext or Ansitext
can whom whole Text or only whom marked Text supplant.

fetch marked Text in a String, Unicode or Ansicode

Läd a Unicodedatei into Richedit

save each manner Text in a Unicodetextdatei
with the both functions can too Text konvertieren
Unicode loaded and normal abspeichern or Normaltext loading
and Unicode abspeichern.

Überprüft a String whether it Unicode or Ansicode is
basiert on the API "IsTextUnicode"
operates not reliably but recognize reliably a Unicode-File The with chr$(255)+Chr$(254) begins
Kopierter Text a Unicode-document or a Unicodestring won't always as such recognized

herewith can to the loading fixes go whether it itself circa Unicode deals.

The both middle-aged functions Uniload and textload discern now whether it Unicode is and loading properly

watts circa a second optionalen Parameter extended.
becomes only the lever the Richedits transfer appear one Ladedialog for a Image To loading.
becomes as zweiter Parameter the Path to one Image indicated, so becomes these immediate displayed
without whom Ladedialog.

further Explanations in the enclosed Documentation.
Please testing
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

Hello Dieter,
that with the Image insert goes Yes now wonderful, but unfortunately is a NEUE.rtf only with images not druckbar. it must mins. a Leerzeile created go. Lass it still whom users decide, whether it one leeres leaf print wants or not.
for interesting: I wished a screen-Hardcopy, The larger as A4 is, print. pressure over a not sichtbares RTF-Edit begot better Druckerausgabe as directly over @Create("hSizedPic", n1, s, DX, DY, n2).
interestingly too now The Unicode application. having there yet to that Test something lying (Screen.png) and could whom Text (Screen.pdf) -Error Message or is it the Text?- not reading. Dass the Text not Ansi and not Unicode was, could I check. what was is?

97 kB
14 kB
Gruß Thomas
Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2

Hello Thomas,

can you me these File with the komischen characters once zuschicken to that testing, not as PDF. such a thing could get out if the Zeichencode the File not recognized becomes, there then one Flag undefiniert is.
Related to the Print must I me time look at, if into a new file one Image eingefügt becomes, must at least one Return thereafter erfolgen,but no Leerzeile then becomes it printed.
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

Mach I, its a UTF-8.txt
Gruß Thomas
Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Georg Teles10/19/22
Jürgen Strahl08/29/21


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