
Arbeitsrecht survey Nebentätigkeit mostly allows?

must You a so-called "geringfügig entlohnten Beschäftigungen" go after?

(time independent of it, whether a Arbeitsverhältnis exists, or one claim)

If the most unproblematisch such "geringfügig entlohnten Nebentätigkeit" go after can, then had The XProfan.com still the means, with members z.B. on Base of/ one "geringfügig entlohnten Nebentätigkeit" a Arbeitsvertrag abzuschließen, z.B. if these Members a Added value produced having, the finally To reward is.

Also brings jolly Entries in the Lebenslauf.

sound very interestingly. i think I know what You vaguely mean. sure a section "Kaufladen"...

Kaufladen, where the vendors hinterm Counter the Programmer the Program is.

The vendors would How "üblich" at "Laden" employed.

The "Laden" would then probably the XProfan.com.

Can still certainly time a cost benefit bill make.

one could this additionally too of these Jobs [...]  link.

If Members offer, for a Power to numbers, ought to one Programmer these still on einfachstem ways and legally entgeltlich manage can, too without a "Firma" vorzuhalten, and ne Steuererklärung, and Rechnungsschreibung, and ne Inkassierung.

It can his the any hierüber only earn can, and its simply first as idea To understand.

Hehe, Arbeitsplätze create must we finally.

If to someone experience or Einspruch or a idea has, then would this here class Thread to that above replace.

i think simply on it, The Post Attachments dynamischer To gestallten.

so can then eachone verifizierte take on, for whom the Download ladbar is.

The Auswählbarkeiten could his: any (as now), only Members, only Verifizierte, only XProfankäufer Version >X, only Buyer Beitragsanhang XYZ.

whom Kaufbetrag places the poster z.B. themselves decide.

One Buyer finds your Tool, and buy it by Download of XProfan.com, after he pays has.

accordingly can itself for vendors too small Eurobeträge akkumulieren, and a virtually Auszahlungsvariante is too present. (means, hope I - becomes The survey "zeigen".)

would be of course semi crazy I for everything here reinprogrammieren should, but it would me finally too "irren" Fun make.

Perhaps no code idea. mandatory but not everyone, the employed under treaty has, Sozi-Abgaben take away, How to that example health insurance company, church u.s.w.
I can heavy present, that you deal these Abgaben herumkommt. Nächstes trouble, The payment the vendors. any equal to or to Wissensstand. gives it a rate.

... and for If Specifically a gewerkschaftliche Vertretung

are only so a couple thoughts moreover, what me spontan falls in.
Mit freundlichem Gruß

Sind schon viele erfroren, aber noch keiner ist erstunken !!

Have strain time with my Lieblingslohnsteuerbüro spoken.

round 30% entsprächen whom sozialversicherungspflichtigen Abgaben, The naturally done go must.

so the too Minijoblich remaining, must well one Wage per hour of 12 Euro not overstepped go - what letztendlich The duration the pursuit for a payment definiert.

we've well but too Happiness, because The Künstlersteuer, which likewise abzuführen is, entfällt well, or halving itself, if the Programmer his Künstlertun Mini-jobs ausübt. This will strain but very examined, likewise as cost, The for Abrechnungen come into being.

is correct already, the Verwaltungsaufwand per payment is under no circumstance beside the point, to that example The Lohnberechnungen and on- and Withdrawals with the Sozialversicherung and provide of "betrieblichen" Dokumenten How Arbeitsvertrag/Selbstauskunft etc. but for colleagues the XProfan.com We still nothing too bad.

remaining me only, Mechanismen to find, which these cost this possible lowly hold, z.B. because the Meiste possible automatisiert expires and hardly further menschliche Arbeitsleistung demanded becomes, circa Abzüge from the Programmierergewinnen To avoid.

I faith end has one about The Half "raus" from the, what added value produced has. The others Half becomes (probably) aufgefressen, but so similar is the indeed if one "selbst" by "Gewerbe" Umsätze score - think one at times the create of Bilanzen and on steer How Einkommenssteuer or Umsatzsteuer or or...

the everything setting naturally one partnerschaftliches together ahead.

be yet never of/ one nachgegangen ^^

You come into Steinbruch!

(the are The, The on XProfan.com The pixel from the wänden scratch, circa these on the large bunch To do, from the the dream made go... )

...and How behave itself the to the operator Your "Lieblingssteuerberaters" with Vollrentnern ?

PS: circa here vorzubeugen (Frank ;) ) - not filled pensioner, separate pensioner, The your filled old age pension relating and up to of/ one designed Größenordnung moreover earn can ! ;)

as Renter have you got but eh no Time to that program!

@Horst: just as! the "Voll" with Vollrentnern would only to that "Tragen", if it itself by more than a "MiniJob" deal would, lt. operator Steuerbüro.

Frank Abbing
as Renter have you got but eh no Time to that program!

something had Yes of your Page come. otherwise had I very gewundert !

@Horst: I wanted to you neither disappoint!


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