
benefit tappt im dunkeln whom Object Creator?


around the Object Creator längerfristig to develop, would I gladly know, whether it itself rewards whom grössten part of my free time To sacrifice.
where I it To dato very gladly make

Hello Roko.

I personally can whom [...]  only recommend! particularly Beginner, which yet something unsuspectingly in the items-world rumtappsen, can of ROKOOC only learn!


Freut me David,
as i to 3 years the first Lines the Rocs typed, I had this too as Beginner Program understood.
however are now soviele Objects and others Opportunities drin, that too advanced Roc benefit can.
because: I betone it here nocheinmal, that ROC no IDE is, separate The removal the first of Roland written Window- and Dialoghelfers.
one positioniere simply everything what needed, evlt. another couple activities add and then can in silence whom remainder by hand in the erstellten Source effect.
me personally is it aufjedenfall one honour, that Roland my ROC as official aide declared has and the gives me whom shoot very plenty Schweiss and Power into part To stick. i'm yet long not end.
on the Schluss two words:
a.) Roc is ausschliesslich in Profan written
b.) Roc is Freeware

Hello Rolf!

To of my blemish must I confess, that I your ROC only once short tested and then from subesquent Found never using have (How each others aide but too!!):
-I create for my programs no Programmablaufdiagramme, separate have almost each row with their vaguely network in the head. the goes but only, if I everything by hand write.
-circa later Programmstellen modify to, must myself understand, what there happens. with automatically erzeugtem View source engage I simply To little.
-Profan² is so stinkend simply, that I do not absolutely on aide dependent be.
-former, as kid, have I for me and my in-laws small books and stories written - today write I programs. Irgendwas must one Yes do, circa not utterly To verblöden . If I me the already extreme simple Profan² yet moreover vereinfache... - ...be I then with 60 at all still in the site my names To write? building now already vast ex! :roll:

your ROC have I in first local really SPITZE found and its the only aide, whom I me More as 5minutes respected have (and the wants already what hot!).

Hi AH,
Why To your blemish? is still beautiful, that You yourself at least moreover äusserst.
Nunja, myself was is sorrow each individual Pixel To to charge. should mean, that I do not each Text box o.ä. so create because I Coordinates set, then Interpreter starte, feststelle fit not ..... and always so moreover To it fit. the has simply what with Oberflächengestaltung To do. The remainder must naturally by hand program and be this holds the Hirn young. One Fensterdesign is means More Fleissarbeit, because Programmierkunst.
and here setting hold ROC (How I already öfters emphasizes have: No IDE - separate FENSTERDESIGNER) on.

but thanks for your response.

either take The people not hieran part, which ROC benefit, or I entwickele everything umsonst.
and the where I here my nerves with the Update so destroy.
means is ROC not at all so erwünscht ?

Hey Roc, in the silence lying The strength. Please no Verzweiflungstaten. I sags time so, what well is setting itself too through.


Hello Rolf,

is well sooner on the comfort vieler people lying, that you bzgl. ROC so little Feedback zugeht.

I yourself use ROC occasionally - however less, circa complete surfaces so zusammenzubasteln, as rather quick time a couple code-shred herauszukopieren. my Kursteilnehmer benefit of my Wissens to ROC in similar Nature and point.

Größeres Feedback by the ROC-User become You probably first get, if you a couple More Anreize to free registration einbastelst - about a longer Warteschleife, or defined functions are first in the registered Version useable, o.ä. ...

of my opinion to would not too much desires, if is a software free available set get and these nutzten would like, itself at least with of/ one Mailadresse at Author Register To let and short its opinion to this work of several -zigtausend hours To post.

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Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

have fully right Dietmar,
I Have already since längerer Time of these thoughts of/ one registration played.
ROC remaining naturally Freeware! however ex Version 4.0 can Neuerungen only after a registration carryed out go.
I have there namely always The supposition, I entwickele Roc for ca. 10 people.

Hello Rolf,

now will be times not same sentimental - or something like in the direction ... :roll:

for only ca. 10 people entwickelst You ROC guaranteeing not! From my jetzigen and former Kursteilnehmern benefit of my Einschätzung to at least 30 children, adolescent and grown-up your ROC occasionally yet always (it can however too integral More his). and Germany is known Yes something larger, as only our territory saxons circa Hoyerswerda around ...

who go ahead rotten or To easily is, you as Author at least one small FeedBack zukommen To let, the has it crept and simply not earn, one such lovely Tool How ROC free to that create eigener programs benefit To can!

On any Cases should You ex the next ROC-Version absolutely a vigorously Registrierungs-motivation install, if You really experienced want, How ROC itself in the running the Time common. because on other because of become You, the as Author probably never rauskriegen can. i'd on your place even yet a step go on and the each recent ROC-Reg-Key each more Update over ands over again overdue let.

Why should You as Author not the to be right To experienced (Privacy Policy there - Privacy Policy since), who your software free uses? and who itself you to from irgenwelchen Found not as ROC-User To discern give would like, the must even outside vorbleiben.

so simply is the of my opinion to!

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Hello Rolf!

If I the ROC know, knows it well almost eachone Profannutzer with Internetanschluß. here and elsewhere too Answer always The same people. If I therefore then The survey time statistisch auswerte and the number the Profannutzer with 4000 annehme, dürften MINDESTENS 500 people your ROC benefit. are the To little circa weiterzumachen??

I voice the simply time wertungslos To, Andreas.

Perhaps one small Fehlerchen of Roland, that it his Forum not on The CD presst. i know there's somehow ne offline-Version of Forum, but it should a Possibility give The people (particularly those which The Freeware of ever of/ one book-CD benefit) hither on the Internetgeschehen of Profan ranzubringen. If I me (more or less) vergleichbare Products anschaue (which I personally but not use) must I determine the its grown internet-Community explicit larger is as The Profanische. and it stick Yes somehow in the Humans the The Mundpropaganda one the most effective Vermarktungsstrategieen is. there it well sooner unusual is the one itself with seinem neighbors over Programmiersprachen maintains, ought to means zentraler Anlaufpunkt the internet his. accordingly would Perhaps too less Profaner in the own juice dahinschmoren. The whole thing go but of my opinion to some stones into lane laid. If I time of me ausgehe must I confess, that I The first me bekanntgewordene Profanversion therefore stored having (not program so starting) because me The Page of Roland not whom appearance mediate having one frisches and leistungsfähiges product To benefit, separate a old dahingewurschtelte box without target and professionellen Support. Irgenwie To private. it likes of course always people give which your rolls or cigarettes rather with Hans around the corner buy, but grundlos weg such Ladengeschäfte Yes not whom brook down. its the clinical-sterile-Professionelle which sooner free from problems whom market abräumt. I remember only too often on internet-Bekanntschaften which non-progger are, gladly but program could. I recommend fundamentally Profan in order to begin and verweise on The Download-Url. the Feedback which I then get is erschreckend, the Profan becomes not at all first angeschaut, because the Background To tatty appear. Roland lass me Please on the life for these testimony. thereby is Profan Real one Original and to a super-product, very How Roland. Roland but is Programmer, no Vermarkter, still its task would it itself not note To let. eachone ought to do what it best can.



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