
Done: Verständnisprobleme with Downloads in Threads ... ?

gives it Verständnisprobleme about Downloads in Thread with z.B. Program/Paketvorstellungen ? [...] 

here can above talked go.

Ne, then poste I mean programs only yet on my own pages and lose here no word drüber because one it here eh not herunterladen can should!

can You it me too begreiflich make?

understand the whole anyhow not.
my Progrämmchen are here always pictured and mostly too rates been.

Since I already long a Own HP have and the too so stay becomes, to the Download too furthermore always of of my Website erfolgen.
or is the now circumstance, here everything "abzuliefern" ?

is still Kinderkram.
are you so dependent upon the rating?
there's yet others items in the life The importent are.



are here Programmierhilfen or any programs, which with Profan prepares get and a Allgemeinnutzen having, meant ?

Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

I find it sooner unpraktisch, two Downloads anzubieten, here and on the Webpage. your argument with the Download-Counter is then frail, because the Ergebniss in each drop verfälscht is.
too faith I do not, that someone here Problems with the Traffic its Webpage has, only because it a couple Files to that Runterladen on its Website position.
Why reicht it mitunter not, if in a Community-Thread one Info on a external Download appear? who in the Community thereafter seek, becomes so still fündig. the users is it sure alike, where it The required data letztendlich runterlädt and the Community supply The Information, circa ans target To gelangen. give and take even. only take stops I for wrong.

only short: I close me here Frank fully with regard to content on.

Windows XP Pro, SP3
Jetzt: XProfan 11
Was ich liebe sind 3 "F": meine Familie, meine Firma, meine Freizeit.

Frank Abbing

the users is it sure alike, where it The required data letztendlich runterlädt and the Community supply The Information, circa ans target To gelangen.

Nö - i'm it z.B. not alike if I first 12 time clicking must and me through different Websites hangeln must - does me sorrow is Blödsinn. If here Program pictured becomes I will it here loading - and not first twelve pages later. bad Better get going yet if The Page not at all More available is - on my own to there were in the Community already dozens Examples because many Programmer simply z.B. its Page given has...

one must discern: a) Program (or whatever) here present and then too with Download, and b) on Own Website attentive make. Both To join nervt and bring a) already mentioned detriments and b) becomes the User not Your Page weg because of Eurer Page - separate only in order to SEARCH - and of course whom Download.

@Horst: you have not correctly. red!

It's all right not therefore, that it HIER ALLES Upload should - and NOT MEHR ON EURER SEITE - separate: WIE BISHER KANN JEDER ON SEINER SEITE present, whatever it would like. If it one Program too HIER present would like, then must it it too ZUSÄTZLICH HIER as Attachment deliver.


Frank Abbing
I find it sooner unpraktisch, two Downloads anzubieten, here and on the Webpage.

the must You Yes not, you have at least three mutants to selection and not only a!

a) on your Page, and in the Community with Attachment in the Vorstellungsthread
b) only on your Page
c) only in the Community

but: here present and only one Link on The Own Page - and not yet time one Direktdownloadlink separate just here gossip go on my Page and Search still..., that isn't More permits.

To often be I already on Downloadlinks gone and I only a advertisement seen because the Betreiber its Page shorted having. here remaining then the Garbage because itself the Betreiber not thatswhy kehrt - and a Download is not More - something like nerft me and I the now already often erlebt have would like I that here not.

I find but too, that if here someone his Program (or whatever) the Public present would like - the derjenige it too create ought to, it here to upload.

circa advertisement for Own Page To make stand here Yes dozens others mutants available - i want hold only not any more the both together combined becomes there imho the Werbeeffekt too ausbleibt - there How supra already erwähnt - the customer only on The Page goes around the Download to find, and not because of the Page self. the against is too no wirkliche advertisement, sooner aufoktruierte Abwerbung - gefällt me simply not and therefore schulde I the board these regulation.

differently said: the well all goes to the well the individual. additionally, I find neither the it your Unwohl is, Frank.

@Horst: your opinion is me How always important. can You it now understand I my? (and would You thereafter differently vote? [and unless, Why?])

Hello iF,

How would the in example with my XProfan-manager?

around the ca. 300 MB freitags of cabinet from by slow-DSL To update, lasts the now by FTP always concise 2 hours. If I that here too yet additional update should, then would one computer so whom whole friday evening blockiert. time integrally foreseen of it, that I somehow in recollection have, that here Mailanhänge only To maximum 50 MB (or so?) allows are. because our MMJ-HP Yes on Your Server lying, go therefore then over 600 MB instead of "nur" 300 MB verbraten.

If I here additional a Direktlink on the manager set (me would the really schnurzpiepegal), then go The Downloads still none counted, or have You there meanwhile what dran changed?

The Maxi-Version the DDR-Witzesammlung (with Vorlesen the joks) is too around the 75 MB big - the wären then twice gemoppelt again 150 MB - means the same thing in green.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Ändert itself garnichts, be because You can it only under

Mainpage » The XProfan-Community » Library » programs

sort. the namely should then just to

Mainpage » The XProfan-Community » Library » programs » externe Downloads

moved go.

No Einschränkung, additional Sorting.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Michael W.06/08/18


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