
How ye to that program come?


Hello people,

i'm of Nature very wonder, therefore wished I time ask, like her to program come are.

I Have started on my 386it with Turbo Pascal To program, because I next to the school plenty Time having and I irritable has, one computer instructions To and give Games To write, so are How I the wants. On Profan² be I random punched, because I two disks with Profan² 3.3 in the A&V erstanden have. then have I correctly. with Profan losgelegt, learnt, learnt, learnt and and sometime came then finally correctly. good programs out (naja, is my opinion).

Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

then, 1986, i was 8, there stood it, Atari800XL (schlechterer C64 aba C64 liked I never), no Datasette, already garkein Disklaufwerk, only the computer!  [...] 

what I had was manuals - what about me could already reading.

connected on a telly  [...]  the scandalous one Basic same to the switch on the Compi  [...] 

the Basic having 23 command oda so - I learnt quick that I the Compi something procure must so what happens - I had Yes weder software yet contact persons. I learnt So the I there a Own world create can - through input of command which mulish worn out get. the was So the most and verschaffte me quick satisfaction and komischerweise good notes in the school.

Later coming then one Atari1024st, the having then the OmikronBasic - what already explicit toller was! (with mouse unso)
Nochspäter was then one 386DX40 with 8MB Ram da - on whom wished I not at all ran! A buddy (Robert) - as the chance so will - bat me one Day To it with to dwell To come - he had NEN computer and could aba so nothing begin. Nuja - one SchneiderPC - but he had a floppy disk! I asked whether I these bear could. (it was well a inspiration)

home found I on the Disk TurboPascal5 TP5 and the was for me the tollste Basic what about me was at a single blow on whom PC tied.

I faith 1,5years later - as my parents erkannten that I because things produziere which otherwise not available were schenkten tappt im dunkeln me to that birthday and Weihnachen together (lying by me Yes tight together) belonging to the Time schweineteure C from Borland (faith). 280 disks, 500 Manuals! (jest!)

After tagelanger installation was is me then been successful The IDE To valet - But First could I not make friends.

Since I something older was knew I now but any Computerläden in the sew - and its owner. then gabs yet undertow. PublicDomain-Aparate - Aufgestellte computer where one one Program for 5 marrow on a floppy disk wander durfte. there one Computerladenbesitzer my skills about knew spoke it me on what about me ought to something program. the I did too! SnakeII! the game Snake2 the scandalous objectively on this Automaten To wander The in its Computerladen stood - and it was of me. I had but 2 months used - it meant the circumstance be it must in C written his. means setting I on the C wrote SnakeII!

I Have naturally never NEN Penny seen - was but voller proud and any Klassenkameraden mussten naturally in this loading Snake2 wander! Fair gestehe I gladly that I seither disengaged access to the PD-Automaten having - I durfte me with it wander I wished - for nothing.

in the meantime keen me sooner The direction something to develop what not only pub carryed out becomes - but what many people at the same time benefit can. the Web is here well-brauchbares networking

Tjoar - so wars

Nachtrag: Have strain time geschaut - my Dos SnakeII isn't the Snake2 what it today on the Web find gives find my SnakeII not really my SnakeII was but circa worlds rather than what it there nowadys on Snake2 gives! Graphic and of Fun since! not only my Ma gambling it until town red

How already famous is, I had then in of my boyhood one other hobby: bass in Metalbands.
I learnt my woman kennen, heard with the music on what about me swapped my Musikerausrüstung against a Amiga 500

there this but not my world was, purchased we in a mail-orfirm a 486it. after a long Time make friends with the thing, I thought me: somehow must but these Applications dareinkommen
I found Profibatch - a expansion circa Batch files with Eingabemasken motley and as Exe to create. Sometime: tedious.
I found Profan in a Perlzeitschrift and farming it me.
long Time and on my own learnt, because I knew the internet yet not at all.
Jo and accordingly are we in the present Time

Hi -
who knows as yet whom tailor-Euro-PC ? - Betriebssystem DOS 3,2 - the was the first PC with then new disks 720 KB ! - the drive was in the keyboard and a Steckplatz was ditto in the keyboard. The keyboard was namely PC - an externe Festplatte with 20 MB cost[ed] 1985 950,00 DM !!! and made a Heidenlärm - in the PC was GW-Basic and the have I mean first steps made...


How was yet same, achja, i was so 15, there has one Friends me a C64 get, and short Time later having both of us constantly before it hung and us mutual attempts therein To übertrumpfen programs and Games for To write. i was so keen, that I me To my next birthday/christmas (lying too near beieinander) a C64 desired have. whom Have I but never get, because my Father was (God dank!) the opinion one richtiger PC would much better, means have I a 386 DX with 25 Mhz and 2 (in Worten ZWEI) MB Ram get, achja and the having a 10 MB Festplatte, means the slippery deliriousness!
moreover there were DOS mmm I mean irgendeine 5it Version, Word for DOS, and Turbo Pascal.
and I Yes No further programs having, and No further Games, have I started me self to which write.
Sometime coming then windows (3.1 mean I) and diverse PD Zeitschriften (I faith DOS-Trend of Pearl was too thereby) and there was then sometime time ProBat on it, the found I genial. then coming a no buck on computer phase, and then went it again go, what about me have a Training to that Stattl. geprf. Wirtschaftsassistenten Schwerpunkt Computer science, and there have I then again Turbo Pascal and COBOL to do get.
then have I again a phase without plenty computer kram had, and I my Training to that Gebäudereiniger made. Well before and about 2 years I had suddenly want in a special Program, that I but nirgendwo get could. and there reminded I on ProBat. After some investigation Internet be I then on XProfan punched, and now be I again fully thereby.

the wars really already.

Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht!
- Ubuntu 15.x
- Windows (diverse)
XProfan Version: X2

the might at lunch in the 5. class been his.
I stood for Sport with one miner in the Warteschlange, there asked it me suddenly, whether I do not one own game make wolle. I affirmed. it meant, he had recent one Program found, with the the possible be.
the was of course yet no program, but it brought me moreover. in the 8. class wore I then into Netzwerg-AG one. These was, How itself later herausstellte, a Programmierungs-AG. So I'm then to program with Delphi come. beginning this year spoke me my Info-teacher hereon on, that in the sew one Another Programmier-course runs. on the afternoon the same Day, spoke me my mother's hereon on, that they in the newspaper red has, that in the sew one Another Programmier-course runs. there my mother's so well How never newspaper reads, held I this double tender for a divine characters and reported me on. so coming I to MMJ Hoyerswerda and was of/ one of Dietmars Jüngern.
Nico Madysa

circa 1965: electronics as hobby (first of all yet with tubes, soon but with the yet right teuren Transistoren, later KOSMOS-Kästen, even IC!)
circa 1971: I marvel in the fountain-catalogue whom first Taschenrechner for only 9999 DM (four Grundrechenarten, yet no Fließkomma).
ca. 1973: EDV-AG in the Gymnasium (first of all plenty theory in binary Zahlenssystem, then logische Schaltungen with Relays on huge Schaltwand)
ca. 1974: computer AG with Programming one Schuhschrankgroßen Olivetti-computers. input over Hex-keyboard, spending over printer. we program the calculate the root from two, what the computer then too in a knappen Minute hinbekommt.
ca. 1975: my first Taschenrechner. The new Mikroprozessoren are all Elektronikzeitschriften. To christmas sustain I one first Mikroprozessorsystem to that Selbstbau (4-bit-processor, Hex-keyboard, 4stellige LED-display, loudspeaker)
ca. 1977: the first Basic-computer dive into Geschäften on. prices ex 1999 DM up.
It's all right go
1980: with the ZX80 of SINCLAIR comes the first Homecomputer under 500 DM on the market, first of all in england. whom I will having. I buy me english Zeitschriften and begin me BASIC beizubringen. yet program I only with coolie and paper.
1981: Zelturlaub in England of my then girl-friend. I map The Urlaubsroute so, that the latest stay to the come in with of/ one befreundeten family the Campingplatz in cambridge is. Here The firm SINCLAIR ihren Seat and I buy me a ZX81, the straight herausgekommen is. I on the subesquent evening, the random too the Vorabend to LIVE-Übertragung the year (marriage of Lady D. and prince charles) was, with besagter Famile whom computer same try wanted and whom already wackeligen Antenneneingang the Fernsehers for good himmelte, wore not straight moreover with, that the Gastgeberfamilie or my girl-friend for my hobby warm could. my life on this evening verdanke I presumably solely the fact, that yet on the evening one befreundeter technician found watts, the the Fernsehgerät reparierte.
... and the Rest is story ...
BTW: If I correctly. rechne, begehe I in this Meet whom 25. anniverary of my first programmierbaren computers!
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

[quote:13e234e02f]I map The Urlaubsroute so, that the latest stay to the come in with of/ one befreundeten family the Campingplatz in cambridge is.[/quote:13e234e02f]

circa 1980: my brother what about me receive a Atari 2600, a the first Spielekonsolen on the market. with Pacman & Co play we so manchen Winternachmittag The thumb blutig.

1983/84: my Cousin sales us small money its Brotkasten, a C64 the first generation. Mitsamt Datasette and etlichen Kassetten.
During my brother its Spieleleidenschaft moreover deepening, find I the Commodore demonstration Up, up and away. A small Basic-Program, through which one ballon (hardware-Sprite) across whom screen fly. One verily einschneidendes Erlebniss! The Source fasciated me dermassen, I begin me with the Basic-manuals apart To settle and the Code strain.

1985: I sell my erstes Basic-Program (one game) on The journal 64it. and observe slow, that the Basic border staid are. circa better Games write to, buy I me of my earnings whom Hypra Assembler. Fortan program I almost only still in Assembler. Basic becomes but still needed, around the Assemblerprogramme into Memory write and to execute. Basiclader name itself the.

ex 1986: Etliche Games and meanwhile too Anwenderprogramme sell I different Verläge and Zeitschriften, z.B. Happy computer, Input64 and MagicDisk64.

1988: with the german armed forces marvel I the Amiga1000 one Kameraden. and beschliesse spontan, me soetwas likewise zuzulegen.

1989: I teste AmigaBasic and be masslos disappointed of this quite unfähigen Programmsprache. means buy I me whom Devpac-Assembler, the much better services leistet.
by degrees come into being a crowd Games and Anwenderprogramme.

1991: programs go always anwenderfreundlicher and this is one grosser Contrast to Programming with Assembler. means beschliesse I after a others Programmsprache umzusehen, The quick and confortable is. Wouter van Oortmeersens AmigaE comes me under The Finger and i'm keen. The Language is a Basic-dialect with Inline-Assembler. some programs and Games come into being.

1993-1997: my Computerhobby exit into background. there's wichtigeres. I program now only yet very seldom.

ex 1997: The Amiga is dead and mothballed in the wardrobe. I wanted to it really never, but nevertheless buy I me a PC.
slow wake my passion to Programming again. I see me some Programmsprachen on. E - find I do not. C++ - No! any Basicdialekte - No! what's this thing? Profan - No! Assembler? I see me whom NASM accurate on, then whom MASM. already rather. but Assembler isn't very appropriate to umfangreiche programs and Games. I find a recent Version of Profan, The 4.5it. on the second look still not so bad. To return in Form come, program I time one game so. Riskful, one risk-Klon. is been successful, but Profan coming already on its border, is simply too slow. meanwhile are my Assembler-Kenntnisse again wake. what about me beschliesse, both Programmsprachen To join. Profan + Assembler-Dll is vergleichbar with E for Amiga. Konfortabel and quick. The final combination beider Languages succeed me then with the XPIA. So I'm pleased.

sound everything very tensive!
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

Hello Jac...

well Yes, I Have strain seen, that I here yet fehle:
as i about 17 was (is the now really already 20 years ago ) have I a schulische Training to that Fachassistenten for Elektrotechnik made. in this welt have I, next to others useful Things, something C64-Basic learnt - on small Taschenrechnern mainly, a own (Basic-) computer having there really hardly of/ one. Although on this Rechnern only one ASCII Zeichensatz available stood and one The Pixel not particular controlling could, have we even small Raumschiffadventures or Jump-and-Run-Games hereon program (and that with 1KB memory ).

Similar, How I it today with TNT make, have I former integrally gladly with the C-64 memory herumgespielt and among other things a Byteflag found, the there Passwörter aufhebt and setting (I gebs To, I have deliberately thereafter sought ;D ). the was then integrally useful, because in the large Kaufhäusern stood everywhere computer to that try around - mere was in the rule the Programmiermodus unavailable, there one Password damage occurs was .

with right Computern having former never plenty on the hat (couldn't time whom Einschaltknopf find), To me my great brother to its Doktorarbeit its middle-aged 286iger PC as gift has.
circa there at all one OS draufzubekommen, had to I notgedrungen To my dürftigen Basic yet something DOS-Batch dazulernen. there The box already something older was, gabs ongoing Problems => So often times new installs, what my Kenntnisse there still something gefestigt has .

Sometime wished I the, I former with my Taschenrechner done having, too time with my PC do. through chance is me there a shareware of Profan² 4.5 into Hands fallen ... and there Profan Basic so similar is, could so did i same something so begin.

With me is the so with 14 started. I had me one book over Blitz Basic bought and attempts it me so yourself beizubringen. unfortunately having the no Erfolge what about me malfunctioned kläglich. then found my mother's in the newspaper the still subscriber for a course in the program with Profan sought go. hereon there be I To Dietmars truppe come and I with Profan began what integral rather was as me everything self beizubringen. now mach I a Training to that Informatikassistenten and learn such things How HTML and PHP. will be but my faithful to profane not lose.
XProfan X4; Win10 x64
Der Kuchen ist eine lüge!


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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