
In which shape uses your on the dearest Proceduren/functions


to- and detriments can gladly discusses go...

DLL wg.

a) factor speed wg. the Nativität,
b) the code becomes outside of their own Program carryed out what z.B. to follow may have the
c) if The DLL crashes not umbedingt too The Hauptanwendung crashes, (Own PID), or.
d) The side-effects of fehlerhaftem code wirken not absolutely the eigendlich Hauptprogramm from, and naturally
d) weils beautiful power

The disadvantage is naturally the one something mitsich lead must - alike in which shape.

salvo, iF.

unfortunately missing in your fragestellung the point class

therefore can I unfortunately nothing tick


too here would The question - The class in a DLL, PCU or Inc.


habs with moreover taken, Ragnar.


on the häufigsen building I me my functions self one, Search me The suitable ? Happen? and Parameter and use weder stranger DLLs, UNITS or INCs - for me is it particularly important, that I possible To in that smallest understand, I there do.

DLLs use I bislang only, if I in the principle understood have, what there runs, me but from Laziness Time in the development save wants. there it soon The Possibility gives with Profan2Cpp DLLs to create, will the but In any drop Change - building me The pair then self.

UNITS use I really never (have no XProfan), and will be tappt im dunkeln too well in future only very seldom benefit.

classes in Includes are for me on the praktischten, because:
1. Private Proceduren possible
2. Private variables possible
3. Source einseh- and evtl. anpassbar

On each drop Includes, I me then whom code standing and what dazulernen can.
Obs classes or functions/Procedures are is me alike.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...


I bevorzuge Include-Files, because these can itself with erforderlichen Changes (new windows-Version, etc.) too yet to years yourself adjust.

with the usage of Units or DLLs (of strange-Anbietern) is one for evermore and forever the can (sometimes but unfortunately too the Nichtkönnen) the jeweiligen Autors delivered. nothing is ärgerlicher, as if one in its Program a Unit or DLL uses, to the Program over years away hegt and care, and of now same position the author The Weiterentwicklung its Unit or DLL one (see z.B. The Power-DLLs, with which I as registrierter users to years unfortunately yourself integrally beautiful on The nose fallen be).

therefore use I meanwhile fundamentally only Units or DLLs of such sizes, which in the scene already since years a names made having. Units or DLLs of Sebastian king, Frank Abbing, David Strutz, Andreas Miethe, Rolf Koch (circa only time stellvertretend some Authors To name), set I bedenkenlos one or. would I anytime bedenkenlos use and others Profanern and my Schülern recommend, this so To do. because these Authors having long enough under proof set, that tappt im dunkeln not only Idea from the matter having, separate particularly too reliably your projects cherish and cherish. with DLLs comes hinzu, that some DLLS (z.B. ProSpeed.dll) for things unverzichtbar are, The with reinem XProfan derzeitig not yet so without further possible are. still here ought to one even thoroughly Verify, whether and ggf. on whom one itself dbzgl. forever bind (ProSpeed.dll was only an example been - on The ProSpeed.dll can and ought to one itself of my opinion to naturally bedenkenlos link).

I have large respect to such Authors, The your work others Profanern unselfish as INCs available to put, How the in this Community here weitestgehend normal is.

because eachone Author has sometime time small started and has the walk initially too mostly with unselfish Hilfestellungen and Source code of erfahreneren Programmierern learnt. and there feel I it as one characters charakterlicher strength, if then the former bloody Programmieranfänger to Monaten or years says:

you have me then at learn helped, well then can I you wenigsten a morsel of of what the give back, what your me then beigebracht and given have, what about me freue me above, if I now for may part interested Programmieranfängern with my Codes (z.B. in shape of my INCs) over the first Barriers help can.

One very nice example this is since kurzem in unserem Wettbewerbsbereich in the Rubrik INCs downloadable (graphic.inc).

If I in my Programmierkursen whom Teilnehmern defined Problemlösungen solely as PCUs available to put would, then hätten tappt im dunkeln me probably already long ago of fields coursed, because the Lerneffekt with of/ one such Vorgehensweise would known against zero tendieren.

often goes it whom Authors of Units of my opinion to mostly (but naturally not all Make) anyway just circa Geheimniskrämerei, Angsthaben to Einblicknahme in your Codes through evtl. erfahrenere Programmer, Vertuschenwollen of own smaller Unkenntnissen, etc., what now neither straight to that construction one well Vertrauensverhältnisses beiträgt. the contrary might sooner richtiger his. because if several erfahrenere Programmer itself a fortgeschritteneren code accurate look at, then can the author often yourself yet dazulernen. the would then means again one gegenseitiges give and take to that benefit all Beteiligten and in the Endeffekt for entire XProfan-Community.

One Paradebeispiel this might not lastly Rolfs ROC his. I suspect time, of ROC go yet generations of former Programmieranfängern adore. on the other hand had ROC guaranteeing of level since not whom standard, whom it meanwhile has, if the program its output as Unit spit out would, and if Rolf not The suggestions of others Profanern (means too reinen Profan-code) with the Weiterentwicklung of his Projektes had einfließen let can.

I know anyway none reasonable reason for, and so one Author, the a Unit ours Community free available position, not at least Interessenten on inquire too whom Source available to put ought to, sofern it from the quality of his Produktes yourself convincing is.

well - who believes, a Problemlösung successful as Unit vermarkten to (z.B. as shareware), the should the quiet try. still then ought to it itself nowadys very, very warm tighten, sofern it so in the XProfan-area not straight a Problemlösung develops has, to which The scene geradezu lechzt. because it might then only another question the Time his, To another erfahrenerer Profaner for this trouble the general public a INC available position.

herewith might I means for good as PCU-Hasser geoutet having - what about me schäme me therefore even not yet once for!

who from the PCU- or. XProfan-Unit-fans means, each hand fully API-Aufrufe only as compilierte Unit the general public available to put to, the ought to itself schnellstmöglich of fields make and his own Süppchen with of/ one others Programming-Language as XProfan cook!

would have been z.B. Timotheus (Author the graphic.inc) its Wettbewerbsbeitrag not as INC, separate as PCU uploaded, then had I zeitweilig any my others XPRF-projects rest let, what about me had these routines on some Abenden yourself nachgebaut and ours Community at least in similar guter quality as INCs available set.

For this expects Timotheus probably (gerechterweise), that his Posting, its INC (means its Programmierleistung) not only from the Jury-members, separate of possible many Profanern on marrow and Nieren tested becomes, what itself yet unfortunately very in border holds. Timotheus would like guaranteeing no unzähligen Lobeshymnen over its graphic.inc sung get, separate he's rather on it interested, that possible Bugs aufgedeckt go could.

On any Cases shining this XProfan namens Thimotheus whom Grundgedanken ours XProfan-Community utterly understands to have, what the gegenseitige give and take concerns - and the should We also furthermore as Community vorbehaltlos support.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Räusper, hochschieb, inerinnerungbring. comes already...

none likes my Units.

here Gibts what none wants:  [...] 

salvo, iF.




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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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