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| me weg The Stars from.
which Besteuerungsprinzip?
each Member gives once in the month a Star. 1.000 members yield 1.000 Stars Steuereinnahmen.
How go these Stars zoned?
Z.B. sortiert one The Members to amount new Posts the month's and cut The Nuller ex:
| | Beiträge Mitglied 10 Ich 05 Du 02 Er 01 Sie
00 Es -- 18 Summ |
1.000 Stars / 18 Posts = 55 Stars per Posting:
| | Stars Mitglied 550 Ich 275 Du 110 Er 55+10 Sie -- 1000 Summ ausgezahlte Stars, Rundungsprobleme zugunsten des Letztplatzierten. |
thereafter would too someone, the really rather only mitliesst and z.B. in 10 Monaten 10 Stars Steuerabgaben done has, self then already Steuereinnahmen receive, if it then time a only Posting verfässt.
at least would this principle well ensuring, I regelmässig one hübsches Sümmchen on my Stars-account have, instead of as now the Community-Hobo near To his.
Thread for, The none sense need. < -- Hinweis für die, die danach gefragt hätten und für die, die mir fast nicht geglaubt hätten:
- notariell beglaubigter Starsauszug - |
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Dietmar Horn | i was yet never big for a such (frühpubertäre?) "Stars-Manie" to have been.
who solches Zeugs to upgrading of his Selbstwertgefühles coercive needed, the should for may part so happy go.
there's wichtigere care and Nöte in the alltäglichen life, as itself circa a such "Bananen-Ankleberei" too yet NEN Kopp make To should - So how one as many as possible "Bananen" in the Forum on irgendeines its Ausgangspostings of others Members angeklebt get.
Greeting Dietmar |
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| > there's wichtigere care and Nöte
this is well true, here in this Thread having The but sure nothing to search! |
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E.T. | I geb you time couple "Stars", as Thanks for recollection on it, that this here Yes DIE (only) Possibility is, simply time THANK YOU To say. this becomes Yes often happy times forget .
[offtopic]Ohje, what Have I there again angezettelt... myself be of course The latest Time too sooner seldom here (or To ungewöhnlicher Time), but if I someone "helfen" can, then freut me "eine Banane" already, because I then too wisely, that I someone really help could... spare to the Motto: " here go tappt im dunkeln promt helped... " [/offtopic]
and what The others care concerns: are the : [...] our care ??? |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 11/24/09 ▲ |
| @E.T.: the beStarRe I you! |
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Paul Glatz | here time my Starauszug:
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| but What is because now with obigem Steuerbeispiel, hold the any for equatable? |
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| Have ne survey draus made, Please: vote. |
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Christian Schneider | as long as it with Stars remaining can I so well life ;) |
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