competition 2010

Regulars table


Regulars table Wettbwerb 2009-2010.

I find it thick the The Wetbewerbsbeiträge for this year To spätenstens 31.august eingereicht go must.

so severe becomes the sure none see, simply my wrote rauskritzeln... (bloss no Topic draus make...)

the comes of course not too often to, but this time must I vorbehaltlos the opinion of my / ours third MMJ-Lieblings-Paulis connect!

if not so severe seen go should, then ought to this Passus of my opinion to from the announcement ersatzlos gestrichen go! Klare Verhältnisse are always rather, as allgemeines Wischi-Waschi-Kauderwelsch-Blablabla!

we search incidentally yet XProfan, which do, in the Jury mitzuwirken and the programs To at the latest end january 2010 with To evaluate and einzuschätzen. informations Please here or by PM on me. The Bewertungsmodalitäten go again them of past year correspond to (see competition 2008).

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

standing not in the announcement, standing in the Description to that Thread.

Klare Verhältnisse are always rather, as allgemeines Wischi-Waschi-Kauderwelsch-Blablabla!

[offtopic]@Dietmar: Anzeigebug the yellow Box fixed - now should The Margins always voices.[/offtopic]

Hello Dietmar!

i'll as well as letztes year with Freuden me as Juror participate.
Nico Madysa

If you whom Juror-Eignungstest betanden have!


Paul Glatz, Beitrag=52486, Zeitpunkt=24.05.2009
I find it thick the The Wetbewerbsbeiträge for this year To spätenstens 31.august eingereicht go must.

because? an list of to- and Nachteilen, from the obviously is, that someone itself too thoughts made has, ought to of/ one Begründung not are missing.

Dietmar horn, Beitrag=52488, Zeitpunkt=24.05.2009
the comes of course not too often to, but this time must I vorbehaltlos the opinion of my / ours third MMJ-Lieblings-Paulis connect!

thereby had You it well hardly enough Time to that cogitate given, is me these your opinion already long ago from you by PM herangetragen been.

Wozu one everything a opinion may have, naja - if Space for is...

Klare Verhältnisse are always rather, as allgemeines Wischi-Waschi-Kauderwelsch-Blablabla!


If you whom Juror-Eignungstest betanden have!

Diesen MMJ-Eignungstest has my Lieblings-Nico already in the delicate old of 13 or 14 years to ca. 4 - 5 years successful bestanden! Anderenfalls had it then of me never and never ne Einladung to that to participate in our freitäglichen MMJ-Treffs in Lauta get!

but time integrally foreseen of it:

- too peon with something Idea of XProfan wären as Juroren for our XProfan-competition not unwillkommen: [...] 

because? with of/ one list of to- and Nachteilen, from the obviously is the someone itself too thoughts made has, ought to of/ one Begründung not are missing.

because Krümel of Nature überdurchschnittlich intelligently are, should You thoroughly of it go out, that between Krümeln and Hörnchens constantly a manner Gedankenübertragung (not only by Skype) existing. anyway shining Pauli on irgendeinem imaginären lane whom Content of my both last Mails on you come along to have. but because Krümel Yes not thick are, is the now time so, and one must hold so life can ...


we search incidentally yet XProfan, which do, in the Jury mitzuwirken and the programs To at the latest end january 2010 with To evaluate and einzuschätzen. informations Please here or by PM on me. The Bewertungsmodalitäten go again them of past year correspond to (see competition 2008).
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Dietmar horn, Beitrag=52495, Zeitpunkt=25.05.2009

Dietmar horn, Beitrag=52495, Zeitpunkt=25.05.2009
If you whom Juror-Eignungstest betanden have!

Diesen MMJ-Eignungstest has my Lieblings-Nico already in the delicate old of 13 or 14 years to ca. 4 - 5 years successful bestanden! Anderenfalls had it then of me never and never ne Einladung to that to participate in our freitäglichen MMJ-Treffs in Lauta get!

Derartige Eignungsergebnisse are particularly then not any more relevant, if these uralt are!

Dietmar horn, Beitrag=52495, Zeitpunkt=25.05.2009

but time integrally foreseen of it: [...] 

I know none this Strutzens, are not my. there's too none Web-Stammbaum the my Stammbaum describe or Strutzens shows, which I somehow know. there's too lauter Strutz-Websites, with all them have I nothing To do.

Dietmar horn, Beitrag=52495, Zeitpunkt=25.05.2009

Dietmar horn, Beitrag=52495, Zeitpunkt=25.05.2009
because? an list of to- and Nachteilen, from the obviously is, that someone itself too thoughts made has, ought to of/ one Begründung not are missing.

because Krümel of Nature überdurchschnittlich intelligently are, should You thoroughly of it go out, that between Krümeln and Hörnchens constantly a manner Gedankenübertragung (not only by Skype) existing.

Erstmal I'm going of at all garnichts from - and already not at all a itself in Posts darstellenden überdurchnittlichen intelligence, as they no Eigenleistung carry. ;)

Klare Verhältnisse are always rather, as allgemeines Wischi-Waschi-Kauderwelsch-Blablabla!


Derartige Eignungsergebnisse are particularly then not any more relevant, if these uralt are!

this is but already again cheese or. balderdash with Soße! your driver's license-Test to that example have You still certainly already to ca. over 10 years bestanden (what about me to nunmehr over 30 years), and You must so today nevertheless yet legally with the PKW on the way his, or? just as, How tappt im dunkeln you whom Lappen with verkehrswidrigem behaviour To eachone Time take off can, could I as MMJ-boss of now same each MMJ-ler from the association rauskicken, if it me for a occasion give ought to. to that Happiness had to I the schweren Herzens into past ca. 10 years solely one einziges time do (and the even unfortunately with my former Stellvertreter), circa yet far more damage from the total-Truppe abzuwenden. Nico standing but on any Cases to date not yet time roughly on of my launching-list.

Erstmal I'm going of at all garnichts from - and already not at all a itself in Posts darstellenden überdurchnittlichen intelligence, as they no Eigenleistung carry.

The real Krümel-qualities can You none kennen, because Pauli these not each Minute like a Papp-demonstration-poster to itself since carry, and because You it yet solely twice personally get to know or. experience durftest.

Aua weiha! this Thread is now certainly a lovely Steilvorlage for Nico & Co. let we of Nico surprise ...

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 


because? (Anm.d.A. because of the date To when The beiträge anzumelden are.)

known You, the concise 70% the Wettbewerbsbeiträge letztes year first ex to the Datierten Festlegung of these year eingereicht get? and ehr I had it really too not at all planned. If I on the 31.12. nunmal the desires have a Einreichung To make, I will the too without with the conscience make the it really wrong is.
@Dietmar: ought to I in january Time having then will be too I again evaluate want. (indicated How always without Gewähr)
Greeting Thomas
(The now his Skype entstaubt and consider How well his Password was...)
XProfan X4; Win10 x64
Der Kuchen ist eine lüge!

Thomas Zielinski, Beitrag=52498, Zeitpunkt=25.05.2009

Thomas Zielinski, Beitrag=52498, Zeitpunkt=25.05.2009
because? (Anm.d.A. because of the date To when The beiträge anzumelden are.)

known You, the concise 70% the Wettbewerbsbeiträge letztes year first ex to the Datierten Festlegung of these year eingereicht get?

These 70% having itself only a date held and its Yes not so, that it now no date More gives.

one has one year Time circa in a competition teilzunehmen, which one year andauert.

Thomas Zielinski, Beitrag=52498, Zeitpunkt=25.05.2009
and ehr I had it really too not at all planned. If I on the 31.12. nunmal the desires have a Einreichung To make, I will the too without with the conscience make the it really wrong is.

can You still Your desires (on the 31.12 a Einreichung To make) descendants, Eintagsfliegenprogramme as Einreichung for actually competition stops I still for groben Qualm - so these Einreichung into next competition eingeht where these then Yes well too rather aufgehoben is - after tappt im dunkeln ausformuliert watts. additionally, if you not angeplant had, then is the indeed only naturally, there the date 31.12 Yes feststand. (so to the Motto, former had we a emperor...)

it given a competition the functions has, the 1. wars.

since then having The, The to always schlau geregelt having, nothing geschafft and gerafft, The holding becomes only from whom fingers sucked - no Engagement (neither of Dietmar).

I have me the now a couple years angeschaut and no trouble so, moreover The fingers of it To let - but does still not as if the, what your umsetzt, functions... (and as would it one starres funktionierendes Gebilde the in none point touched go dürfe...)


on my own if I me on the latest time remember as i with a delicate suggestion one Topic impudent implied having... what have your there getobt only so your too beautiful whom already begot Garbage abgepreist get - and with rausgekommen is what To expect was... a couple Dreizeiler The The prices long ago not justify.

Ausserdem can some so slight nark, that it a sin would, this roughly unangestachelt unbeantwortet To let.

who To 31.08 not yet once a idea of it has (so that these simply pictured(!) go can (what it Yes only goes!)), what it because for then only yet 3 months dauernden competition program would like, the can its 2-Zeiler aufmalen and with whom Codesnippets take off or from it a 3 Zeiler make circa this in the next competition vorzustellen.

Time still time Your programs (Einreichungen), or there there about (yet) nothing (goto 50)?

@Dietmar: means really - what You yourself always beeindrucken can of many of my Texts, where I still weder Wettbewerbs-Initiator yet Wettbewerbs-Sonstwas be... If I write, The prices must To übermorgen submitted his, then is the similar To verwerten, as if one Verrückter its names into snow pullert, or as if I The Einreichungen instead of prices meant would have.

Klare Verhältnisse are always rather, as allgemeines Wischi-Waschi-Kauderwelsch-Blablabla!


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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