competition 2010

Regulars table

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Regulars table Wettbwerb 2009-2010.

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can You still Your desires (on the 31.12 a Einreichung To make) descendants, Eintagsfliegenprogramme as Einreichung for actually competition stops I still for groben Qualm - so these Einreichung into next competition eingeht where these then Yes well too rather aufgehoben is - after tappt im dunkeln ausformuliert watts. additionally, if you not angeplant had, then is the indeed only naturally, there the date 31.12 Yes feststand. (so to the Motto, former had we a emperor...)

really was Yes only one extremisiertes example... it went me Yes only circa a begründung Why such a temporal Begrenzung evt. not well would (at least say I not simply separate Have me what consider Why . means reg you not unnecessary on something like should unhealthy his ). Ausserdem is it still blamabel one Program anzumelden and it then still not To create. then still rather first something later tender if one itself sure is the it was becomes ;D .

Greeting Thomas
XProfan X4; Win10 x64
Der Kuchen ist eine lüge!

Hm, but look time, that are 2 Gegenargumente, its response the response on The Gegenfrage, in both Make not standhalten would.

circa not To say: 2 code Examples!

somehow be I probably To stupid, To old, To senil, or everything together. I kapiere simply whom sense and the Content this super-super-intelligently wirken (w/s)ollende komische kauderwelschig rüberkommende iF-Syntax not any more. If one over 50 years old is, then can even unfortunately everything a morsel of to ...
Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

Hello David,

if you the opinion are, that programs of relativen Programmier-Anfängern in the competition nothing to search having, then has the competition for me certainly soon so well How Done.

straight a such platform, How z.B. our competition can Beginner thoroughly sensible to motivate, because of us Erfolgserlebnisse organisiert go. clear, these my Logik has what with Methodik, Didaktik and psychology To do, what about me white from experience, that this not absolutely jedermanns thing is.

for the real Programmier-Profis under us was the competition Yes of beginning on too never virtual been. such people bustling itself on integrally others pointed around. and many of/ one of these self-appointed shining in another Forum even constantly Selbstgespräche to Selbstbefriedigung To lead. there are me Beginner 1000 time rather, which Real around the Programmierenlernen bemühen, and with them one year for year real Fortschritte see can. Examples this could I from ours Community several name, its development I during the past years even yourself miterleben and something mitgestalten durfte.

since then having The, The to always schlau geregelt having, nothing geschafft and gerafft, The holding becomes only from whom fingers sucked - no Engagement (neither of Dietmar).

the stops I almost for a verleumderisches rumour!

it given a competition the functions has, the 1. wars.

I see? can it Perhaps his, that on this 1. competition in the years 2005 almost solely my MMJ-Members teilgenommen had (except for a Placebo-subscriber of outside)? And whom go these people well before the program with Profan² or. XProfan taught get having? somehow seem You yourself with your argument here in the Kreise To turn, rather David!

try still simply time yourself, one bloody Beginner The Grundbegriffe the Programmierens beizubringen. there can You it tons of demonstration-Codes to whom Latz bang - the Result becomes guaranteeing same zero his and stay! then rather in small stepped Piece for Piece first small programs yourself develop (let), possibly even with entsprechender Hilfestellung. and primitive two- or Dreizeiler are the by far in the rule not. already none have I something like integrally Billiges in a ours recent Competitions as Einreichungen seen. for the Author yourself is the on any Cases always one Erfolgserlebnis, if it for its work at least a small reward and public interest undergo. but Sorry! the has unfortunately again what with Methodik, Didaktik and psychology To do, what evident not jedermanns thing is. under this Gesichtspunkten have I anyway our competition of beginning on seen and see the today still so!

If you me unterschwellig unterstellst, i'd The / my Jugendlichen moreover prod (whom competition involved) here as my Sprachrohr active To his, then are You quite schief gewickelt and have utterly no idea of it, How adolescent ticken! Also have I something like not necessary, because I can thoroughly for me yourself talk or. post - possibly too with longer More-kilometres-Postings.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

human Dietmar, no reason fürn Herzkasper!

and No, I am not the opinion, that programs of relativen Programmier-Anfängern, in the competition nothing to search having.

But if these relativen Programmier-Beginner only roughly so rotten are How I,...

Gegenfrage, bester iF, which motif schwob you because to, as You whom 31. august as cutoff date into snow pinkeltest?
you have right, weder The Wettbewerbsdauer yet one its Grundprinzipien has geändert; only have you got whom cutoff date me nothing, you nothing, moved (having want), what I do not so right einleuchtet, dieweil the 31.12 as end one year and at the same time end one Wettbewerbes still pretty einprägsam is.
The Problems giebt it still the unanimous opinion all to only two: Fehlende subscriber and fehlende prices. The lack on Teilnehmern lying, if because present, still only on missing Neulingen, what the (Un-)bekanntheit XProfans geschuldet is -- just as, How the lack on Sponsoren. means krankt the competition only on it, what the fundamental trouble XProfans is: we're no huge association, separate More a plotted community.

JahrgangPostsPosts of (Ex-)MMJlernPosts without Profis and Dreizeiler

These scheduler isn't aussagekräftig, The Kategorisierung erfolgte mere willkürlich.
Nico Madysa

i want none others cutoff date, cutoff date is to too no of me genutze Vokabel.

I have still same geäussert simply my wrote rauskritzeln... (bloss no Topic draus make...).

me self
so, now werd I IFs idea time rauspinseln ... 

Upps in the CE-mode :

...too by edit komm I Nich mere ...

Nachtrag: where is because now my voriges Posting, can I,may I because nothing More ??? 

9 kB
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...

E.T., Beitrag=52527, Zeitpunkt=26.05.2009
me self
so, now werd I IFs idea time rauspinseln ... 

Upps in the CE-mode :

The Text standing in a Posting, edit ought to functions.

If something not working as ought to, simply report.

integrally sincere, me schmeckt it not at all, that we to that end the Anmeldefrist 2 (in Worten: two) subscriber having.
means either we verlängern The terms until 31.12. or
we persuade at least Hans beast, its Lebenssimulator into 2009it competition To schmeißen or
I ziehe my Teilnahme on the 2009it competition back (and login me in the 2010it competition on).

because against nothing other as a Screen saver anzutreten schwob me really not till, as i my so long vorbereitetes and gehegtes proposition Atomforschung announced have.

of course meant Dietmar, The terms be already continues and iF meant, we should simply its wrote rauskritzeln un mere no Topic draus make, but into competition law standing still the 31.08. as cutoff date. and from Hansens Anmeldebeitrag goes clear forth, that little clear hervorgegangen is.
Nico Madysa

I denk time, that Hans purposely for 2010it competition posted has - unanhängig of it what where standing.

naturally can Hans its Wettbewerbsbeitrag along into whom 9it take - there has it The free electoral.

which Anmeldedatum counts now 31.08.09 or 31.12.09
Gruß Detlef Tussing
Windows XP, XProfan 10


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Jens Tiburski12/29/10
Detlef Tussing12/29/10


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