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Regulars table Wettbwerb 2009-2010. |
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| 31.12., 31.08. is voluntarily. |
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Nico Madysa | I can it to you assure: yet on the 31.08. telling it me, that it on the 2009it Kontest participate and itself point 20.00 watch register wished. i'm time tensely, when it these Lines here reads. |
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Dietmar Horn | Hello together,
these Verwirrung (the Wettbewerbsende involved) stirs therefore, because iF it not take let, eigenmächtig and without previous disputed with irgendjemandem whom 31.08.2009 as Wettbewerbsende To post.
How of me vorausgesehen, having we now whom lettuce, and hardly of/ one blickt dbzgl. yet correctly. through - except evtl. diejenigen, The each day here for hours online are and itself almost so know, How in the own sitting-room.
Per Mail got I into past Monaten some inquire, How with the the diesjährigen Wettbewerbsende (31.08. or 31.12.) because now be. I had hereon always answered, that it at 31.12.2009 remaining!
over again: The competition 2009 began on the 01.01.2009 and becomes on the 31.12.2009 terminate.
this closes not from, that we The competition law for future not together Change could - sofern it reasonable and The majority nachvollziehbare Argumente for gives.
but Please The regulate for competition 2010 not first then Change or. diskutieren want, after this competition on the 01.01.2010 already began has!
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 09/02/09 ▲ |
Dietmar Horn |
because against nothing other as a Screen saver anzutreten schwob me really not till, as i my so long vorbereitetes and gehegtes proposition Atomforschung announced have.
Hello Nico,
your Mißmut can I thoroughly understand - still if here simply as an afterthought and without previous disputed eigenmächtig new Appointments (of whom too always) during the ongoing Wettbewerbes into world staid go, then can I the unfortunately neither Change. this has this time sure not negligible to Verwirrung and reticence beigetragen.
I have reliable Info, that it To end the year too outside of MMJ yet something on Einreichungen give becomes.
yourself work I ditto yet in a own Wettbewerbsbeitrag for 2009, and of MMJ could evtl. too another Gemeinschaftsprojekt join.
On any Cases are the then programs, The something integrally beautiful over the level one Bildschirmschoners lying go.
I had of beginning on no Hehl from it made, that it me utterly not schmeckt, one Program already months before announce To must (who the of itself from do would like, the must the naturally gladly do).
because there can in the running the Time to the (vollmundigen?) Vorankündigung in the running the Time yet so much come between, of what keinem vorhergesehen go can. by me z.B. were the into last weeks unfortunately time again couple gesundheitliche Problems been, The me on it hinderten, zeitweilig so moreover on the proposition To works, How I the gladly wished (your MMJ-people had to the recently Yes unfortunately in Lauta miterleben).
or i think on XIDE, for here already to years(!) Beta-Tester sought been were, and to date is of it not yet time a rudimentäre Test- or. Prerelease showed up.
of my opinion to ought to one over ungelegte eggs not talk, separate so Waiting, until to some extent sensible hatched been are.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 09/02/09 ▲ |
| very, The people post no Wettbewerbsbeiträge because of the too confounding Appointments.
and to that hatch: Lass still The people over items talk, The not yet "ausgebrütet" are -> what should because the nonsense we're still no factory with Fliessbandarbeitern/Robotern. |
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Nico Madysa | big deal? my chance under whom best Dreien To disembark, is through your Teilnahme not Geringsten geschmälert! |
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| @Nico: be because naturally, You would not participate (can). |
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Nico Madysa | Boah ey, Why must The Sträuße always losbrechen, just after I something written have!
my message was no Schuldzuweisung on irgendjemanden, because for, that it so little subscriber gives, can well hardly someone etwas; I bezweifle too, that it on whom competition law lying, because against it having yet none something auszusetzen*.
Dietmar, iF has really number of times said, that we its regulation quiet Remove can, as they us not fit, would have You then not whom Posting, in the The regulate stand, simply adjust can?
IF (the i is only because of the Satzanfanges big), Perhaps could you in the Wettbewerbs- or Stammtischbereich a sachliche Discussion eröffnen, in the possible Regeländerungen for future Competitions ersonnen debattiert go can. (The idea, vorzuschreiben, what to program is, schmeckt me, after tappt im dunkeln such a long time Time gereift is, always rather) Per Adminsgewalt The regulate To Change is now already twice danebengegangen and You must admit, that The previous Satzung invincible simply held is.
*abweichende Einzelmeinungen possible |
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| see the ists Yes, "Per Adminsgewalt The regulate To ändern" is never something what me ever vorschwuuhhb. so think I do not time...
naturally but went regulate by Adminsgewalt durchzusetzen, but this is well into rarest Make somehow necessary. (not confuse with: Yes but then... Discussion)
I must still only unfortunately zusehen, How feeble-minded unproduktiv with "3 Sätzen" umgegangen go can. |
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Dietmar Horn |
would have You then not whom Posting, in the The regulate stand, simply adjust can?
@Nico: you should only over things post, of them You The genaueren Zusammenhänge know. to years I had me time allows, one Postimg of iF To edit (or quite inadvertently deleted?). thereafter was my Admin-Account of Script first time automatically blocked been.
iF has really number of times said, that we its regulation quiet Remove can
i think time, who his Posting correct or complement would like, the can the To eachone Time yourself do, moreover must one not yet time Admin or Moderator his.
yourself editiere I fundamentally only stranger Postings or pieces of it, sofern tappt im dunkeln eindeutig against the community-regulate verstoßen. and the was here eindeutig not the case been.
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 09/03/09 ▲ |
Dietmar Horn |
IF ..., Perhaps could you in the Wettbewerbs- or Stammtischbereich a sachliche Discussion eröffnen, in the possible Regeländerungen for future Competitions ersonnen debattiert go can
To such Diskussionen and Vorschlägen call I but already since years over ands over again (unfortunately in vain) on!
everything nachzulesen into Wettbewerbsbereichen the past years - sowohl to the competition law, to that Bewertungsmodus, to Zusammensetzung as well as to own Mitwirkung in the jährlichen Wettbewerbs-Jury!
and What is thereby yet on Konstruktivem herausgekommen? so well How nothing!
The Possibility to sachlichen Discussion there means here already of beginning on - or?
this is still just as How in ours MMJ-group: If it to a trouble under 10 members 20 different opinions gives, then must it in the Endeffekt a "Oberleithammel" give, the strength its Wassersuppe The Zielrichtung and the temporary regulate festlegt (if need be in manchen eyes "diktatorisch" wirkend), so it in the actually situation at all in the interest the joint thing sensible go on can (and the one sufficient dickes fur has, circa afterwards of all "Besserwissern" The Dresche einstecken to). The only alternative to would The, that then under of/ one such "Schein-Demokratie" The Karre entire against The Wand drove go would or. drove been would.
whether such momentarily encountered "Diktatur"-decisions for all Ewigkeiten correctly. are and dauerhafteren Bestand having go or not, the standing on one integrally others leaf written. Error are so known for there, so tappt im dunkeln made go can.
but first always The tab hold and weder "Muh" yet "Mäh" to a Topic say - well lovely! and afterwards can then eachone Duckmäuser "klugscheißen", that it the everything Yes already of beginning on plenty, much better known have. well super-cool and super-lovely!
look(t) still time, who z.B. of ours first Wettbewerbsjury yet übriggeblieben is and to whom whole years as always to bar holds: Rolf Koch what about me in each year! All other "Ehemaligen" having itself still by degrees from the Jury verkrümelt. withal of my ständigen Aufrufe to Mitwirkung!
Greeting Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...] Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...] | 09/04/09 ▲ |