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Jörg Sellmeyer | after I dank iF understood have, that the Faltungen certain lines-code punched go have I time drangesetzt and a expansion written. The Keywords must in the Navigationsliste present his.
After whom Global Deklarationen these procedure insert: CompileMarkSeparation
Proc FoldMe
Parameters FoldTag$
$D ,FoldTag$
Case FoldTag$ = :Return
If (Left$(Upper$(FoldTag$),5) = PROC ) | (Left$(FoldTag$,2) ={)
Declare z%,z$,s%
WhileLoop (GetCount(Navlist&) - 1),0,-1
If Upper$(Left$(z$,Len(FoldTag$))) = Upper$(FoldTag$)
If Edit#[AktTab%].SciMessage(~SCI_GETFOLDEXPANDED, &loop, 0)
SendMessage(Edit#[AktTab%].Handle&, ~SCI_SETSEL, 0, 0)
z% = Edit#[AktTab%].SciMessage(~SCI_GETSELECTIONSTART, 0, 0)
z% = Edit#[AktTab%].SciMessage(~SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, z%, 0) + 1
Edit#[AktTab%].SciMessage(~SCI_TOGGLEFOLD, z%,0)
MessageBox(Nur Prozeduren können gefaltet werden oder Kommentare, die mit q{q beginnen!,Code falten: falsche Eingabe,~MB_ICONEXCLAMATION)
in the Main Menu (best in the Poup Options) the following insert: CompileMarkSeparation in the Hauptschleife:
under MenuItem(202) and MenuItem(232) (File/proposition open) CompileMarkSeparation now go comments, The with {- begin, at Open same gefaltet.
below MenuItem(640) CompileMarkSeparation now go with Strg + F4 any Procedures gefaltet and MenuItem(642) can one Text indicated go the gefaltet becomes (presupposed he's in the Naviliste and begins with Proc or {).
I finds very useful, there one so finished Procedures or Codeteile with suitable Tags slip can and at Open only yet a überschaubaren area To see get.
Greeting Jörg |
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