XProfEd - Opensource IDE

0.99a -> Bugmeldungen

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yet present:
Syntaxfarben go at erneutem Start the Editors not restored. Korrekte Speicherung results of course (Have in the Registry nachgeschaut), but at Start writes it any Defaultwerte back
Habs then again whom Source changed to that testing:
Print Val(ReadIni$("HKEY_1","SoftwareRGHXProfanXProfed","cNormal"))
Print %Error
yields always 1 !!!
WinXP per SP2

Syntaxfehler in LetzteDateien.inc
row 117 sounds:
!Case FileExists(Mid$(File$,2,Len(File$)-2) : .AddFileName(File$))

correctly would:
!Case FileExists(Mid$(File$,2,Len(File$)-2)) : .AddFileName(File$)

probably new:

with clear unchanged tab(s) becomes at terminate nachgefragt, whether Save.

Schriftdialog gives Error Message
Syntaxfehler in XProfEd.prf
row 2265 sounds:
!WhileLoop 0%, MaxTab%  <-- percent behind 0 wrong

LetzteDateien observes itself only Files, The over File Open opened get. Per Commandozeile übergebene go ignoring.

Strg-X cut from and wants then Save

I hope the relieved The Fehlerfindung a little bit

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yesterday is me with another of my programs yet noticed, that all LoadFile-dialogs on one Win-95-computer not any more funktionierten. it erfolgte solely one kurzes Aufblitzen, like at XProfEd. but even not all Win-95-Rechnern.

therefore shining me the soon quite no XProfEd-bow To his, separate one integrally übler and hinterlistiger XProfan-bow (see my other Posting to that Nichtstun of/ one of my EXEn).

if itself dbgl. Lösungsansätze develop should: in this PC-cabinet with the Win-95- and Win-98-Rechnern are we always only each friday of ca. 15 watch To midnight, where we then however same on 15 z.T. different configured PCs testing could.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

even is me noticed:

If I with Strg+X a Text ausschneide, comes the window File is changed been. should stored go? - alike, whether I now Yes or No anklicke, The File closed what about me must tappt im dunkeln new loading. - Version 99b(the second)

at that change the Schriftgröße comes The Message of/ one not declarierten variables.

Variable not declared: 0%
row 3203

Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht!
- Ubuntu 15.x
- Windows (diverse)
XProfan Version: X2

not really one bow.

If one with the mouse a Double-click on one word power becomes the markiert,
if it itself circa a variable deals becomes the Postfix not mitmarkiert.

leaves itself on this behaviour something Change?
is Yes How said no Error I the really in each editor so know, but true of my opinion after a angenehmes feature or?

Ich lerne, ob ich will oder nicht!
- Ubuntu 15.x
- Windows (diverse)
XProfan Version: X2

[quote:b2534f1543]at that change the Schriftgröße comes The Message of/ one not declarierten variables. [/quote:b2534f1543]
[quote:b2534f1543]even is me noticed: If I with Strg+X a Text ausschneide, comes the window File is changed been. should stored go? - alike, whether I now Yes or No anklicke, The File closed what about me must tappt im dunkeln new loading.[/quote:b2534f1543]
These both Bugs get in this Forum already gemeldet. Doppelmeldungen are not necessary! naturally go tappt im dunkeln in 0.99c fixed his!

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

[quote:7efbea410d=Jörg Sellmeyer]it'll always automatically the latest proposition loaded. the would too another drop for Options.[/quote:7efbea410d]
remember me Please once more on it, if XProfed to the Release of XProfan 10 into next round goes. How I already wrote, is a explicit erweiterter Options Dialog my first wish.
If I yet everything einbaue, what me and you falls in, then becomes XProfan 10 with XProfed 1.0 for XProfan 10 never ready.

therefore counts: The status is feature Complete! and it go only yet real Bugs sought and eliminiert!

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

[quote:b67ex5afe1=Dietmar horn]therefore shining me the soon quite no XProfEd-bow To his, separate one integrally übler and hinterlistiger XProfan-bow (see my other Posting to that Nichtstun of/ one of my EXEn).[/quote:b67ex5afe1]
I look time to, though I with LoadFile$ really nothing changed having ..

[quote:b67ex5afe1]if itself dbgl. Lösungsansätze develop should: in this PC-cabinet with the Win-95- and Win-98-Rechnern are we always only each friday of ca. 15 watch To midnight, where we then however same on 15 z.T. different configured PCs testing could.[/quote:b67ex5afe1]
Vielen Thanks! i'll hereon get back! my ältestes Betriebssystem, I here to that testing have, is windows 98 SE. (presently entwickle I under windows 2000 and teste on demTestrechner under How to remove and windows 98 SE.)

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

- Page 5 -

What the Problems with Win95/Win98 in reference on the Loadfile$- and Savefile$-dialog concerns, so lying it weder on the Lexer, yet on the XProfed yet on XProfan self, separate on Borland TurboDelphi: If I XProfan with Delphi 5 beget works everything, as should, too under Uralt-windows, but if I TurboDelphi take, settle The named dialogs from.
I fürchte, there remaining for the time being only The returns To Delphi 5, even if XProfan with TurboDelphi created faster is.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Puh, the was but a schwere birth: The Loadfile-bow is found and vernichtet!

what was is?

Microsoft has The LoadFileName-structure ex windows 2000/XP circa little Bytes extended. this is on itself no trouble, there one Yes when calling The Size the verwanden structure with angibt and it windows 2000/XP not disturbing, that the restlichen Bytes not filled are. the must indeed so his, otherwise would The whole Win95-programs with Load-/Save-Dialogen under 2000/XP not any more functions.

now comes Delphi in that game: Delphi 5 knows The old Strukturgröße and using only these. As I said: this is for Win2000/XP indeed no trouble. here's means yet everything in Butter. now use I TurboDelphi. and TurboDelphi has in its Library only the new more structure. this is well for Win2000/XP, but Win9x recognize, that the structure To big is and leads the appeal the Dialoges simply not from.

OK, now have I The Strukturgröße again aufs old measured minimizes, I The additional Parameter eh not need, and already works it again the neighbour .... pardon: with Win9x! and we can at faster TurboDelphi stay.

Langer speech kurzer sense: XProfed 0.99c can also again under all Windowsversionen and the same counts for XProfan 10 RC7, that I hopefully yet this weekend on the lane bring!

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

[quote:bd6f8eba3e]These both Bugs get in this Forum already gemeldet. Doppelmeldungen are not necessary! naturally go tappt im dunkeln in 0.99c fixed his!
Sorry - i'll never again meckern !

[quote:a4db23761f=Horst horn][quote:a4db23761f]These both Bugs get in this Forum already gemeldet. Doppelmeldungen are not necessary! naturally go tappt im dunkeln in 0.99c fixed his!
Sorry - i'll never again meckern ![/quote:a4db23761f]
hey, hey, hey! You should naturally meckern, if you yet unknown Bugs find. but I find it with this not straight madding speedy Forum something costly, if the same Bugs in unterschiedlichen Threads gemeldet and be I then on thousand to put Answer must, that the bow famous and resolved is. in this Time could so did i again new Bugs ... pardon: Features in XProfan install. ;)

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

If I one new Editortab beget and then a File open, becomes this new Edit supplant by the new file (even if I already what reingeschrieben have).
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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