XProfEd - Opensource IDE

0.99c -> Bugs

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at that Closing over any Files close becomes The Navigationsliste not geleert.
If I a File by DragnDrop the Editorfenster ziehe changes itself of course the Cursor but otherwise happens nothing at release.

-standing already as latest Message under 0.99a but nevertheless:
If I one new Editortab beget and then a File open, becomes this new Edit supplant by the new file (even if I already what reingeschrieben have).
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

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Well! means the whole is still seeehrrr freshly!

me gefällt the { neither absolutely, the Remmen of XPSE-Kompilerschaltern means nähhmlich Faltung. clear could I look whether to the { one $ comes, but...

Perhaps should we one other Faltmerkmalum use, ie + kontra -


So I find The electoral of { and } as always very well, there usually no human The fingers for a AltGr-characters, even { and }, verrenkt, if it not absolutely necessary is and these Zeichenkombinationen too in none others Programming-Language vorkommen.
The problem exit still solely with whom of me semiautomatic from Delphi konvertierten *.ph-Files on. would be it there not logischer, if I for worry, that these combination into mitgelieferten *.ph-Files not any more vorkommt?
and who from the Subscription-Customers the same manage wants: piloting turn off, *.ph-File loading and { in the whole File through _{ supplant, where the Unterstrich here for a space standing.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Yes, it would logischer.

If I right entsinne use I then (TP5) { } for MultiLineRems and Kompilerschalter - and somehow - ähm - means I verrenke me nothing thereby - have but too long fingers!

The drop that I in the C the Char (sooner Constant) { or } bezeichne comes therefore sooner seltener to - so seen comes The Zeichenkombination objectively too in others Languages only very seldom to.

means, it deals not straight circa Bugs, but two ask have I already:

1. If I in editor-Window Strg+Q or. Strg+E press, attend so komische characters in them then DC1 or so
standing. what means the?

2. Why go declare , parameters and return as Procedures markiert? I have the ever as structure-command
understood. and in others Editoren How ProfPad and PrFellow get tappt im dunkeln too always just as How if & Co. markiert.

3. is the beabsichtigt, that eigentliche functions (z.B. Pi() or hardship() ) as antiquated marked go, once
one tappt im dunkeln from slip as Procedures writes?

4. is yet niemandem noticed, that hexadezimale numbers ( $1086 in example) not as numerische
Literale marked go, or is it solid?

5. Why go dbCreate, dbGet$, etc. as antiquated marked, where XProfan10 not yet time showed up is?

otherwise has me the XProfed meanwhile fully convincing. (Since I wend from the list the antiquated command taken have )
Nico Madysa

[quote:4f6dfc6d76=Nico Madysa]but two ask have I already:[/quote:4f6dfc6d76]
where have You count learnt? ;)

[quote:4f6dfc6d76]1. If I in editor-Window Strg+Q or. Strg+E press, attend so komische characters in them then DC1 or so standing. what means the?[/quote:4f6dfc6d76]
the are Steuerzeichen (Controlcodes), The no weight having. Scintilla.dll position tappt im dunkeln from me nichtb ekannten Found so dar.

[quote:4f6dfc6d76]2. Why go declare , parameters and return as Procedures markiert? I have the ever as structure-command understood. and in others Editoren How ProfPad and PrFellow get tappt im dunkeln too always just as How if & Co. markiert.[/quote:4f6dfc6d76]
there are of course important command, but no Strukturbefehle, there siew no Kontrollstrukturen einleiten or terminate.

[quote:4f6dfc6d76]3. is the beabsichtigt, that eigentliche functions (z.B. Pi() or hardship() ) as antiquated marked go, once one tappt im dunkeln from slip as Procedures writes?[/quote:4f6dfc6d76]
Yes, the points here daruf there, that is a function inadvertently as procedure using.

[quote:4f6dfc6d76]5. Why go dbCreate, dbGet$, etc. as antiquated marked, where XProfan10 not yet time showed up is?[/quote:4f6dfc6d76]
XProfed is likewise How XProfan 10 in the Betaphase and becomes first with XProfan 10 offziell delivered. XProfed 1.0 for XProfan 10 won't with previous XProfan-versions cooperate can, since the Übergabe of relative Runtime and Path to Include Files not any more over The profed32.ini erfolgen becomes. (in the actually Betaversion is it though yet so.)

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

@Nico Madysa: look you times the Description on:  [...] 

OK, thanks for Answer!

P.s.: I have whom Text short to end the Hofpause written and the speedy have I forget, the two in five umzuändern.
Nico Madysa

[quote:f0399e3682=Nico Madysa]short to end the Hofpause[/quote:f0399e3682]
the hears itself so to clink on
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

after I with Strg + T a block auskommentiere, is in the Clipboard only yet the Kommentarzeichen b.z.w. the Text whom I there association have.
I can not present, that the so pseudo is

Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

[quote:c80c24a5bd=Jörg Sellmeyer]after I with Strg + T a block auskommentiere, is in the Clipboard only yet the Kommentarzeichen b.z.w. the Text whom I there association have.
I can not present, the that so pseudo is[/quote:c80c24a5bd]
by me is the already not any more so! i think, on the weekend there 0.99d (together with RC8).

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Hm means if I me not crazy then missing since Anbeginn the Source one complete Endif in the Hauptroutine!

[quote:e3d4291ff1=iF]Hm means if I me not crazy then missing since Anbeginn the Source one complete Endif in the Hauptroutine![/quote:e3d4291ff1]
where very?

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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