XProfEd - Opensource IDE




is sure one lovely Program and becomes for me one reason his, me of PrFellow-editor To separate. once Search & supplant functions, I will probably transfer.

particularly The Plugin-interface is a swell thing. Evtl. could it there with strange-PRCs prospective Problemchen give, because the 9it Runtime loudly Roland not any more with older PRCs zurechtkommt (?).

a couple suggestions:

1. whom appeal the Compilers over a manner WinExecWait find I less been successful. with more Codes can the Compilieren already time some minutes last. During this Time would I gladly on the code weiterarbeiten want.

2. I miss The Options
Compile & Link
Compile & Link & Execute

3. with with XPSE started ought to subsequently (optional) too same the Interpreter with the PRF as Parameter called go can, without that one in the code The suitable XPSE-Direktive stand having must. Perhaps could David there Yes XPSE a manner Errorlevel give back let, if no Error found go could.

4. by me becomes to the Compilieren the Runtime not found, though it in the Ini correctly. registered is.

5. If one whom code sometime too yet fold could, might for Niemanden More one lane on XPrfEdit vorbeiführen.

6. Comment of several Codezeilen, How with PrFellow.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

straight noticed:

7. If I several PRF-Files loaded have, then becomes the Interpretermodus to F7 only the first File automatically launched. with whom others becomes always only the LoadFile-dialog the Interpreters called.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

[quote:25ffcb2b05=Dietmar horn]Hello,

is sure one lovely Program and becomes for me one reason his, me of PrFellow-editor To separate. once Search & supplant functions, I will probably transfer.[/quote:25ffcb2b05]Beautiful To listen
[quote:25ffcb2b05=Dietmar horn]
particularly The Plugin-interface is a swell thing. Evtl. could it there with strange-PRCs prospective Problemchen give, because the 9it Runtime loudly Roland not any more with older PRCs zurechtkommt (?).
[/quote:25ffcb2b05]will be somewhere on it allude only The 8. Version for XProfan to use. All other Plugins go well a Extra-Vermerk at Plugin require. The extensions for Plugin-interface go probably only XProfan 8 compatible his, so there only simple Profan-Plugins possible are. Genaues white I but first, if The Plugin.pcu began watts. might his that I too a similar Include-File for Profan 7 veröffentlche. As I said, genaues later.
[quote:25ffcb2b05=Dietmar horn]
a couple suggestions:

1. whom appeal the Compilers over a manner WinExecWait find I less been successful. with more Codes can the Compilieren already time some minutes last. During this Time would I gladly on the code weiterarbeiten want.
[/quote:25ffcb2b05]If You really can, is no Wait drinnen. once the Compiler with Options called watts, runs the editor moreover. this lasts but objectively a small momentum, will be time see whether I the appeal in a Thread lay. unfortunately is PureBasic in the momentum not yet Threadsicher, comes well first in the next Version, therefore avoid I Threads really.[quote:25ffcb2b05=Dietmar horn]
2. I miss The Options
Compile & Link
Compile & Link & Execute
[/quote:25ffcb2b05]so did i , should into Compiler-Options, The at the same time a manner Projektverwaltung darstellt. any Settings should in a Zentralen-data base stored and be immediate to the loading of/ one File again available stand. mandatory one only any couple months times the data base telescope, circa not any more existing Files delete. a couple Proposals to Search I yet, before I it umsetze. white too not yet in welchem stature, SQLite, MDB or DBase. DBase bid itself of course on, can I but only Mithilfe the Cheetah.dll umsetzen (PureBasic can no DBase (only over ODBC :? ).
[quote:25ffcb2b05=Dietmar horn]
3. with with XPSE started ought to subsequently (optional) too same the Interpreter with the PRF as Parameter called go can, without that one in the code The suitable XPSE-Direktive stand having must. Perhaps could David there Yes XPSE a manner Errorlevel give back let, if no Error found go could.
[/quote:25ffcb2b05]good idea, will be me ifs so far is with iF kurzschließen
[quote:25ffcb2b05=Dietmar horn]
4. by me becomes to the Compilieren the Runtime not found, though it in the Ini correctly. registered is.
[/quote:25ffcb2b05]can I in the momentum not understand, will be but one eye on it throwing.

[quote:b85df52935=Dietmar horn]straight noticed:

7. If I several PRF-Files loaded have, then becomes the Interpretermodus to F7 only the first File automatically launched. with whom others becomes always only the LoadFile-dialog the Interpreters called.

Dietmar[/quote:b85df52935]Habs now with 10 Files with File Open and Drag and Drop aufs Icon tested, could nothing check. Have unfortunately only a computer to that testing, could one Timing-trouble his, by me go any Events processing. which windows-Version setting You one.
having yet others similar items watch. Please then here Post, best Number of Files, vaguely Size and How opened watts.

>> 1. whom appeal the Compilers over a manner WinExecWait find I less been successful
Nachtrag: Have me geirrt, changed Exe becomes in 5 minutes as Extra-Update available stand. at that copy and Insert ought to I rather pay attention

To 7. have it in the PC-cabinet under Win 98 tested. To dwell can I it yet under ME and XP-Home testing. becomes but today first later, or then tommorrow.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

>> particularly The Plugin-interface is a swell thing. Evtl. could it there with strange-PRCs prospective Problemchen give, because the 9it Runtime loudly Roland not any more with older PRCs zurechtkommt (?).

i'll time see, whether I with the aide.exe too klarkomme for my think about, then are some the Addons of PRFellow too useable. white someone which Runtime-Version the aide.exe corresponds to ?


aide.exe is of my Wissens still only a umbenannte prfrun32.exe.

means simply a Test.prf write:


The Test.prf with anybody PRF-Version < 9 compilieren,

then aide Test.prc and the part should then Yes The PRF-Version spend.



aide.exe is of my Wissens still only a umbenannte prfrun32.exe.

means simply a Test.prf write:


The Test.prf with anybody PRF-Version < 9 compilieren,

then aide Test.prc and the part should then Yes The PRF-Version spend.

Dietmar[/quote:a0de785755]Schein so not To functions, war only The Message: Program-File defective. means as Runtime can The aide.exe itself anscheinen not bring into action, or I put me dämlich on

After the last little Update, think I the Plugin and Runtime trouble first resolved to have. and the Original-aide functions now too wonderful, after tappt im dunkeln into Plugin-Ordner copies get.


I habs straight with the aide.exe of Profan 6.6 ausprobiert. you mußt naturally The Test.prc too really with Profcomp.exe of PRF < 9.0 compilieren, otherwise comes The from you named Error Message (if need be even to safety again with a Hex-editor in the Test.prc nachschauen, whether You really < 9.0 erwischt had)..

with aide.exe Test.prc gives itself aide.exe by me in the messagebox with Version 6.5ß To discern.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

i'll well in the future Help on it allude, the for XProfan The Plugins with the Version 8 and the Endung *.prc compiled go should and previous versions with the Version 6.5 To kompilieren is, where The File extension on *.hlf lauten must. i think so can most life


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