XProfEd - Opensource IDE


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is sure one lovely Program and becomes for me one reason his, me of PrFellow-editor To separate. once Search & supplant functions, I will probably transfer.

particularly The Plugin-interface is a swell thing. Evtl. could it there with strange-PRCs prospective Problemchen give, because the 9it Runtime loudly Roland not any more with older PRCs zurechtkommt (?).

a couple suggestions:

1. whom appeal the Compilers over a manner WinExecWait find I less been successful. with more Codes can the Compilieren already time some minutes last. During this Time would I gladly on the code weiterarbeiten want.

2. I miss The Options
Compile & Link
Compile & Link & Execute

3. with with XPSE started ought to subsequently (optional) too same the Interpreter with the PRF as Parameter called go can, without that one in the code The suitable XPSE-Direktive stand having must. Perhaps could David there Yes XPSE a manner Errorlevel give back let, if no Error found go could.

4. by me becomes to the Compilieren the Runtime not found, though it in the Ini correctly. registered is.

5. If one whom code sometime too yet fold could, might for Niemanden More one lane on XPrfEdit vorbeiführen.

6. Comment of several Codezeilen, How with PrFellow.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

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Hmm, tja!

are sure one Sonderfall!
nevertheless think I, that straight because of this außergewöhnlichen diversity The Info the you available stehenden mutants sometimes right useful would.
You write of course in your Posts usually - if meaningfully - moreover, on welchem Betriebssystem and which Profan-Version a problem aufgetreten is, but Perhaps ists Yes times for somebody important, whether You one bestimmtes Completed: of/ one designed Profan-Version under one designed Betriebssystem understand can. therefore become You but sure not abstrusen Test-beseech überrollt go - and if still, you know you yes to wehren!

Greeting, Christian
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

by me siehts almost very so from...

it ought to still eachone for itself decide, whether it it simply in its Signatur writes or only want vermerkt. with Bugmeldungen these items though already important. there should The verwendeten versions already somewhere erkenntlich his circa unnötiges inquiries To avoid.

Since I to Time only a PC use Have ichs in of my Signatur registered, remaining More Time to that Proggen

Hi Thomas,

jawohl now works it with the editor and go To row


With me is the editor now already to that 2. time a start made and Codes with in that Bytegrab taken.
it bleats a not available File drive E: with ???.pb on. whom Modulnamen Have I unfortunately not any more, because now is the beast again artig.

I had though not yet The latest Version.

the works with the part is already now class.

By the way:
would be it possible, in the first Posting (at Download-Link) a version number To settle?

then white one faster, whether one yet on the latest stood is...

Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

[quote:58710ca896=Michael Wodrich]With me is the editor now already to that 2. time a start made and Codes with in that Bytegrab taken.
it bleats a not available File drive E: with ???.pb on. whom Modulnamen Have I unfortunately not any more, because now is the beast again artig.
[/quote:58710ca896]Modulname (not the way) and the Zeilennummer best always immediate note, therefore is the Debug-code Yes drinnen , I Have whom Error, whom You presumably mean, already removes.
[quote:58710ca896=Michael Wodrich]
I had though not yet The latest Version.

the works with the part is already now class.

By the way:
would be it possible, in the first Posting (at Download-Link) a version number To settle?

then white one faster, whether one yet on the latest stood is...

Michael Wodrich[/quote:58710ca896]
Have I made, Version back. mostly reicht the small Update, is this No, is urgently everything To loading.

PlugIn-Test with folgendem code
 $H c:ProfanIncludewindows.ph
 $U c:ProfanXPrfEditXPrfEdit.pcuXPrfEdit.pcu = the
Declare Version$, PrfDir$, PlugInDir$, SrcFileDir$, SrcFileName$, hEd&
Declare Buffer#
Dim Buffer#,65000
Version$ = theXPrfEdit.GetVersion()
PrfDir$ = theXPrfEdit.GetProfanDir() c:Profan
PlugInDir$ = theXPrfEdit.GetPlugInDir() .XPrfEditplugins
SrcFileDir$ = theXPrfEdit.GetSourceFileDir() c:ProfanXPrfEditplugins
SrcFileName$ = theXPrfEdit.GetSourceFileName() MyTestPlugIn.prf
hEd& = theXPrfEdit.GetXPrfEdit()
~GetWindowText(hEd&, Buffer#[0], 65000)
Assign #1,PlugInDir$+"PlugInLog.txt"
Rewrite #1
Print #1,"    Version:",Version$
Print #1,"  ProfanDir:",PrfDir$
Print #1,"  PlugInDir:",PlugInDir$
Print #1," SrcFileDir:",SrcFileDir$
Print #1,"SrcFileName:",SrcFileName$
Print #1,"     Handle:",Str$(hEd&),"($";Hex$(hEd&);")"
Print #1,"...und der Text:"
Print #1,String$(Buffer#,0)
Print #1
Close #1

...and the anschließende start-Schnappschuß:

28 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: Beweisfoto the Radarkontrolle :)
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

@TS- need biserl Help at Piping or How make the?

salvo, iF.

@ Michael
The Plugin-Unit is a class and properly To deklarieren
If you no instance the class erstellst, are The suitable modes not ansprechbar. means a Bereichvariable in the size the class ?_XPrfEdit create, either with Dim or. ex XProfan 9 with New

I use yourself XProfan Yes because of this OOP-Opportunities. therefore go protected Procedures in a Unit Yes first possible. AllocateGlobalMemory is means a protected Procedure. the can XProfan not know, if The class not created watts.

@ if
I use in the momentum GlobalSharedMemory to that Datenaustausch. there white I at least as in PureBasic and as in XProfan goes. at that Piping custom I first Help, if I Tools to assimilate would like, The such expenses make. XPSE power Yes Consolenausgaben, there can Perhaps later yet what turn, the it Konfortabler becomes. for Plugins is the GlobalSharedMemory well very well suitable. The Speicheradresse becomes Mithilfe of/ one GUID created, The the Plugin at Start transfer becomes. any programs The GlobalSharedMemory of these GUID-String demand can on it grab. Simple and well, think I

hopefully has the of/ one understood , otherwise simply The Deklaration into Examples take. The functions

@ Michael

Have your Sourcecode time revised, but only so, the it run is. One bissel Komfortabler is it with With and Endwith but already
 $H Windows.ph
 $U Xprfedit.pcu = The
Declare Thexprfedit#  Bereichsvariable für die Klasse
Dim Thexprfedit#, Thexprfedit  Klasse der Bereichvariable zuordnen
Declare Version$, Prfdir$, Plugindir$, Srcfiledir$, Srcfilename$, Hed&
Declare Buffer#
Dim Buffer#,65000
Version$ = Thexprfedit#.getversion()
Prfdir$ = Thexprfedit#.getprofandir()c:Profan
Plugindir$ = Thexprfedit#.getplugindir().XPrfEditplugins
Srcfiledir$ = Thexprfedit#.getsourcefiledir()c:ProfanXPrfEditplugins
Srcfilename$ = Thexprfedit#.getsourcefilename()MyTestPlugIn.prf
Hed& = Thexprfedit#.getxprfedit()
~Getwindowtext(Hed&, Addr(Buffer#), 65000)
Dispose Thexprfedit#  Klasse freigeben
Assign #1,Plugindir$+"PlugInLog.txt"
Rewrite #1
Print #1,"  Version:",Version$
Print #1," ProfanDir:",Prfdir$
Print #1," PlugInDir:",Plugindir$
Print #1," SrcFileDir:",Srcfiledir$
Print #1,"SrcFileName:",Srcfilename$
Print #1,"  Handle:",Str$(Hed&),"($";Hex$(Hed&);")"
Print #1,"...und der Text:"
Print #1,String$(Buffer#,0)
Print #1
Close #1

[quote:635d1775af=TS-Soft]Kleineres Bugfix (0.4.1)
- diverse of me found Error eliminating.
heard to the resolved Fehlern too, the the editor suddenly 2x present is after compiliert watts?

and there was yet something, habs me time again not note...

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich

P.s.: will be tommorrow the new Version testing...
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

it would sure help, if in the About-Window The Versions-number displayed becomes...

The Error is furthermore present:

If I compiliere from the editor out, then appear a 2. Version the Editors. Dord is then the Cursor on the Dateianfang.

Schließe I these instance, then be I again in the Version, where the Cursor on the of me gesetzten position standing.
is jedesmal at Compilieren so.

Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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