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GDL | @ Hello Roland,
I have me with Help your class a Einfachsteditor for my Atmelprogramm gezimmert. it works too everything wonderful, except for one:i want always whom actually Zeileninhalt in row$ having.
I take at times, that with the the part To do has. CompileMarkSeparation
Proc XSciProf.GetLine
Return Int(.SciMessage(~SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION, .SciMessage(~SCI_GETCURRENTPOS, 0, 0), 0) + 1)
Proc XSciProf.GetLine$
Parameters Nr%, Z$
Declare Len%, Zeile#
Dim Zeile#,32767
Len% = .SciMessage(~SCI_GETLINE, Nr%, Zeile#)
Z$ = Translate$(Char$(Zeile#,0,Len%-1), ,Space$(XSciProf.Tab%))
Dispose Zeile#
Return Z$
| 10/21/07 ▲ | |
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GDL | goes as Einzelbefehl not and combination with setfocus neither. |
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GDL | |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | what is Einzelbefehl? this is a function - with SetActiveWindow(hdl&) setting You one Control active. I have with Rolands code again tested. there functions SetFocus. you mußt means a Error somewhere installed having. have You The Ergänzug To my vorigen Posting red? |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/24/07 ▲ |
GDL | mom has everything überschnitten into Postings.
login me again. |
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GDL | have no class, separate only 1 Window.
concerns menuitem, and clicked
this goes , if before with getfocus one other Control called watts CompileMarkSeparation |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | I faith, we talk together past. on the best You postest time one lauffähiges example, on the to the understand can. As I said: in the XProfEd functions it. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/24/07 ▲ |
GDL | jo, goes but first in the running the night. |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | everything clear, i'm eh ne nachteule |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/24/07 ▲ |
GDL | now goes through chance everything, if I to waitinput NEN setfocus(edit&) einsetze. CompileMarkSeparation
whilenot ende%
if (%umessage=16) or (menuitem(450))
elseIf %wmNotify and (%NotifyCode = ~SCN_MARGINCLICK)
I% = sendmessage(edit&,~SCI_POSITIONFROMPOINT,0,%MouseY - 80)
Der Wert 80 in obiger Zeile wurde durch Testen ermittelt.Sonst geht
Aufklappen nicht richtig !
I% = sendmessage(edit&,~SCI_LINEFROMPOSITION,I%,0) + 1
ElseIf MenuItem(13) Enter-Taste
if not(sendmessage(edit&,~SCI_GETLINEVISIBLE,aktuellezeile_(), 0)) gefaltet
sendmessage(edit&,~SCI_TOGGLEFOLD,aktuellezeile_(), 0)
sendmessage(edit&,~SCI_ADDTEXT, 2, Addr(CRLF$))
CRLine% = aktuellezeile_() - 1
i% = sendmessage(edit&,~SCI_GETLINEINDENTATION, CRLine% - 1, 0)
sendmessage(edit&,~SCI_SETLINEINDENTATION, CRLine%, I%)
i% =sendmessage(edit&,~SCI_GETLINEINDENTPOSITION, CRLine%, 0)
sendmessage(edit&,~SCI_GOTOPOS, i%, 0)
the it now goes is certainly NEN Doppelfehler, the itself then aufhebt.important iss, that my Zusammengesuche ausm Xprofed at all goes. be still on the Search Why the waitinput durchbrochen becomes.becomes the in the XProfed class already set?
Hello Georg |
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GDL | have yet moreover rumprobiert.
setfocus(edit&) or setfocus(editor_&) can to waitinput ,into individual inquire,so often stand as likes, It's all right not.standing But to waitinput goes everything.
Hello Georg |
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GDL | @ Jörg,
have time everything so far abstracted,so far I yet be.The Exe is run.any code lying with.in the Ordner 01Test run.
Hello Georg |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | GDL
have yet moreover rumprobiert.
setfocus(edit&) or setfocus(editor_&) can to waitinput ,into individual inquire,so often stand as likes, It's all right not.standing But to waitinput goes everything.
Hello Georg
You would have it none to individual inquire settle must, separate to the If-structure in the Hauptschleife. CompileMarkSeparation But letzendlich alike. i'd only The Variable editor_& not global define, separate inside the procedure. then must of course any further, Procedures, The the control bearing still in the first row one Parameters editor_&,...,... having, but you have then The Procedures beautiful gekapselt and can with want further Editcontrols in Your Program produce. your Includedatei becomes simply flexibler. Greeting Jörg |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 10/24/07 ▲ |