XProfEd - Opensource IDE

Plugin interface to assimilate

the Tools in the User Menu can Yes unfortunately nothing transfer, therefore I thought, this either strain or what new To to assimilate.

the simplest shining me in shape of EnvironmentVariablen To his. Übergeben go should so items, How current Dateiname, word under Cursor (for HilfePlugins), hWnd the current Scintillas etc.

to that illustrate Have I time one demonstration-Plugin written
this Wertet %XPRF_TEST% from and shows it on:
Declare Var$
Var$ = GetEnv$("XPRF_TEST")
print Var$

appeal of XProFEd would so looks:
Def SetEnv(2) !"Kernel32.dll", "SetEnvironmentVariableA"
SetEnv("XPRF_TEST", "Hallo")
WinExec("test.exe", 1)

is now only one Primitiv-example

How catch You whom Error ex, not enough in that Env hineinpaßte and then kommentarlos cut watts...

for simple Übergaben is it already beautiful, but unfortunately there To many Huuuuch, wieso daaaas dennnn.

there count still some border from Uralt-DOS-times. the the Env to the Programmaufruf entsorgt becomes is in the Plugin-drop sooner vorteilhaft.

Very many for and against with this manner the Übergabe. but a homogeneous Plugin-interface need we really.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Environment-variables stops I for no good idea. In my AUgen are you one Relikt from DOS-times. The Space is dull and you never know, whether on the actually computer yet Space in the Environment present is.

I have planned, the Benutzermenu To strain, so that then Kommandozeilenparameter transfer go can and it'll then Tags give, The z.B. for actually Filenames, The actually Zeilennummer, the actually word, etc. count should. Also should it one Flag give, that XProfed veranlaßt, to the appeal the external Program (Plugins) The File new To loading, about as they by the Program changed watts.

but the I will sure first to the final Version XProfan 10 with XProfed 1.0 for XProfan 10 concern can ... otherwise becomes XProfan 10 never ready. ;)

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Pipe-Unit ^^ means FileMapping.

[quote:f5c7607e98=RGH]Environment-variables stops I for no good idea. In my AUgen are you one Relikt from DOS-times. The Space is dull and you never know, whether on the actually computer yet Space in the Environment present is.
[/quote:f5c7607e98]This is still not for local Environmentvariablen, these support even UNICODE, if man would like. Environmentvaraiblen The certain lines staid go having indeed only Gültigkeit in Applications The this launch. I faith here Gibts one misunderstanding. anyway under windows ex 2000 are me such Einschränkungen not famous.
I have planned, the Benutzermenu To strain, so that then Kommandozeilenparameter transfer go can and it'll then Tags give, The z.B. for actually Filenames, The actually Zeilennummer, the actually word, etc. count should. Also should it one Flag give, that XProfed veranlaßt, to the appeal the external Program (Plugins) The File new To loading, about as they by the Program changed watts.

but the I will sure first to the final Version XProfan 10 with XProfed 1.0 for XProfan 10 concern can ... otherwise becomes XProfan 10 never ready. ;)

The Solution ought to too for most items wealthy, was too only one suggestion, weils leichter To händeln is

// Nachtrag: Obiges example is so executable, only whom first Source to Test.exe compilieren. then ought to one see, the weder the Environment the Systems, yet the the Users using becomes, separate only the inside the Processes (XProEd), as well as the Processe The these launch. but alike, Why simply ifs too differently goes

i think The story with the Übergabeparametern has whom benefit, that even neither Specifically for written externe programs eingebunden go can, about z.B. my BeyondCompare, around the actually File with the last backup copy To vergleichen, or my Windowscommander with the actually directory aufzurufen, or The actually File with a special editor aufzurufen, or The currently bearbeitete XPGL-File in the XPGL-Viewer To viewing, .......

something other would a Pluginschnittstelle, circa Additional tools To to assimilate, The once loaded then not any more extra called go, but in background ihren service do, so How z.B. one alternativer Lexer, one automatischer code-Verschönerer, etc. but is then sooner something komplexer ...

but How said: red us first XProfan 10 on the lane bring.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Habs time with the recent User Menu tested, functions without jegliche code-Änderung. only certain lines are The suitable variables To settle. Umsetzung ought to means in relatively kurzer Time possible his. The others Possibility can Yes later additional be installed.

on the Lösungsvorschlag of iF disturbing me, the one either The pipe.pcu using must, or. this Filemapping self add must, what Yes not integrally so simply for each is.

Nuja is correct already, nevertheless bid The Unit many advantages particularly in the reference hereon the The Programmteile bidirektional together communicate can without itself around the maintain of/ one link concern To must. whom Source the Unit can I Yes with Roland deposit - additionally there nothing notorious or secret is.

I can Yes time - if interest exists - an example this post.

[quote:4fef0e8c6d=TS-Soft]only certain lines are The suitable variables To settle. Umsetzung ought to means in relatively kurzer Time possible his.[/quote:4fef0e8c6d]
OK, convincing! ;)

in the next Version is it drin. in the Kommandozeile there following variables:
:D = Kompletter Dateiname mit Pfad
:P = Pfad ohne Dateiname (mit  am Ende)
:N = Dateiname (mit Endung, aber ohne Pfad)
:E = Dateiendung ohne Punkt
:? = Wert wird per Inpubox abgefragt *
:! = Aktuelle Datei wird vorher gespeichert und nach Beedigung des
Programmes erneut geladen **
*  Wenn man als Kommando ein schlichtes ":?" eingibt, hat man quasi
eine Kommandozeile im Benutzermenü
** Das ":!" kann irgendwo im Kommando stehen. Es wird vorm
Ausführen einfach entfernt und dient nur als CompileMarkSeparation
notepad exe ":D" :!

The quotation marks stand here, so it too with Empty- and Sonderzeichen in the way works.
Notepad is with the actually File, The before stored becomes, launched. then can in the Notepad The File change and Save. After the terminate of Notepad can The changed File in the Profed weiterbearbeiten. (Notepad must naturally first exits go, otherwise GEHTS in the Profed not further. without :! goes it to the started the commands naturally immediate moreover.)

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

The Solution of Roland ought to on jedenfall time umgesetzt go, particularly too for Fremdtools.

The Solution by FileMapping I had for XPrfEdit (means old Version) indeed using. now kommts really More on it on, go The Featers this Unit needed and can eachone so bypass?

with Environmentvariablen is the Umsetzung The simplest, eachone Profaner comes with GetEnv$ clear, or. ought to it

In XProfEd gesetzte Enviroment-Variables go on jedenfall on the User Menu weitervererbt, and on The of there aufgerufenen Tools. without jeglich Änderung, habs extra tested.

an alternative To Rolands suggestion ought to on jedenfall implementiert go, because these Tools then too integral plainer To Konfigurieren are, for ONLY User.

Einigen should we already somehow, wants The Addons not only for me write

// Nachtrag: has itself with Rolands-Posting überschnitten

currently interested would me the actually word under the Cursor, would like namely whom H2Viewer as Help Call, means platform SDK kontextsensitiv, work nunmal plenty with API

correctly. - and this Context too The Selektierung, where it here wealthy would two Longs To transfer, start -> end.

ultimately wants one Perhaps not always one PlugIn on the kompletten Source, separate only on a part utilize.

and circa it complete To make too The Zeilennummer, and the Cursorposition XY.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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