XProfEd - Opensource IDE


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really been successful, yet!

my suggestions wären:
- Integrierung of second- and Drittsprachen, z.B. Assembler
- display the verwendeten Procedures and direct plunge To its code.
- Integrierung of Profan2Cpp to the Tools.

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usually trimt trim still everything under ord 33 or? means too tabs.

me personally are real tabs ord 9 explicit rather as plöde 32it. tab is tab and not Space. If I with the arrows over Tabs hoppe - would like I eigendlich the the Cursor too only 1x per tab jumping - and not (8)-time per Space.

Entscheident for me would but the it How in textpad with Mgl. gives with strg+i markierte Lines a tab moreover To schieben, and shift+strg+i markierte Lines a tab back To schieben.


too of me ALLE ACHTUNG to that yet Verwirklichten!

One truer tab heard absolutely moreover.
what I me yet wish would: lastly uses directory.
I dislike each Open File in my own Files gelangen.

have yet no feedback bezügl the Icons. i know, the has dzt. no priority, but I could zwischenzeitlich weiterbasteln, if You yet which need or changed having want.

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

i will you with your development not reinreden, but for me from Anwendersicht having The Compilerfunktionen a integral geringeren Stellenwert as The Bearbeitungsfunktionen.

latter custom I first, if I with the edit ready be. the functions but sooner badly as right, solang I The in a editor unverzichtbaren functions Search or. Search & supplant not have.
Denk time drüber to. ;)
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whom wish to Chr(9) can I Real not understand. I likes Editoren with real Tabs not, first if the abgestellt is and my Source everywhere same looks be I happy. tab and Invoice values tab for back weg but already, Have I means not so integrally understood. Trim removes any space at the beginning and end but no Steuerzeichen. most Textfields supplying these Yes anyhow not, but with Scintilla sustain I nunmal everything. Have me a Text in the Debugger Show let and me gewundert Why not went, To I over The length Pinned have the still Steuerzeichen drinn are. The Cursor becomes Yes later autom. Einrücken and the space (Softtabs) skipping.
i want on jedenfall erstmall everything else finish, before I on it set. the komfortabelste edit nützt nothing, if the code in nirvana alights
just as go further Options first on the Schluß installed, I there first whom Überblick have, what used becomes.

The Icons are so partly already useable, can tappt im dunkeln but first install, as they complete are, d.h. for everything, except whom Tools, The Yes Own bring along. If I for everything one Icons have, can I then something like How simple Skinning the Toolbar make possible. Ausserdem can I then too The Menüs with icons bestücken.

I let me everything by the head weg, becomes already go

very this is it Yes, it should even not everywhere same looks.

I work rather with 4 Spaces apiece tab, others prefer 2, again others however 3 or 8. If there Spaces drinstehen, force I each my 4 on and must me at the same time The 8 another people give.
Füge I against it right Tabs one, can eachone its Own wide take on without Problems.

What the functions concerns:
I come Yes not even until kompilieren, because I do not sensible edit can. The Compileroptionen can I me if need be too fix in ne Kommandozeile knock and these benefit.

I Have The last 2 days constantly between XProfan-Writer and XPrfEdit change must, because I here what not search could etc. Schlußendlich Have I entnervt again Writer-only using.

Solang means The functions to that edit not there are, can I whom XPrfEdit not benefit.

just my 2 cents
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i'll but the from Programmiersicht günstigere Order stick to. otherwise must I over ands over again in my code reinlesen. there are already a couple thousand Lines, there must I see that I whom Überblick keep. Bearbeitungsfunktionen are Scintilla-functions, The go Yes anyhow in a Extra-Callback worn out. is for me so plainer.
tab becomes it well give, ifs objectively so very desired becomes. The therefore entstehenden detriments can I but not survey in the momentum. but first if The Options for ready are, defaultmässig remaining the from. i want whom editor too using can

an swell thing!
Verbesserungsvorschlag: How see it with code-Folding from? would be Genial...
greeting, André

I sags only ungerne - but I faith Thomas has the proposition no pleasure More.

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I fürchte too, thereby has the so very promising began!
or was mere a notwendige schöpferische interval? *hoff*
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Sorry, but I will be probably the next months not moreover come. Anderweitige commitments take me so in claim, the hardly Time spare is.

Very pity, the part is namely really well been successful. and straight from the Profan-Version could man yet what learn!

Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

Bravo, Real good Piece Programmier-work.
what I really another little miss is, that one The colours the Syntax-Highlightning yourself take on can.

P.s.: What the Leerzeichen<->Tab - question angeht, voice I with Thomas überein.
Nico Madysa


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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