XProfEd - Opensource IDE

so has it began...

first Trial the new inoffizielen XProfan-Editors

though with XProfan already 2 Editoren included go, have I this editor develops, around the Bedürfnissen the XProfan hither To come.

The recent Features:

AutoConfig (on StandardSystemen)
MultiUser-Support (Settings size etc.)
MultiSelect at open of Files
Integration importent Tools (inspector, ROC ObjectCreator, XPSE etc.)
Kontextsensitive Online-Help (XProfan-Community)
Übergebene Programmdateien (too several) go opened. (Shellintegration becomes not yet registered)


CompilerOptionen (presently becomes autom. Exe created and carryed out)
Options (in work)
Plugin-interface (in work)
Externe Help (Done)
keyboard-Shortcuts complement (Done)
and much More

to Weiterentwickling need I Your Help:

Your Opportunities respect
once The Plugin-interface is done, need I naturally XProfan-developer, The help whom editor through Plugins To strain

742 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: actually Trial 0.4.3
57 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: Preview
144 kB
Kurzbeschreibung: Update 0.4.3

+ keyboard-Shortcuts added
+ dt. Context menu for Edit
+ new Icon for ROC ObjectCreator

it reicht the Update To loading, if your already The first Trial have

The Neuerungen:
Externe Help is now umgesetzt. it go *.hlp, *.chm, *.html and *.txt Files supported. simply The Files in that Unterverzeichnis Help copy and the editor neustarten

Einfache Plugins go now supported. any *.prc Files can of Menu from carryed out go. communication with the editor follows later. example to Integration the recent aide is enclosed.

a couple Icons get ausgetauscht, circa evtl. rechtl. Problemen from the lane to go.

deference: The in the program-Ordner located XPrfEdit.ini Please delete, otherwise functions The Plugins not, since the Runtime not found becomes.

where stay The bow-informations, programs in this Entwicklungsphase are never Fehlerfrei

plenty Fun so

the small Update is only for people, The today to 20.45 updated having, otherwise is the new Exe in the pkg (10. june 2005)

One Wrong Flag at Compilieren korrigiert

the ReadMe Plugin is with XProfan 9 compiliert been. will be it at nächstem Update replace otherwise here the code:
REM testplugin
WindowStyle 31
WindowTitle "XPrfEdit Plugin-Info"
Window 100, 50 - 600, 180
Font 2
Print " Alle PRC-Dateien, die sich im Plugins-Ordner befinden"
Print " können über den entsprechenden Menü-Punkt aufgerufen werden"
Print " In einer späteren Version können dann auch Informationen von"
Print " XPrfEdit abgefragt werden. Dies werden unter anderem Infos"
Print " über DateiName, Pfad usw. sein"
Print " Die Einbindung der Infos wird durch eine Unit realisiert"
Print " Diese Zusatz-Funktionen sind dann nur für XProfan-User nutzbar"

again one small Update, Please again The XPrfEdit.ini delete
The Update-File ought to with whom most genügen.

HLP-Files in the Help-Ordner are now Kontextsensitiv, what straight in the Context with the Win32.hlp and API-command useful his ought to!

in the Plugin-Ordner can now too The Original-aide hineinkopiert go. any Files with the Endung *.hlf go with the aide.exe carryed out.

some the Addons of PRFellow functions to rename too immediate.

The Updates come in the momentum shock on shock, this is probably but only in the Anfangsphase so, where one the many Opportunities first klarwerden.

Plugin-interface over again extended. any 32-bit Profan-Compilat go supported. Hierfür go The Runtimes in the Unterordner be uses.

Options / ProgrammPfade
under Options can now any important Programmpfade tuned go.

go To row. new functions with whom Bearbeitungs-functions.

Fehlerbereinigung: The UndoSpeicher becomes to loading of/ one File geleert.

Fehlerbeseitigung in the Plugin-interface: The way becomes now correctly the Plugin-directory staid (with *.prc)

any recent dialogs circa ESC-Shortcut to that Cancel complement

div. kl. Kosmetische Changes

Bugbeseitigung, the editor went under manchen Umständen into background with appeal the go To row Dialogs. If now eliminating his

Schnellstart added. Aktueller code becomes Intepretiert without To Save. Shortcut F5

Version 0.3
the Update reicht for all, with them already one Unterverzeichnis be existing!
small Bugfixes, particularly at Save watts one byte To little memory reserved.

minimizes now into Systemtray. After the minimize stand there in the Context menu another couple the Tools and the Plugins available.

The Plugin-API partly integrate. Hierfür is the XPrfEdit.pcu necessary. only for XProfan ex Version 8

Version 0.3.5
Filelist open and Save now possible. File extension *.prffl (becomes registered)

Plugin-interface correct. The XPrfEdit.pcu allows direktes inquire of Information, from the aufrufenden editor-instance. Einfache plugins Have I to demonstration enclosed. whom dazugehörigen Source find your at Download the Unit, there without these a Kompilation you don't say so is.

Diverse Error eliminating. Save, open, restore of before maximierten Windows etc.

the next Update becomes well something longer last, I now with the Compileroptionen begin. Hierfür would it nice, if your another couple Proposals under Designvorschläge make would, what everything To respect is, so I really nothing forget

Nachtrag: have another small Schmankerl integrate. Doubleclick on Include-Files opens these immediate, as they found go.

Version 0.4.0
New: Profan2CPP to that Menu and Toolbar added
correct: display of Menüs, Statusbar and Toolbar go now rather updated.
Double-click on Includes or Header opens these, if not already happen. sought go these in same Order, How the Compiler it power means: Absoluter way, SourcePfad, IncludePfad
the double loading of Files becomes suppress, instead becomes the Tabreiter the suitable File activate.
The first vain tab becomes now with Nichtbenutzung with the first File filled.
Diverse small Error fixed


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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