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| The first Trial the XPrfEdit.pcu is ready. subesquent modes go yet supported:
?_XPrfEdit.Init() mandatory to the deklaration first thing called go.
?_XPrfEdit.Exit() is end aufzurufen, around the memory to straighten up. (The memory becomes first at terminate of XPrfEdit deleted)
?_XPrfEdit.GetVersion() determined The Unit-Version as String.
?_XPrfEdit.GetProfanDir() determined the Profan-directory as String with abschließenden Backslash (the directory, in the itself loudly whom Settings of XPrfEdit the Interpreter befindet)
?_XPrfEdit.GetPluginDir() The Path to ...XPrfEditplugins
?_XPrfEdit.GetSourceFileDir The Path to the actually Source-File, so How in the Titelleiste of XPrfEdit too abzulesen. only the way with abschließenden Backslash
?_XPrfEdit.GetSourceFileName() The name with Extension, the actually File
?_XPrfEdit.GetXPrfEdit() Long! lever the aufrufenden XPrfEdit-Fensters
Examples to Use the Unit are enclosed |
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