XProfEd - Opensource IDE

Yes the gefällt me


Gefällt me Schonmal expressed well. I can now already present, the part umzusteigen, if some made becomes
and vorallem weiterentwickelt becomes
me falls now one:
- Search and supplant
- Search in Files

time tensely on The Options, there ought to one naturally any data (too whom Rocpfad) adjust can.

moreover so!!!

Rolf Koch
Gefällt me Schonmal expressed well. I can now already present, the part umzusteigen, if some made becomes
and vorallem weiterentwickelt becomes

the Freut me Yes

Rolf Koch
me falls now one:
- Search and supplant
- Search in Files

The Bearbeitungsfunktionen are so yet long not ready. self-evident go in Kürze Suchfunktionen installed. initially not yet Dateiübergreifend, but too this is for later vorgesehen.

Rolf Koch
time tensely on The Options, there ought to one naturally any data (too whom Rocpfad) adjust can.

moreover so!!!

self-evident then any Paths directly unterstützter Tools anpaßbar his. others Tools go by the Plugins supported.

Have in the momentum first everything, what eigener dialogs want boisterously, circa these possible whom further Wish to style to. Nachträgliches Change of Dialogen is always with plenty work joined . my first attempt Have I given, having one normales MultiDokumentInterface, has zuviele Problems bereitet. These Version has yet 5 days Entwicklungszeit used. there are but several months up to Version 1.0 planned, so the still plenty come becomes

whom say You, the ;) ?
ROC is in the meantime 4 years old and still one small light *LOL*
go it aufjedenfall with silence on, otherwise meet both of us us sometime in a Nervenklinik


falls me straight one, at Konvertieren the ROC-Icons of 32x32 on 16x16 is unfortunately plenty lost gone, Perhaps could You time look, whether You a better Version in the size hinkriegst

and if you the others Icon from the *.ocv Vorlagen take.

Hello Thomas!

with Your XPrfEdit goes Yes finally langersehnter heart's desire of me in compliance!
what I me yet wish would:
The to .prf gehörenden Includes could same with the .prf mitgeöffnet go.
Creation of Projektdateien.
Own Farbschemata.
Very useful would a Sprungfunktion How at XPRofan-Writer (<Strg> + Click on a Proceduraufruf lead (too dateiübergreifend zB in a Include) to PROC.


XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Hello Thomas!

with Your XPrfEdit goes Yes finally langersehnter heart's desire of me in compliance!

the freut me naturally very
what I me yet wish would:
The to .prf gehörenden Includes could same with the .prf mitgeöffnet go.
Creation of Projektdateien.
Own Farbschemata.
Very useful would a Sprungfunktion How at XPRofan-Writer ( + Click on a Proceduraufruf lead (too dateiübergreifend zB in a Include) to PROC.



To 1: have something like How FileLists planned, with them You then several Files with a Click open can.
To 2: but not proposition-Files, go The Compiler-Options automatically in a data base stored. means: Runtime, stature, Compiler z.B. too Profan2CPP etc. load You The File anew, is autom. everything again tuned, To You it änderst. I hope the comes of/ one proposition-File right near, combined with see 1.
To 3: luxery , ne time see, has no so high priority, becomes well come
To 4: time see inwieweit I the hinkriege, be there really right optimistic. Habs mere yet never made.

even AutoComplete is angedacht, but not in the first Version, because still very costly and Fehlerträchtig. If faltbare Proceduren machbar are, come also, but the first Version must first with the geplantem sure functions. for the faltbaren Proceduren custom I to Possibility a CPP Progger, the whom Lexxer minimal adjust can, The Sources for Scintilla are present. in the momentum could I only Function EndFunction klappbar make, what well for Profan nothing bring would

The motivation by the Community gefällt me yet very well, so that I my Bestes give will be

Hello Thomas!

give you in all Points right!
be me too sure, that You anytime bie Problemen Using the Community get become - irgendwer of us has always a good idea parat!

good Success furthermore
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Andre Rohland01/21/15


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