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| Hi, Have strain The Syntax-extensions in the xpse-Description tested, come but with the beschriebenen For ... to... step .. do not clear. or was a announcement for next Version? it'll one fehlendes Begin angemotzt... where heard the there, and How finish I the block? EndFor ?? |
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| for x=0 to 200 do begin blub end
for x=0 to 200 step 20 do begin blub end
for x=200 downto 0 do begin blub end
... |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | where one dazusagen must, that XPSE there too nothing other as The good old WhileLoop-Loop out power: CompileMarkSeparation |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/22/08 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | Yes, its spelling plenty kürzer and simpler is... ... even if to that Schluss rather one EndWhile there stalls! |
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| ähm... thanks, but with a naked X goes there garnix, can itself neither declaren. It's all right by me but from others Found neither, at least not often:
{$iq} declare x& for x& = 0 to 200 step 20 do begin print "0"; end for x& = 0 to 200 step 20 do begin print "1"; end waitinput end
...supply a Error Message in the .xpia File, The one undeclaretes INC concerns. Perhaps likes the Precompiler the Semikolon not - but i beg your pardon? bring I then The Digits together ran, without first tricky a Sammelstring with + aufzubauen? meanwhile kenn I of course whom MkStr$()-commands, but it's about The prinzipielle application of ";" How in the good middle-aged BASIC greeting P. woodpecker |
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| XPSE power there at all quite no WhileLoop-creep draus. How ought to one because so with of/ one Variable (z.B. X) count can, and the too nested. "Wegen" XProfan11 has XPSE in the reference on The ForSchleifen strain a BUG, these "INC-Meldung" The You there ansprichst must I first correct. the Semikolon is no trouble. See [...] or. [...]
If I again back be, so Have ichs Yes promised, Gibts naturally zeitnah one Update. (but first to unpack of my toothbrush.) |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | How one here beautiful sees, are the two last WhileLoop-mutants faster. against it is the simple WhileLoop-Loop slower as The of XPSE created While-Loop. I had sooner the contrary vermutet. CompileMarkSeparation $IFNDEF INTERPRETER
Set("Decimals", 0)
Declare x&
Sleep 3000
Var c& = &GetTickCount
for x&=0 to 10000 do begin
Locate 1,1:print x&
C& = &GetTickCount - c&
print c&
PutClip Str$(c&) + "
c& = &GetTickCount
for x&=0 to 10000 step 1 do begin
Locate 4,1:print x&
C& = &GetTickCount - c&
print c&
PutClip Str$(c&) + "
c& = &GetTickCount
for x&=10000 downto 0 do begin
Locate 7,1:print x&
C& = &GetTickCount - c&
print c&
PutClip Str$(c&) + "
Print "###############################"
c& = &GetTickCount
WhileLoop x&, 10000
Locate 10,1:print &Loop
C& = &GetTickCount - c&
print c&
PutClip Str$(c&) + "
c& = &GetTickCount
WhileLoop x&,10000,1
Locate 13,1:print &Loop
C& = &GetTickCount - c&
print c&
PutClip Str$(c&) + "
c& = &GetTickCount
WhileLoop 10000,x&,-1
Locate 16,1:print &Loop
C& = &GetTickCount - c&
print c&
PutClip Str$(c&) + "
| Results: 1922 2578 2578 2484 2469 2484
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The Greenbox wished I still too time place
[offtopic] | Why sees The because so strange from? | |
| Results: 1922 2578 2578 2484 2469 2484
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| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/22/08 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | the Testprogramm ought to first any Laufwerksaktivitäten to wait it out, where one vorangestelltes Sleep 3000 ungemein helps. here my (abweichendes) Result, where any XPSE-creep slower works:
1140 1110 1093 #### 1047 1094 1047 |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Wow! what have Thou for a computer. I thought my new Intel Dualcore 4600 @2.4GH would quick. my Results now:
2547 2578 2547 2468 2469 2453
are but some Schwankungen drin:
particularly iFs first Loop becomes slower, if the Mainwindow to the first Print already there's. would have been so did i not calculated... I Have Sleep and Cls time installed. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 08/22/08 ▲ |
Frank Abbing | Hüstel, my oller AMD Athlon 64 with 2.2 GHz and 1 GB RAM is already almost antique... |
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| knows not, Why my mill today so slow is... From 3,4 GHz HT is anyway nothing To remember: 2907 2906 2891 #### 2797 2812 2813
means The ENDs the BEGIN blöcke fallen me none. with END think I always on whom last compilierten commands. How wärs with FEND with For-creep? or BEND for BLOCK-END? Gibts others Einsatzmöglichkeiten for BEGIN, or heard the to FOR-Loop?
greeting |
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Frank Abbing | Naheliegender would Perhaps Next been... |
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