
How Problem with dBase whom XPSE into Profan²-Pad one ?


the intesessanteste on the XPSE find I The new compileroptionen, The it permit in a rutsch To compilieren, left and exe started.

unfortunately begreife I do not How the part eingebunden go should.
I have both mutants from the Help tested.
1. as compiler and interpreter XPSE.EXE inserted
2. The in the Help beschriebene umbenennungsmasche

The xpse standing just in the black window there:

XProfan Syntax Enhancer Professional [XPSE] V0.1.2c

Memory: 847MB avaiable
OS : WinNT (5)
File : M:REHBEINXPROFANprofcomp.exe M:REHBEINXProfanxx
x.prf -E prc

and becomes through tastendruck exits.

the only I hinbekomme is the appeal the kommandozeile, as parameter the Program. then results at least The sysntxübersetzung.
compiler, linker and exe-start report a error.

what make I wrong ???


Hello Ragnar, The in the Help beschriebene Installroutine Although documents, but as well as z.B. in the PDF nachlesbar not yet activate.
You must the Profanpad procure, instead of profancomp.exe The xpse.exe to start. On attempt white I do not whether the adjustable is, I load me same time the Profanpad and look to as konkret einbindbar is.

With the whom Tastendruck is so, if You time z.B manually a prf-File as Parameter angibst, shows you the xpse one menu, if you but a Button press The not Menu standing, then exits it itself. so can as Programmer without generft To go with eachone Button whom XPSE terminate, or with of/ one special Button (lt. Menu what a couple Lines drüber standing) The suitable operation trigger. Z.B. C for Compilieren, or L for left.....

To denne, iF

Hmmm, is correct, have right, something is correct not, xpse shows garkein menu, I look Why the lying and login me again.


I see what wrong is, the ProfanPad depends one -E PRC on whom Filenames hinten on, hereon respect XPSE not, i'll see the XPSE the ProfanPAD too supported.


i'm not yet clear, How the part really functions.
if The identische exe instead of the profane.exe and the profcomp.exe registered go should, must still further parameter How -E prc ausgewertet go, in order to regulate whether compiliert or interprets go must.
where white The xpse.exe which programs to that compilieren and left called go must ? with the umbenennugsmasche hot tappt im dunkeln Yes then profane.org.exe or. profcom.org.exe. becomes there alternatively sought, or there a ini-File ?
if I the everything wüßte could I the trouble sure plenty präzieser erfassen.
Why becomes the compiler and linker not found if I the everything from the kommandozeile starte : xpse.exe xxx.prf ??
The erzeugung the zwischecodes into xxx.enh results correctly.


OK, lass us Piece for Piece on The thing herangehen, must Yes yourself first so experience collect, thanks the You help!

so, I load same a Version [XPSE] V0.1.2d high (in ca. 30 minutes), so could I in Profan-Pad The function Compilieren correctly. perform.

here The Settings in the Pad:
everything How had, except: so gehtz by me:
PROFAN²-directory: C:p00x
PROFAN²-Interpreter: C:p00xxpse.exe
PROFAN²-Compiler: C:p00xxpse.exe
Compilat-Endung: prc
the Häckchen XProfan ex Version 8 can eingeschaltet [X] his.

so, probierst time if I Version 0.1.2d uploaded Have?


I faith, Ragnar wants sake, How the XPSE recognize, which Compiler/Linker because now of User using go should. where get it The right Paths ?
this is me too yet schleierhaft...

now, ersteinmal uses xpse whom Compiler and the Linker, which itself in the active directory befindet. D.h. XPSE self lead none chdir through, separate attempts simply ProfanComp to execute.

there are but following Compilerschaltern angedacht:

{$linkwith c:anypathprfrun32.exe}
{$compilewith c:anypathprofancomp.exe}
{$putexeto c:anypathmyexes}

so could one then razfaz too to that first Male integrally simply for defined programs directly in the View source determine, on which Runtime gelinkt go should. this is particularly then useful, if one different Runtimes because of Ressourcen uses.


[quote:a3df8f3ea9=iF (!ReGeXiT)]now, ersteinmal uses xpse whom Compiler and the Linker, which itself in the active directory befindet.

{$linkwith c:anypathprfrun32.exe}
{$compilewith c:anypathprofancomp.exe}
{$putexeto c:anypathmyexes}[/quote:a3df8f3ea9]
nice idea.
in the equal directory, so can I life

now Have I the Error finally found and it's running !!!

super !!

by me is the compiler profcomp.exe, is indeed of roland so delivered. or not in all cut down ?
the small Difference To profancomp.exe is me not noticed.

evtl. should You to both mutants search, if You a not find.

my Luck is unfortunately not yet entire. unfortunately
1. The direktive $P+ becomes unfortunately wrong Translated -> INC $P ... angry.
2. with Visual windows Professional 2 I get the part not to that walk. it'll one compilerfehler gemeldet (compiler did hardship compile). depends evtl. with 1. together ?
3. there a option or Key around the interpreter To benefit ? would find I meaningfully {$i} or. I in the console

4. How I meanwhile fixes have depends the stress under 2. so together, if The xpse.exe on one others LW standing as The To compilierende PRF-File. (xpse.exe is by me on LW M: and VWP 2 places a temp.prf on LW C: on )
really functions it by me only correctly., if XPSE.EXE and the PRF-File in the equal directory lying.



$P+ - bow, habs wrote, becomes naturally eliminating, gives indeed yet others Compilerschalter The I To respect have. i'll it so solve the it only then one Compilerschalter his can, if one $ at the beginning standing.

ProfComp.exe? Hmmmm, I thought ex XProfan is the part ProfanComp.exe, nunja, i'll simply How you say look which Variante present is and thereafter deal.

XPSE opens The File, which as Parameter transfer becomes. thereby becomes no Verzeichniswechsel implemented. it'll however a .enh File in the same directory prepares, where the prf befindet. Then ProfanComp launched, and get whom gesammten Filenames (incl.way) ditto transfer.

Hmmm, know not Why it with you not working, unfortunately, be but very interested on it it to get.

Button I for Interpreter? Joar, good idea, no trouble.

Compiler did hardship compile throws xpse from, if The PRC File to terminate the Compilers 0byte big is.


presumably have I now the trouble rather grasp can.

z.b. one has 2 directories c:est1 and c:est2
in Test1 lying The xpse.exe, profancomp.exe and prfrun32.exe
in Test2 is a x.prf

launch one of Test1 as nude. directory The xpse with parameter c:est2x.prf then works everything.
launch one of nude. directory Test2 : c:est1xpse.exe c:est2x.prf becomes the compiler not found.
these konstellation exists too at profane-pad and VWP2.

Why launch You The profancomp.exe without pfadangabe to the Filenames (sees in the hexdump the speicherbereiches anyway so from) ? would not rather ?

I hope we come now slow moreover.

to the profancom.exe have I time in rolands forum in all posts sought. there finds itself no info (only profcomp.exe) .
since 5.0 hot any compiler The I have profcomp.exe.
The latest Version The I have is the Early Bird Version XProfan 8.0 as installation, The roland by mail sent has.


Hmmm, mean You it would rather The profcomp in the directory to start, where too The PRF itself befindet?

Nunja, would Yes no trouble. The whole others Schnullie whom You addressed had is already realized, only not yet uploaded, mach I but hereafter.



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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Rainer Hoefs04/07/15


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