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Peter Mallow | by me go only Files includet, which in the same directory as PRF-File find. alike whether I before it {$INCLUDEPATH} write. CompileMarkSeparation {$INCLUDEPATH}
$U download.pcu = download.
$I Buttons.inc
$I Standart.inc
$I SharedMem.inc
$I Prozesse.inc
$I Html.incn>
If I me now whom of XPSE generierten Sourcecode anschaue, see I, that only The Html.inc inc includet watts. The Html.inc lying in the same directory as PRF-File. All other Files (*.inc,*.pcu) find itself in the Profanincludeverzeichnis (CrogrammeXProfan 9INCLUDE). this directory have I in Profaneditor too as INCLUDE-directory indicated.
Please help me. |
| WinXP Pro SP2, XProfan 9 + XPSE AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800 | 09/06/05 ▲ |
| Hm normal is not - Try time
{$includepath CrogrammeXProfan 9INCLUDE}
salvo, iF. |
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Peter Mallow | Sry! now operates XPSE already, because it The Includes recognize. means the functions first.
but! If I now whom code interpret let comes following Error commands uncharted: ROGRAMMEXPROFAN (row 2)
DEF @LOADIMAGE(6) !"USER32","LoadImageA"
DEF @ALOADIMAGE(6) ! "USER32","LoadImageA"
DEF @EXTRACTICON(3) ! "SHELL32","ExtractIconA" n>
apparently has XPSE {$includepath C:\programs\XProfan 9\INCLUDE} whom Includepath berücksichtigt, however a Error made. is the now one bow or one Anwenderfehler?
PS thanks for your speedy response. |
| WinXP Pro SP2, XProfan 9 + XPSE AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800 | 09/06/05 ▲ |
| Wow I gug same time lol - faith in these entrapment be I already once getappt. |
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| Juhuu - one bow.
thanks for communicating!
I can now immediate no BugFix offer the XPSE in the momentum open is - any functions lying grade spare I something seeehhhhhhrrrrr nice einbaue.
here one Behelf:
XPSE schaut into File c:windowsverzeichnisprofed32.ini - The File from the XProfanIDE laid out - therein standing under Anderem: CompileMarkSeparationbehind Include= are The To berücksichtigenden Paths with Semikolon separated aufgezählt. there carry The XProfanIDE The Paths for ProfanCompiler one - but too XPSE schaut there to! If there your Paths registered are - should it still perfect functions - or?
PS: naturally bugfixe I the Compilerschalter!
salvo, iF. |
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Peter Mallow | No unfortunately functions not.
Include=CrogrammeXProfan 9INCLUDE stood already before in the PROFED32.INI
however watts too before not the Standartpfad recognized.
... have now one little herrumgespielt. have z.B. in the PROFED32.INI in the row Include=CrogrammeXProfan 9INCLUDE finally another Backslash angefügt. Dannach has too XPSE whom way automatically recognized. |
| WinXP Pro SP2, XProfan 9 + XPSE AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800 | 09/06/05 ▲ |
| understand - the Backslash means - thanks!
salvo, iF. |
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