
suggestion to Syntaxerweiterung


Hi, iF!
How wärs with following Syntax for next XPSE-Version:
[box:d99e4290f2]2 < x% < 3[/box:d99e4290f2]instead of[box:d99e4290f2](2 < x%) And (x% < 3)[/box:d99e4290f2]
and analog with Stringvariablen?
[box:d99e4290f2]x$ = a$ <> b$[/box:d99e4290f2]
2 terms on a Streich quizzed - the would still what!

Ciao, Christian
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

I faith i'm with the Logik not all right.

of my opinion is 2 < x% < 3 not (2 < x%) And (x% < 3)

separate 2<x%<3 is (2<x%)<3 where (2<x%) only true oda false his can and true not <3 his can.

Since there it means different Interpretationsvarianten. If one itself above einig go would then is the Umsetzung sichlich no trouble.


does sorrow, kapier I do not.
The circumstance, whether 2 < 3 is, I will still hopefully never inquire must, the ought to always true yield - ifs differently would, gäbs at the latest in the 2. class Volksschule one settle, not sufficient!
i will Yes only inquire, whether x% larger as 2 UND small as 3 is. If even The WordBasic-Syntax understand, sollts in Profan still too possible his?

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

OK time ne question Christian - How would You, the here understand:

if (aix&=fopen(c:\Test.dat,r-))



can I only suppose, because I fopen not know.
I take at times, that first the Attribut of Test.dat examined becomes, with r- means not read-only staid is and thereafter first sustain aix& a handle or hold not - correctly?

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

have me meanwhile one bissel weitergebildet: (from:https://de.php.net/fopen)
(PHP 3, PHP 4 , PHP 5)

fopen -- Öffnet a File or URL
resource fopen ( string filename, string fashion [, int use_include_path [, resource zcontext]] )

fopen() bind a benannte Resource, which through filename specify watts, on a Stream. has filename The shape  [...]  becomes adopted, that it itself here circa a URL deals and PHP seek to one Protokollhandler (too as Wrapper famous) for this schema. are no Wrapper for this log registered, gives PHP as Help to that pursue potentieller Problems in their Skript a Info from and setting then moreover away, though filename a reguläre File specify.

is PHP to the Schluss come, that filename a local File specify, becomes it try, a Stream on this File to open. The File must for PHP available his, and so tappt im dunkeln ensuring must, that The Dateirechte this grabbed make possible. If tappt im dunkeln Safe fashion or open_basedir activate having, can further Einschränkungen zutreffen.

coming PHP to that Schluss, that it itself with filename for a registriertes log deals, and is this log as a networking URL registered, checks PHP, whether allow_url_fopen activate is. is not activate, gives PHP a warning from, and the appeal of fopen becomes failure.[/box:387d7faec3]
means too far i was not removes...

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Yes and when becomes because now to Your understanding Hello World displayed with

if (fopen(,)) { The(Hello World);}



If you believe, that I now after a simple question for may part PHP learn will be, circa you The question answer to, must I you disappoint.
I have Yes yet at Äpfel- and pears-comparison mitgespielt, but now probierst Dus with Lychees! can hold no japanese - big deal?

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

see - I wished still only time demonstrating (I supra already wrote) the it with this argument different Interpretationsmöglichkeiten gives.

one if a=fopen is then z.B. true if the fopen on a one resourcehandle transfer could. Hierbei becomes the Übertragen of fopen on a with true or false rates. the Übertragen - not the logische argument.

therefore meant I Yes

one x<y<z

could hot

((x<y)&(y<z)) == ((true|false)&(y<z)) == ((true|false)&(true|false)) == (true|false)

or but too

((x<y)&(y<z)) == ((true|false)<z) == (NAN|0)

there not clear is - as syntax of XProfanern understood would - ...


there have You me wrong understood:
i will Yes not x < y < z (thereby would have You naturally right),
separate 2 < x < 3, wants means with of/ one request eruieren, whether x small as one Fixwert and larger as another Fixwert is.

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

I should in XProfan however as Fixwerte too Konstanten to permit - there these however not solely headermäßig declared go must these eigendlich variables lol.

Hierbei can means in XProfan not between Fix,- and variable-Values distinguished go - or one must Konstanten rauslassen.

hmpf - i'll me moreover later over again thoughts make - habs into ToDo written.

I faith but sooner it would interestingly if one too (x$=y$=z$=str$(h&)=5) write could.


there have You me wrong understood:
i will Yes not x < y < z (thereby would have You naturally right),
separate 2 < x < 3, wants means with of/ one request eruieren, whether x small as one Fixwert and larger as another Fixwert is.

...and why must one moreover The Syntax verbiegen????
Def InRange!(3)    @If((@!(1)) >= (@!(2)),@If((@!(1)) <= (@!(3)),1,0),0)
Def InRange&(3)    @If((@&(1)) >= (@&(2)),@If((@&(1)) <= (@&(3)),1,0),0)
Def InRangeEx!(3)  @If((@!(1)) > (@!(2)),@If((@!(1)) < (@!(3)),1,0),0)
Def InRangeEx&(3)  @If((@&(1)) > (@&(2)),@If((@&(1)) < (@&(3)),1,0),0)
InRange!   - ... (Float)
InRange&   - ... (Ganzzahl)
InRangeEx! - ... (Float) (ohne Grenzwerte)
InRangeEx& - ... (Ganzzahl) (ohne Grenzwerte)
- Prüft, ob Wert 1 innerhalb des Bereiches v. Wert 2 (Min) u. Wert 3 (Max) li

The InRange-function expects as first worth whom To prüfenden.
The 2.worth is the minimum, the 3.worth the maximum-worth.

Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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