
suggestion to Syntaxerweiterung

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Hi, iF!
How wärs with following Syntax for next XPSE-Version:
[box:d99e4290f2]2 < x% < 3[/box:d99e4290f2]instead of[box:d99e4290f2](2 < x%) And (x% < 3)[/box:d99e4290f2]
and analog with Stringvariablen?
[box:d99e4290f2]x$ = a$ <> b$[/box:d99e4290f2]
2 terms on a Streich quizzed - the would still what!

Ciao, Christian
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

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there have You me wrong understood:
i will Yes not x < y < z (thereby would have You naturally right),
separate 2 < x < 3, wants means with of/ one request eruieren, whether x small as one Fixwert and larger as another Fixwert is.

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

I should in XProfan however as Fixwerte too Konstanten to permit - there these however not solely headermäßig declared go must these eigendlich variables lol.

Hierbei can means in XProfan not between Fix,- and variable-Values distinguished go - or one must Konstanten rauslassen.

hmpf - i'll me moreover later over again thoughts make - habs into ToDo written.

I faith but sooner it would interestingly if one too (x$=y$=z$=str$(h&)=5) write could.


there have You me wrong understood:
i will Yes not x < y < z (thereby would have You naturally right),
separate 2 < x < 3, wants means with of/ one request eruieren, whether x small as one Fixwert and larger as another Fixwert is.

...and why must one moreover The Syntax verbiegen????
Def InRange!(3)    @If((@!(1)) >= (@!(2)),@If((@!(1)) <= (@!(3)),1,0),0)
Def InRange&(3)    @If((@&(1)) >= (@&(2)),@If((@&(1)) <= (@&(3)),1,0),0)
Def InRangeEx!(3)  @If((@!(1)) > (@!(2)),@If((@!(1)) < (@!(3)),1,0),0)
Def InRangeEx&(3)  @If((@&(1)) > (@&(2)),@If((@&(1)) < (@&(3)),1,0),0)
InRange!   - ... (Float)
InRange&   - ... (Ganzzahl)
InRangeEx! - ... (Float) (ohne Grenzwerte)
InRangeEx& - ... (Ganzzahl) (ohne Grenzwerte)
- Prüft, ob Wert 1 innerhalb des Bereiches v. Wert 2 (Min) u. Wert 3 (Max) li

The InRange-function expects as first worth whom To prüfenden.
The 2.worth is the minimum, the 3.worth the maximum-worth.

Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

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Hello Michael!
thanks for your useful hint! is always well, if one a Mathematiker into own Reihen has!
mere becomes me the in my case something To tricky. Why, show I you at times one example.
so must ichs presently write:
[box:245bed8c4b] Case (60 < Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% <= 65): A$ = I
Case (55 < Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% < 59) : A$ = H
Case (50 < Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% < 54) : A$ = G
Case (45 < Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% < 49) : A$ = F
Case (40 < Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% < 44) : A$ = E
Case (35 < Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% < 39) : A$ = D
Case (30 < Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% < 34) : A$ = C
Case (25 < Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% < 29) : A$ = B
Case (20 <= Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% < 24) : A$ = A[/box:245bed8c4b]
And so had ichs gladly:
[box:245bed8c4b] Case 60 < Alter_N% <= 65: A$ = I
Case 55 < Alter_N% < 59 : A$ = H
Case 50 < Alter_N% < 54 : A$ = G
Case 45 < Alter_N% < 49 : A$ = F
Case 40 < Alter_N% < 44 : A$ = E
Case 35 < Alter_N% < 39 : A$ = D
Case 30 < Alter_N% < 34 : A$ = C
Case 25 < Alter_N% < 29 : A$ = B
Case 20 <= Alter_N% < 24 : A$ = A[/box:245bed8c4b]
If ichs presently to schema 2 make would, happens the following: see Image Sollwert wrong.jpg
correctly. would Image Sollwert correctly..jpg
(It's all right thereby around the upper rights Box)
But this is only one Bruchteil which, what in my Program on Berechnungen stattfindet. look you too time Formel-editor.jpg on. the are The Formeln, to them The on the Patienten bezogenen Sollwerte for individual Parameter accounts go. The measured values then in percent of Sollwert umgerechnet and anhand the scheduler in Limits for Calculus.jpg in levels eingeteilt. On these point sustain I of each Parameter, whether it slight, mäßig, heavy increased or. erniedrigt or normal is. This will then order Übersichtlichkeit in shape the small Pfeile grafisch displayed. with my Berechnungen must I but fully flexibly stay puncto <, <= or. > and >=. the would with whom Hunderten Berechnungen with functions sure machbar, is me but To susceptible on (self produced) Bug.

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XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

[quote:2d1982439a]Case (60 < Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% <= 65): A$ = I
Case (55 < Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% < 59) : A$ = H
Case (50 < Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% < 54) : A$ = G
Case (45 < Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% < 49) : A$ = F
Case (40 < Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% < 44) : A$ = E
Case (35 < Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% < 39) : A$ = D
Case (30 < Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% < 34) : A$ = C
Case (25 < Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% < 29) : A$ = B
Case (20 <= Alter_N%) AND (Alter_N% < 24) : A$ = A[/quote:2d1982439a]
Lol watn block.

for the what You there make want need one still eigendlich only a:[box:2d1982439a]a$=if(and((alter_n%>19),(alter_n%<66)),chr$(65+(abs((alter_n%-20)/5,0))),a$)[/box:2d1982439a]
I wisely now but not obs from you solid is the if of/ one to your Formel 24,25,29,30,... is - the there a$ not staid becomes.

Well Try time my Formel. - Perhaps said tappt im dunkeln you yes to...

If you but on your Blockisierung consist want - then machs still rather so - is faster and accurate:
if (Alter_N% < 1)

elseif (Alter_N% > 44) & (Alter_N% < 50) ; A$ = "F"

elseif (Alter_N% > 39) & (Alter_N% < 45) ; A$ = "E"

elseif (Alter_N% > 34) & (Alter_N% < 40) ; A$ = "D"


//aber wie gesagt - ich würde diese schöne kleine Variante bevorzugen:


no - Blöcke have I rather in Papierform or to that food - Leberkäse z.B.
there gefällt me Your formula already rather!
[quote:98cb688a20]I wisely now but not obs from you solid is the if of/ one to your Formel 24,25,29,30,... is - the there a$ not staid becomes[/quote:98cb688a20]
was naturally wrong, is me at write not noticed, (klassische Verschlimmbesserungsaktion), The rights Kolonne was original 60, 55, 50, .. and then Have I crept and ergreifend The = boisterously
about ists me clear, but now must I time analyse, How The Formel functions. thanks anyway!

XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

Hello Christian,

is Yes well really one large proposition.

with your Images is me noticed, that once absolutely the Dezimalpunkt and once absolutely the comma desires becomes.

can it his, that the Images from unterschiedlichen Versions-phases stammen? or must in one Program objectively Dezimale different association go?

always dran think: The complicated items ought to the Programmer to the users hide. if need be could one z.B. whom Content the Zahlenfeldes to the input investigating and a korrigierte number in that area write back (Transform).

Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

The Formel:
a$ = if( and(( alter_n% > 19), (alter_n% < 66)), chr$( 65 + ( abs( (alter_n% - 20) / 5, 0))), a$)

alter_n% - Result
1..19 - old worth in a$
20..24 - A
25..29 - B
30..34 - C
66..?? - old worth in a$

means with / 5 hold always in 5it-stepped.

such Formeln know I in abgewandelter shape...

If (alter_n% > 19) and (alter_n% < 66)
a$ = Mid$(ABCDEFGHI,(alter_n%-20)5+1,1)

WoTag$ = Mid$(SoMoDiMiDoFrSa,WoTag%*2+1,2) 0=So,1=Mo,...

Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

[quote:cbc386e7a9=Michael Wodrich]Hello Christian,

is Yes well really one large proposition.

with your Images is me noticed, that once absolutely the Dezimalpunkt and once absolutely the comma desires becomes.

can it his, that the Images from unterschiedlichen Versions-phases stammen? or must in one Program objectively Dezimale different association go?

always dran think: The complicated items ought to the Programmer to the users hide. if need be could one z.B. whom Content the Zahlenfeldes to the input investigating and a korrigierte number in that area write back (Transform).

Michael Wodrich[/quote:cbc386e7a9]
Hello Michael!
I must you in all Points right give!
for me is the one Riesenprojekt. The meiste work on it I had but to a couple years, as i the in WordBasic (Word 95) develops have. The Programmkern was means already present. from this Time stammt too the Screenshot with the comma. now be I straight thereby, the to Profan To translate, complement, optisch aufzupeppen etc.
The Profan-Version of these dialog have I first yesterday completed.
i'll but your Why stay yet install, though this Dialog-Window only of my own comfort serves. I could these Parameter too in the Registry Change, but so ists übersichtlicher. The users should there rather quite nothing dran Change.

to the Formel:
How design one such a thing in the practice? i'm of course clear, How The functions (one step circa 5 with one Parameter bewirkt a step circa 1 at others, limitiert of 20 To 65)
I wanted to analog moreover a ähnlichen block in a Formel to pack, mere have I that here 10x faster written:[box:cbc386e7a9]Case (2 <= OFL_F!) AND (OFL_F! < 2.1): O$ = 9
Case (1.9 <= OFL_F!) AND (OFL_F! < 2 ): O$ = 8
Case (1.8 <= OFL_F!) AND (OFL_F! < 1.9): O$ = 7
Case (1.7 <= OFL_F!) AND (OFL_F! < 1.8): O$ = 6
Case (1.6 <= OFL_F!) AND (OFL_F! < 1.7): O$ = 5
Case (1.5 <= OFL_F!) AND (OFL_F! < 1.6): O$ = 4
Case (1.4 <= OFL_F!) AND (OFL_F! < 1.5): O$ = 3
Case (1.3 <= OFL_F!) AND (OFL_F! < 1.4): O$ = 2
Case (1.2 <= OFL_F!) AND (OFL_F! < 1.3): O$ = 1[/box:cbc386e7a9]


129 kB
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

so, I habs:[box:86965e22c5]
If (OFL_F! >= 1.2) and (OFL_F! < 2.1)
O$ = Mid$(123456789,((OFL_F!*10)-11),1)
and to the iFschen Nomenklatur[box:86965e22c5]O$=If(And((OFL_F! >= 1.2),(OFL_F! < 2.1)),Chr$(48+(((OFL_F!*10)-11),1)),O$)
all right?
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200

How I see, understand You my Formel rather as The of iF, because in the is a small (Kopier-)Error.

??? others emphasis ???
we should learn, with the nature To life, before these learn, without us To life!
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

have right, so klingts rather - and just as wärs too meant! Werds Change.
to Formel - this is my in the Prog used Solution:[box:50e79ce735] If (OFL_F! >= 1.2) AND (OFL_F! < 2.1)
O$ = Trim$(Chr$(48+(((OFL_F!*10)-11),1)),O$)
O$ =
meanwhile have so did i another slightly on the dialog herumgeschraubt. now becomes one comma automatically on point korrigiert and eachone can write, How it wants.


138 kB
XProfan 8/9.1, Win XP, AMD 64/3200


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