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Stefan Schnell | Hello iF, How waere it with a switch fuer the Unterdruecken of Kommentaren and Leerzeilen. in the standard take You, the Yes to, with a switch koennte this the users auswaehlen. what haelst You of it? greeting Stefan |
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| Hmmm, nuja, I entferne any Leerzeilen and Rems circa the Compiler the abzunehmen.
clear can I such switch install, ne idea How the heissen should?
{$} ? {$?} ? {$//} ?
it then but only einzeilige Comments restored, and warscheinlich too only Comments in Lines which through XPSE unberührt stay. however Lines, which only one Comment carry, go warsch. likewise deleted. means not z.B. with For... etc., but I faith the reicht you already, or? I outer me therefore so balance because I me not yet integrally clear above be which Auswirkungen the the Parsen having becomes, because in the Grunde does xpse The Comments same verwerfen, around the code reading to, what about me would like too xpse not slow with this function.
iF |
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Stefan Schnell | Hello iF, was too only so a idea of me, because, if I The Syntax of XPSE use and the Source-code z. B. in the Profan-Forum release wished, so wären any my Erklärungs-comments lane and derjenige, the XPSE not knows, can with the code nothing or even less begin. greeting Stefan |
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| Hmmm, means I put simply XPSE code mere, would like Yes The advantages too benefit can. there XPSE Yes Freeware is, and a undertow. XProfan Addon ought to the no trouble present. I mach then hold one //XPSE-code comment on The first row, so that the Profaninterpreter without XPSE itself already on this hang up would, and eachone sees the it itself circa XPSE-code deals. but the remaining each self give over, therefore building I The from you desired switch indeed.
iF |
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