
ToDo: $I *.dll - [XPSE Error in Logdatei]


Can XPSE moreover bring,that any found Error into Logdatei written go. I have with one Program umfangreiche Changes vorzunehmen, there it a new version the verwendeten DLL gives and any names the functions changed get and the are almost 400. The Profaninspector recognize at all nothing, Profan just as little, though The called Procedures none More existieren, I whom Wrapper already on The new names rewritten have. XPSE shows Yes only whom first Error on and this is no Error, there it apparently with ImportDLL() not bypass can and any functions from the DLL as undeclarierte Error reports, having The hope, that me the entire run through the Codes erspart remaining.
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

>>XPSE shows Yes only whom first Error on
>>Kann one XPSE moreover bring,that any found Error into Logdatei written go.

No, the goes unfortunately not or. The Folgefehlermeldungen wären then useless because XPSE not "Unbekannten" dissolve can.

You can you the present How with of/ one Formel with the indicated are missing How z.B. clinging - the remainder the Formel can't aufgelöst and be "weiterrechnen" would pure "Spekulation".

>>das is no Error, there it apparently with ImportDLL() not bypass can

bypass can it with ImportDLL() already, but worn out can it only of Interpreter _zur _Laufzeit go - here has means XPSE at all quite no chance especially since the code neither coercive on the letztendlichen Zielsystem compiled and is The functions at Compile not famous are. Derart importierte functions can also in the Contrast To by HeaderFile deklarierten functions not Calls konvertiert go - i'd In any drop Header vorziehen.

If one nevertheless ImportDLL uses, then can indicate, Funktionsaufrufe z.B. with a prefix fundamentally not anzumeckern or. as "für whom Interpreter deklariert" To viewing: {$pushkeyword u_*} the u_ is hold an example for a prefix which one imho too with ImportDLL determine can. accordingly go by ImportDLL To importierende functions not angemeckert - vlt. reicht you the already.

I could XPSE
#include irgendeine.dll//bzw. $I irgendeine.dll
procure, it means to DLL the Headerfile itself self created and for may part The DLL too yet as Memorymodul into Source verbringt. One Alias "ImportDLL" for To chid would then too simply.

so could one above DLLs How static Bibliotheken integrate and the externe Mitschleppen many lane.

I benenne me whom cover time as ToDo, becomes but certainly first to the Release something - means long-term Anplanung.

gives too PH-Gen: [...] 

Yes thanks, lass you Time
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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