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Frank Abbing | XPSE mechert here: Unknown Escape-sequence: CompileMarkSeparation {$cleq}
{$res icon "G:IconsxpsHardwareCamera16.ico"}
End< pre> is one gültiger windows-way, Why means meckern? watts in previous versions too never bemängelt. |
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| "Unbekannte Escape-Sequenz" reports XPSE then, if in the Source a the XProfan unknown Escape-sequence is used.
I should a Klatsche having if the unverständlich is.
in example xps, whom Hexcode ps there not.
I know too against not, Why one with Kompilerschaltern no ESC-Sequenzen benefit can ought to, only because it switch gives, also Paths imply can, with them one at program indeed on ESC-Sequenzen respect must.
Frank Abbing
is one gültiger windows-way, Why means meckern? watts in previous versions too never bemängelt.
already "immer", but vlt. only not noticed . |
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| You like you simply whom Doppelbackslash not accustom, what? |
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Frank Abbing |
already "immer", but vlt. only not noticed .
Definitiv wrong! yesterday yet with old Version functions, today with new Version not any more. and the with all Codes. the verwirft your theory.
You like you simply whom Doppelbackslash not accustom, what?
I use fundamentally whom einfachen Slash, the in both Hinsichten no Problems created. this way here (in others Codes similar Paths) however have I of Irfan export.
I know too against not, Why one with Kompilerschaltern no ESC-Sequenzen benefit can ought to, only because it switch gives, also Paths imply can, with them one at program indeed on ESC-Sequenzen respect must.
there entrapments me no advantages one. who needed already Quotes & Co in Kompilerschaltern. |
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| Hm, I mean the was always, not more than through one BUG prevented.
it power but none sense Kompilerschalter circa this feature To despoil, there one anyhow everywhere in the code Doppelbackslash or Slash with Pfadangaben prompt must. the would then indeed uneinheitlich and should declared go... |
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Frank Abbing |
it power but none sense Kompilerschalter circa this feature To despoil, there one anyhow everywhere in the code Doppelbackslash or Slash with Pfadangaben prompt must. the would then indeed uneinheitlich and should declared go...
No, should You indeed none. possible eignet itself the still in future. my Codes are so quick adjusted. wished the only ingesamt mellow know. |
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| The Überprüfung clutching hold with all "Stringkonstanten" there these aussortiert and sonderbehandelt go. |
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E.T. | Hm, versteh I do not integrally: I Have by me z.Bsp. stand: {$RUNTIME E:XPROFAN-RUNTIMESP11PRFRUN11.FFWV.EXE}, and the working.
or bleats XPSE not, because I no "" Have ??
the übergebene to {$RUNTIME ist still but withal alledem one String, becomes this not to "Esc-Sequenzen" search ??? |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 12/16/08 ▲ |
| the concerns hold Kompilerschalter which several Parameter expect and where at least one Parameter one way his ought to. {$runtime expects only a Parameter, here reicht the Abschluss by }. |
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Michael Wodrich | it standing of course not explizit in the Helpfile, but the letters with whom Ersatzzeichen go small written. the goes unfortunately not eindeutig from the scheduler the Ersatzzeichen forth.
the Roland meanwhile everywhere Warnschilder in the Help aufgestellt has ("Bitte Backslashes in Strings double, if it no Escapesequenzen go sollen") has Yes its reason.
it has to the Ersatzzeichen already multiple Ergänzungen given and who not on The Verdoppelung holds must then hold any suitable Codes new run through.
Großschreibung the way-/Filenames is too no Solution. in the first see it not absolutely well from and secondly: what happens well if time großgeschriebene Ersatzzeichen join.
As you you too wind - correctly. fehlerfrei functions The Pfadangaben in Stringliteralen only, if The Backslashes double go.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 12/16/08 ▲ |
E.T. | |
| Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte... | 12/16/08 ▲ |
Michael Wodrich | Yes, good idea.
Kennzeichnung as "sollte not any more uses go because..." - the ließe itself then on any "deprecated"-Identifier utilize.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 12/16/08 ▲ |