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| so V0.1.6 is out!
Größeres XPSE-Update! Please whom middle-aged yet pick up, in V0.1.6 get many new Features added, The controls correct and and and...
Umlaute go now too unterstütz! <offtopic>Was naturally only one bow his can! </offtopic>
What is new:
The Variablenerkennung is explicit correct. The variables go now too whom Procedures zugeordnet and the Types go examined.
Headerfiles: go now read and its application screen! in the Source using Structures, Apis or Konstanten go of XPSE now directly umgesetzt and the Headerfileangaben go from the Source removes - what To follow has the the XProfankompiler The Headerfiles not any more needed.
Why the XPSE does? because it The Umsetzung for a multiple faster power as the XProfankompiler and the XProfankompiler too yet less To do has and faster compiled.
by the reading the Headerfiles can XPSE too Strukturendefinitionen and Applications to check on - and must these not any more pass over. Falschgeschriebene Konstanten go now too angemeckert.
using APIs from whom Headerfiles go not just as Externals into Source transformed! the faster Call becomes uses and the Prozeduradresse from the DLL becomes einmalig related. the power The Abarbeitung of ApiCalls from Headerfiles too yet faster.
only yet stranger Headerfiles must indicated go! The StandardHeaderFiles windows.ph, messages.ph, commctrl.ph, structs.ph, Avi.ph, gdi.ph, OpenGL.ph, richedit.ph and shellapi.ph has XPSE intus! The indicated the Headerfiles isn't More necessary! go The Files nevertheless indicated uses XPSE The angegebenen and not The installed!
by the omit of Headerfileangaben becomes the Compile however yet faster! Weder XPSE yet the XProfankompiler must The Headerfiles reading!
the ~ must not any more uses go! It can - but it must not! only if the name Perhaps with a others kollidiert should the ~ uses go.
APIs, Structures and Konstanten can means simply uses go without these To deklarieren and without the ~ characters.
simply try! CompileMarkSeparation |
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| Update on V0.1.6x
there's a new Variablentypen! suffix: NIX (garnichts) no suffix! no suffix? Nö! no suffix. what's this thing for a type? everything what You want! String, Long, Integer or Float.
Okok new Variablentyp is wrong, there's none new Types - The vorhandenen Types stay. but one is new: No Suffixe More - if one would like!
How the goes? integrally simply - How yet - one declared z.B. three Long:
long a,b,c
or 4 strings?
string s,t,r,u
the wars.
as besonderes feature could I allude the one too same inside the Deklaration (How since X10 possible) The values allocate can. so: (now time integer)
int a=10
int a=10,b=20,c=a+b,d=50 <-- jau the goes too! yummy? yummy!
Later in the program then simply a instead of a% write. Can itself mean I well remember ^^ who a% writes is neither badly bedient - both goes!
int a%=10 <-- goes but not! int a=10 <-- goes!
and Memory-Variables?
Nixda! Floats, Longs, Ints and Strings.
demonstration? Kla: CompileMarkSeparation |
| ex XPSE V0.1.6y funktionierts now too pub... (everything experimentell!) CompileMarkSeparation
proc test(long a,b,c,d,e,string s)
string h="argh!"
proc luma(int a,b,c)
int h=a*b*c
return str$(h+b+c)+s
print a,b,c
print "Tick:",s
CompileMarkSeparation *bang*
accordingly can also within Procedures without Variablensuffixe worked go, even the indicate of Parameters can without Suffixe happen, and with verschachtelten Procedures functions it. (Sichtweite -1 per box) CompileMarkSeparation |
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| Aaaalso - variables Deklarieren: CompileMarkSeparation//strings?
string a,b,c,d,e
//schon sind a,b,c,d und e vom typ String!
//oder gleich mit Zuweisung?
string a="lol",b="bla",c,d,e="huch?"
//ein paar longs deklarieren?
long i,o,p
//oder mit zuweisung - aber als int?
int meinint=20,bla=30
//das alles klappt a) global, und b lokal in procs.
//procs haben aber parameter - diese müssten ja dann doch wieder mit suffixen angegeben werden.
//sei denn man schreib:
proc test(int i,o,p)
//geht auch:
proc test
parameters int i,o,p
//geht auch:
proc test (int i,long h,long v,z,p,string s1,s2,s3)
yummy? yummy!
in the next step I will time zusehen the the Überladen of functions too by C-Syntax allows becomes.
whom the To tricky is: there's simply The Keywords Int Long Float and String. simply before it write and thereafter The Variablenbezeichnungen. Klappt with Parameterangaben or as Variablendeklaration. |
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| Nachtrag: Hey I kanns hardly believe should me the really been successful his? After the Syntax no Variablensuffixe More? oO (except Memory-Variables/Arrays) |
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Michael Wodrich | are with Long, Float and String really no Kollisionen To befürchten?
String Alfa, Bravo = Test
I faith, that power The whole thing sooner something unübersichtlicher. who should then in such founts to Fehlern search.
Wären there not at least others Keywords appropriate?
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 11/09/06 ▲ |
| If you Long in the usual senses uses take Yes a Memory-Variable. here Gibts means no Kollision.
where ought to there what bump?
String Alfa, Bravo = Test...
Deklariert hold alfa and bravo as strings - bravo becomes too same on Test staid - is still ok?! |
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| Update on V0.1.6za
Experimentell goes now the new take action for Deklarieren with Memory-Variables. CompileMarkSeparation |
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Michael Wodrich | [quote:b6ff5934a1]where ought to there what bump?
String Alfa, Bravo = Test...
Deklariert hold alfa and bravo as strings - bravo becomes too same on Test staid - is still ok?![/quote:b6ff5934a1] If Alfa and Bravo though Longints are then becomes ex address in Alfa ex Offset in Bravo the String Test stored.
and these Mehrdeutigkeiten in a code (evtl. in a strangers code) To discover becomes then always tougher. apiece More meanings String and Co. get so furchtbarer.
Best wishes Michael Wodrich |
| Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 11/09/06 ▲ |
| No its integrally simply! If String (or Long) not to deklaration separate to that stuff of Values using go should then is simply one Variablensuffix anzugeben. |
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| Update on V0.1.6zb
some small Bugfixes. |
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| Update! on V0.1.6zc
some Bugfixes! too with Dateihandleangaben can now the Varialbensuffix waived go. CompileMarkSeparation likewise becomes now - if present - a xpse.inc fundamentally includiert. becomes the Namensraumsymbol ?_ in the xpse.inc uses so becomes it in xpse. supplant. |
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| small Nachtrag: fundamentally rate I from the Use of/ one xpse.inc ex! I have the feature but eingebunden because it desired watts. Why I abrate? one could quick forget the The command which in the xpse.inc stand always eingebunden go, only experienced Programmer should the benefit.
And if already so worked becomes then recommend I the there defined Procedures wenigestens with the Namespacesign ?_ declared go should. |
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