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![iF: 05/25/07](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | XProfan Precompiler and Syntax-Enhancer [XPSE] [...] Updates and Notes: |
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![iF: 05/30/07](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Update - new version! now go any Opportunities Franks XPRR ausgeschöpft. too XPRR-Updaten!
following indicated in the Kompilerschalter {$res ...} are possible:
Syntax 1: CompileMarkSeparation {$res productname meinProduktname}
{$res icon test.ico}e> Syntax 2: CompileMarkSeparation {$res productname meinProduktname, icon test.ico, productversion, ...} > ODoku Hilfeseite the XPSE becomes later properly adjusted.
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![Frank Abbing: 05/30/07](.././../../i/a/noavatar.gif) Frank Abbing | i want again deutlicher explain, How XPRR through XPSE using go can:
Icon Resource:
Fenstericon and Exeicon Change: {$res icon dateiname.ico [icongröße] [mindest-icon-bittiefe]}
only Fenstericon Change: {$res windowicon dateiname.ico [icongröße] [mindest-icon-bittiefe]}
only Exeicon Change: {$res exeicon dateiname.ico [icongröße] [mindest-icon-bittiefe]}
The Icongrösse must omitted, in the drop dial XPRR a multiple-Icon-File the latest Icon from. Gültige Grössen are z.B.: 16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 128, ... The Mindest-Icon-Bittiefe must omitted, in the drop dial XPRR a multiple-Icon-File the latest Icon from. Gültige Bittiefen are: 1=2 colours / 4=16 colours / 8=256 colours / 24=True Color (24 Bits) / 32=True Color+Alpha (32 Bits)
Manifesto Resource 24:
Manifesto-resource Remove: {$res nomanifest}
Version-Info Resource:
Version-Resource Remove: {$res noversioninfo}
Individual Rubriken the Version-Resource create: {$res companyname Business Name} {$res filedescription Dateibeschreibung} {$res fileversion Dateiversion} {$res internalname Dateiname} {$res legalcopyright copyright-Description} {$res legaltrademark Trademark-Description} {$res originalfilename Originaler Dateiname} {$res productname name the application} {$res productversion Anwendungsversion}
Each Rubrik must maximum 256 characters long his. FILEVERSION and PRODUKTVERSION must always vierstellig values his, separated by a point.an integrally ordinäre Version 1.0 should then so looks:, what under windows Major.Minor.Build.QFE means.
for any XProfan-Exedateien, The with XPRR machine go should counts:
in the equal Ordner as Profan-Exedatei must itself too The PRC-File this Exe find!!! XPRR must these both Files to getaner work manually new verlinken.
XPSE is in the site, several XPRR-instructions in a row abzuarbeiten, separated through Kommata. XPRR ought to itself in the equal Ordner find How XPSE.
here an example z.B. the beginning the official ObjectCreators ROC:
{$res companyname Rokosoft} {$res filedescription Offizieler dialog- and Helper window for XProfan} {$res fileversion} {$res internalname ROC.EXE} {$res legalcopyright © by Rolf Koch - Koblenz 2007} {$res originalfilename ROC.EXE} {$res productname Object Creator} {$res productversion}
{$res icon mainicon.ico 32 8} |
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![iF: 05/30/07](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | New XPRR and new XPSE - Please both updaten. |
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![iF: 06/11/07](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | New XPSE [...] V0.1.7l and new Textpad Syntaxfile.
DSound.DLL and WinMM.DLL Funktionsaufrufe integrate. |
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![iF: 06/22/07](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | |
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![iF: 01/25/08](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Experimentelle Version standing to that Download ready: [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif)
old Version absolutely pick up!
Changes:These experimentelle Version is the Zusammenspiel with xide getrimmt, can however too without xide uses go.The Versionsbezeichnung the XPSE has changed, z.B.: (for-XProfanVersion.XPSE-Version)the Konsolenausgabeformat has changed and was for later XideGebrauch and XProfan-Compiler optimiert.some Konstanten and Keywords added wg. X11. (not yet complete, there X11 too not yet ready)with XPIA (inlineAssembler) there yet Problems, who XPSE with XPIA uses ought to yet The ältere Version prefer!selected Feedback in the Problemfall. |
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![Rolf Koch: 01/25/08](.././../../i/a/11.gif) Rolf Koch | Roc is durchgelaufen and How You points should the what Heisen ^^ Exitcode: 0 (successful) |
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![iF: 01/25/08](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | Superb! ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1159043921.gif) |
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![iF: 02/26/08](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | XPSE-Update [...] supplant The latest experimentelle Version and can also again without ausgabeerfassenden editor used go.
who a ausgabeerfassenden editor benefit would like can on whom Aufrufstring *nokeyb (or experimentell *XIDE) append. |
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![iF: 03/21/08](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | XPSE-Update [...] some Fehlerbehebungen and adjustments on XProfan11.
likewise becomes on unknown Escapesequenzen attention and ggf. a Error Message displayed.
XProfan Precompiler & SE [XPSE] copyright (C) 2004-2008 XProfan.com, built DE.
File : 1.prf (7) Stats : If[0], Proc[0], classes[0], Macros[0] Runtime : prfrun32.exe, found Compiler : profcomp.exe, found
ready (22ms), arbitrary Button to that terminate or Kompileroption {$Q}uiet circa without demand To terminate.
[C]ompile [I ]nterpr [L]ink [R]unPrc Run[E]xe [s]ource [H]ilfe
XPSE:> Compile: code: 0 [success] (123 byte pcode) XPSE:> left: code: 0 [success] (1014 KB exe) XPSE:> Ausfuehren: code: 0 [success] XPSE:>![](.././../../i/c.gif)
It can his not eachone Subscriptions-Compiler the XProfan11 of these XPSE correctly zusammenarbeitet what The Check concerns of Fehlern which of XProfan-Compiler gemeldet go. At the latest with the next Version the XProfan11-Kompilers can XPSE correctly check whether the XProfan-Compiler a Error reported. (so as yet too always true.) |
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![iF: 05/31/08](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | small Update wg. X11 on [...] ![](/intl/i/lnk.gif) |
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