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 Ragnar Rehbein | The XPSE-own Create-command (inkl. Syntaxprüfung) bump with the standard inc of VWP2. g1.inc
bring a satte Error Message + discontinue.
the kanns still not his ??? bow or feature ??? 
if You whom XPSE yet stronger of syntax since erweiterst entrapments me or. others slow no names More for Own proceduren one. 
moreover have I one trouble with the zeilennummern The with warnungen (fehlern) indicated go. How find I The suitable place in quelltext? the name the include + zeilennummer in the include wären nützlicher 
r.r. |
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 | Hehe lol is correct.
Nunja means The only XPSEs are still eigendlich The CreateBefehle.
and XPSE supported nunmal createspinedit lol.
would be Yes How as though You createtext redifinieren want.
simply these Def delete? 
salvo.  |
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 Dietmar Horn | I find The iFsche XPSE-Logik and Verfahrensweise (what The XPSE-Weiterentwicklung concerns) anyway lovely. an only Def in the own Source umzurubeln, this is still plenty less costly, as for each yet so tiny Pups evtl. again a new XPSE-switch einzuführen.
Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...]  Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...]  | 04/19/05 ▲ |
 Ragnar Rehbein | as long as I in VWP2 no spinedit beget ok, but if I one need, what then ? the syntax the quelltextes becomes Yes complete of VWP2 created, there can I not simply umdefinieren.
had You my question bzgl. the zeilennummern seen ? I had later edited.
r.r |
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 | The Zeilennummern voices ca. with the Zeilennummern in the *.enh überein.
The Zeilennummern within Includes can XPSE presently not spend - there it for xpse no Includes gives.
XPSE becomes simply look - if with DEF a such function definiert becomes - the no XPSE-function thereby is - otherwise these DEF simply delete.
is the ok so?  |
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 Ragnar Rehbein | evtl. is it Yes the late evening or the long day 
what happens because now, if my DEF whom names of/ one XPSE-function has, or. what position You you to ?
r.r. |
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 CB | I would glad, if the Interpreter with XPSE 0.14h again weg would. in the meantime to tausenden modified variables no Error Message, no warning More, but the Interpreter wants never. at least can I yet normal compilieren and left, mere is the with the Fehlerbereinigung irritating. with 0.13 Gibts at same Prog no Problems. can the a Systemvariable his, The the new Version net likes? lparam,wparam Perhaps or something like ähnliches?
Christian |
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 | would be me too forward - but you are the only....
i'd really gladly know what XProfan there veranlaßt - in the interpreter mode to interrupt.
Perhaps can time bisl Debuggen? shining Yes important To his...
salvo. |
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 Ragnar Rehbein | i will Yes not absolutely extrawünsche ... but one switch $noenhsyntax or similar would evtl rather. 
I persöhnlich avoid any sysntaxerweiterungen, I gladly compatible to that XProfan-Compiler stay would like. is with fehlern (The there sure in XPSE or. becomes it always time give) from of my visibility sinnvoller.
nevertheless praise for actually Version.  any important projects with meheren thousand programmzeilen are tidy durchgelaufen. if me yet what strike ought to login I ...
r.r. |
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 Dietmar Horn | likes his, that my Vorgehensweise (what The XPSE-Use concerns) many of/ one as unfashionable hinstellt - me but alike.
because of of my courses must I / would like I with all PRF-versions of 5.0 To currently works can. and too with sämtlichen actually Editoren, Entwicklungsumgebungen, etc. (VWP counts u.a. ditto moreover).
my actual (privateren) projects (outside the Schreibens of course-Demos) should but ditto still function, without that I always -zig Click-Orgien to that switch organize must. on the other hand would like I but on XPSE not any more dispense want.
I machs so:
I create my(e) proposition(e) simply with the jeweiligen editor (suitable PRF-Version always zugeordnet). in between (and naturally to completion) call I XPSE by Kommandozeile of utterly-Commander from on, let XPSE Verify, interpret, compilieren, left, etc.
so come I yet right well clear, because with old+tab quick time to Kommandozeile switch, and there by Strg+E whom last XPSE-appeal To repeat, this is still reasonable, or?
most Problems with whom Zeilennummern (The eh seldom exactly voices) might with this Vorgehensweise ditto (almost) slay his, or? And if You anyhow constantly with z.B. whom standard-Incs of VWP work, then would it still no trouble, The couple Def-Lines in the *.INC so umzuschreiben, that tappt im dunkeln itself with XPSE tolerate, or? I faith not any more on it, that it in absehbarer future at all once more one VWP-UpDate give becomes. and if really, then certainly not such hours-intervals, How XPSE-Updates.
From such things, How rename in COMPILER.EXE u.ä. stops I anyhow nothing, because I quick time in between always too time again on the PRF-standard zurückgreifen can must and would like.
Dietmar |
| Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V. [...]  Windows 95 bis Windows 7 Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch: [...]  | 04/19/05 ▲ |
 | Ragnar i'm integrally sincere To you - a Noenhsyntaxxpseversion I will well only schwerlich offer can.
For this, must You know - the XPSE whom whole Source in memory first of all into own stature konvertiert (komprimierter) (like PRC) and thereafter again ausspuckt.
with this more or less cruel Procedere becomes means the Source eh reformatiert. The Creategeschichte is there one Abfallprodukt.
i'm me but sure the we the ultrakompatibel and megaelegant over The stage catch. 
The Gegenvariante to that Delete the Def would Yes - the XPSE ge-defte gleichnamige functions in silence can. this is already imaginable - fit me but unfortunately not at all in that concept - there Roland Perhaps soon mitspielt...
it would indeed not recommendable - if you z.B. a def create building - or a def addstring - or a def trim.
points How I mean?
salvo.  |
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