
XPSE recognize no Umlaute


Hello iF!

I Have strain fixes, that XPSE no Umlaute in the Filenames recognize. Perhaps haste Yes Time, the To Change...otherwise is everything roger!
Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP


I find it well, that the XPSE the so power and no Umlaute accepted, because therefore one badly Programmierstil not too yet gefördert becomes.

not only in File- and Ordnernamen, separate too with Bezeichnern for Procedures, functions, Variables and Konstanten should German Umlaute not uses go.

I have in the past tense dbzgl. already etliche Codes of Schülern ausmisten must, The first thereafter without further Changes sensible ran.

of my experience to is one always on the secure Page, if one itself with the whom Umlauten none first angewöhnt (or. itself the schnellstmöglich again abgewöhnt). with einfachen and kürzeren Codes likes with the whom Umlauten to some extent functions. with komplexeren Projekten against it i was initially often the Verzweifeln near been, To I The Umlaute ausgetauscht having and first thereafter The programs without Error funktionierten.

who now behauptet: by me went the yet always too with Umlauten., the has either yet no komplexeren projects prepares, or it standing these experience with Fehlfunktionen at use of Umlauten first yet before ...

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

[quote:0620c310d1]I find it well, that the XPSE the so power and no Umlaute accepted, because therefore one badly Programmierstil not too yet gefördert becomes.[/quote:0620c310d1]
be with Dietmar of/ one opinion - have integrally To beginning (faith under Profan 4.0 or so...) Problems with whom Procedur-Benennungen had and be then as quickly as possible to international spelling umgestiegen

in the Program use so did i never Umlaute, but with Filenames find I it already meaningfully. I benenne The Progrmm with Codeschnipseln always to their Content and there make itself Umlaut well, because always ae, oe and ue can itself heavy reading.

Profan² 2.6 bis XProfan 11.1+XPSE+XPIA+XPRR (und irgendwann XIDE)
Core2Duo E8500/T2250, 8192/1024 MB, Radeon HD4850/Radeon XPress 1250, Vista64/XP

my geschilderten Experience related itself on Ordner- and Filenames with german Umlauten.

theoretical is and should the of course possible his, and mostly works the too. but at the latest, after one at least once in these MS-entrapment trod is, can to the his and recommend this too others.

Multimedia für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene - MMJ Hoyerswerda e.V.  [...] 

Windows 95 bis Windows 7
Profan² 6.6 bis XProfan X2 mit XPSE

Das große XProfan-Lehrbuch:  [...] 

with Ordner- and Filenames with german Umlauten must one respect, there then the same counts, How with Ordner- and Filenames with space, Kommas, etc.: tappt im dunkeln must in quotation marks calm go, so it sure functions. from visibility the Betriebssystemes are Umlaute no letters, separate Sonderzeichen.

nevertheless avoid I Sonderzeichen in Filenames, there it unfortunately another whole row (too commercially) programs gives, The z.B. with space in Pfaden not get by.

To Umlauten in Bezeichnern: XProfan allows of course presently next to letters and Digits The characters ÄÖÜäöüß_. in Bezeichnern, but in the senses the Portierbarkeit in others Languages recommend I on ÄÖÜäüöß To dispense.
utterly mortal are others Sonderzeichen in Bezeichnern, How about Operators or Typkennungen or quite space. I zitiere from the Help: nevertheless is urgently To recommend, only letters, Digits and Unterstriche To use. One Schwachpunkt is in XProfan sure yet, that from Tempogründen The Bezeichner at Declare only very rudimentär examined go.

Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

[quote:1f9155936a=Jacob Liebeck]If god pseudo had, that we program, had it us 16 fingers given![/quote:1f9155936a]
the old boy mr thought thereby well sooner ans Oktalsystem. 8 Finger and 2 Häckchen to that capture. it could well not presage, the we so over target hinausschiessen.

Best wishes
Michael Wodrich
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

I use in Profan as long as I think can Umlaute in Bezeichnern for Procedures, functions, Variables and Konstanten.
it has so (except in the XPSE) yet never Problems given.
Programmfehlfunktionen are me utterly uncharted.
Roland has indeed confirm, (bestaetigt,) that Umlaute supported (unterstuetzt) go.
with schlechtem Programmierstil has the of my opinion to little To do.
procedure and Variablenbezeichner are by me often right long and right german.
I find on it nothing badly. this is simply Geschmackssache, so How z.B. whether I with tempo 240 The Scheiben runtergekurbelt have or not (even if the manufacturers not recommend)

programs The Profan portieren (Profan2CPP) having with the Umlauten no Problems, The Umlaute go simply umgesetzt.
others Portierungen are me uncharted. If I by hand portiere, must I anyhow More Change (Change) as The Umlaute.

i wish (wuensche) me for XPSE a switch the whom Umlautabbruchtest (former (frueher) were it Yes only Warnungen) ausschaltet. unfortunately can I because of this fact only with the Version of october 2005 works.
wedlock I any Source diesbezüglich (diesbezueglich) anpasse and anew Teste, write I me rather self something XPSE ähnliches (aehnliches).

what at XPSE for me important is:
- a Gesamtdatei without Leerzeilen and comments, is cool for Fehlersuche, with Fehlern under indicated the Zeilennummer (can Roland faith I meanwhile too)
- Kompilerschalter, The the Compile, left and evtl. started in a Slip make
- indicated the To Linkenden Runtime
- The Batch-switch circa z.B. The finished EXE into Programmverzeichnis To copy (unfortunately goes only one Batchbefehl)
- kernelout debug circa Debugversionen of Programs To produce, if it times correctly crash

take off me unwichtig is:
- any Spracherweiterungen
- graphical surface

what I me yet wish (wuenschen) would (wuerde)
- Einrückungen (Einrueckungen) in the .enh-code
- hochzahlen (hochzaehlen) of Builds in the Filenames the .enh-File and the EXE


If you solely Profan verwendest, and the too always so stay becomes, kannste Yes Umlaute use. In jeglicher Literatur To Syntax and Stilempfehlungen, becomes not recommended, i'd in the dream never on The idea come, Umlaute for variables To use. at that reading such Sourcen catch I first on To stumbling

there's even defined recommended regulate and one ought to itself largely dran hold. comments only in english verfassen, there stops I neither dran, weils sometimes with the Language hapert , but the Rest is already important. me disturbing to that example, the the in Codetags versetze code here of Forum ghastly distorted becomes, concerning the big- and Kleinschreibung

but iF becomes the well neither for me Change

But this is already long possible. moreover must first thing characters in your code one Rufzeichen stand.

If movehandle&=bildwin2&

    UseCursor 5

    IfNot IsKey(1)




    UseCursor 0

!    If movehandle&=bildwin2&
UseCursor 5

Ifnot IsKey(1)




UseCursor 0



@thanks Frank, I will well until next time again forget having
I can already hardly whom BBCode remember, if still any Tricks necessary are, can I I do not remember. one becomes even slow old

If it soooo your wish is the your code not autoformatiert becomes, then become You you one [CODE] remember can!


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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