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ruler  [...] 

One ruler is a expedient to that draw of particularly gerader lines. Bildschirmlineal as Produktionstool, with Fokus on effizientes Bildschirmarbeiten on the windows-PC. One ruler is a expedient to that draw of particularly gerader lines*. this screen ruler is a virtuelles ruler for Your Monitor/ for (Web-) Designer and Programmer. the tool is with Click the Icon from the quick-Launch-groin or by Strg+old+L activate. it verfügt additionally over a Lupenfunktion. The integrierte Farbpicker helps a dargestellte colour To analyse. During early Lineale solely a straight edge had, having moderne Lineale mostly too a Skale, with the itself Lengths Is it Unikode let. often go on both pages Skalen infuriated, partly in unterschiedlichen Maßeinheiten. the screen ruler shows not only Coordinates and Lengths separate too Winkel. this Bildschirmlineal eignet itself to that Messen of intervals in Pixel or in selbstdefinierten units on the Anwenderbildschirm. One genaueres read and Positionieren the Lineals allows a zuschaltbare Lupe as well as the Positionieren the Cursors with the Pfeiltasten.

The actually colour the Pixels under the Cursor can as HTML- or HEX-worth displayed and copies go. for users in the screen-Publishing How Web- or screen-Designer, Anwendungs- developer/ Programmer and any The what on-screen Is it Unikode want, is this Tool one mandatory.

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Kurzbeschreibung: the beliebteste and BESTE Bildschirmlineal.

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Update: [...] 

How had: C fügt Coordinates the Zwischenablageninhalt hinzu.


Invoice values+C fügt (only) whom HEX-Farbwert the Zwischenablageninhalt hinzu.
F5 setting selection the highlighted Control/ Window
F6 changes The Maßeinheit of px to cm to inch to foot
HEX-Farbwert becomes now too always over the Lupe displayed

respect! The selection the Handels functions utterly liquid, and goes super from the hand. i'll never longer another Scrennshot-Tool works want. with your Tool is really everything in two Klicks Done! KLASSE!

another couple suggestions:
"X1,Y1 - X2,Y2"-Coordinates ditto in others Maßeinheiten converting.
Tastenkombination, to that copy the Hex-Wertes, next to the Hexwert (Hex-worth from the Lupe) present
Symbols for most important Context menu-functions

[OFFTOPIC]the Smiley-Window has straight multiple aufgehangen. I use Firefox.[/OFFTOPIC]
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

Webseite [...] 

because of your spots 2 and 3:

You can Yes already with Invoice values+C whom Hexfarbwert the Content the Clipboard

add. simply always Invoice values+C pressing if a further colour the between-

Ablageinhalt added should.

whom remainder look I me on.

yet ne coole idea: settle the selection the highlighted Control/ Window too by Double click.

Invoice values+C are me To many Keys. best would me the F-Keys fallen :p
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

Webseite [...] 

Dis with the Double click and F7 building I soon with one.

with maximierten Windows is by me generally always one about 5px great schwarzer welt drumrum. can you unterbinden the The Selektion outside the Bildschirms verläuft?
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

Webseite [...] 

Nochmal one solid-suggestion:
the Image generally, except for whom Content the Selektion, slight eingrauen (though not The Lupe, and the real Farbwerte relating.). Selektion and Fadenkreuz in the colour 255 or. 0.

about so:

ScreenShot ditto by Print-Button. if nothing selektiert is, hervorgehobenes Control use.
Coordinates the mouse in the Lupe present
Lupe one\Hide by F2.
Help by F1 Call

417 kB
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

Webseite [...] 

Update on v1.5: [...] 

Double click ...
Selektion outside the Bildschirms prevented
pressure-Button save Screenshot
Coordinates with Lupe...
any Coordinates in festgelegter Maßeinheit
F1 Help
F2 Lupe/ Werteleiste on/from
F7 How Invoice values+C HEX-Farbwert the Zwischenablageninhalt add
"Design-Vorschlag" from Performancegründen (again) zurückgebaut

where go The things because stored ? If I on Info click come I with bplaced.net on a Page from the I Malware or viruses loading can. The Provider ab some aliens IP's How my and wants that they Malware loading. is one Scheissprovider.
suggestion: usually ought to if I to the Start only a Linksklick ausführe The colour the place in that Clipboard copies go.
XProfan X2
Er ist ein Mann wie ein Baum. Sie nennen ihn Bonsai., Win 7 32 bit und Win 7 64 bit, mit XProfan X2

in the context-Menu ought to one ditto by F6 The units change can. Evtl. to that change the units a Context menu-point create.
the same with F2 and F1
The pressure-Button functions by me yet not yet!
The Tastenkombination to that copy the Hexwertes Please next to whom Hexwert (meant is the Hexwert in the Lupe) write.
Symbols for most important Context menu-functions.

Is my "Design-Vorschlag", because of performance really not To release. theoretical would it Yes suffice, if You once The Bildquelle machine and later again hereon zugreifst. The filter and effects functions by me too without more performance-difficulty.
XProfan X2
Win7 Home Premium, SP1, AMD Athlon(tm) II Neo K125 Processor

Webseite [...] 

Dieter Zornow (05.09.12)

where go The things because stored ?

there with this bplaced.net where I me To Testzwecken simply time a Account gotten have. often is the bplaced Server not at all accessible and FTP is too gammy.

Dieter Zornow (05.09.12)
The Provider ab some aliens IP's How my and wants that they Malware loading. is one Scheissprovider.

bplaced.net hold.

I fetch me for rather a *.XProfan.com-Account.

Dieter Zornow (05.09.12)
suggestion: usually ought to if I to the Start only a Linksklick ausführe The colour the place in that Clipboard copies go.

Yes, if itself not already with others functions bite would.

can simply F7 pressing and then left clicking. have but ohnehin to a

fat Options Dialog einzuköcheln where one such Kuriositäten then einwürzen can.

@Dieter: changed on ruler.XProfan.com: [...]  !

Julian57 (05.09.12)

in the context-Menu ought to one ditto by F6 The units change can. Evtl. to that change the units a Context menu-point create.


Julian57 (05.09.12)

the same with F2 and F1


Julian57 (05.09.12)

The pressure-Button functions by me yet not yet!

For this can Yes the program nothing! ^^ sure the no png File thereby stored?

Julian57 (05.09.12)

The Tastenkombination to that copy the Hexwertes Please next to whom Hexwert (meant is the Hexwert in the Lupe) write.

ihgitt naien! next to whom Mauspfeillinien standing indeed not: mouse moving circa these line(n) To moving.

Julian57 (05.09.12)

Symbols for most important Context menu-functions.

I lifted but no Symbols for most important Context menu-Entries!

Julian57 (05.09.12)

Is my "Design-Vorschlag", because of performance really not To release. theoretical would it Yes suffice, if You once The Bildquelle machine and later again hereon zugreifst. The filter and effects functions by me too without more performance-difficulty.

yet could I complete hereon dispense the hWnd for each Frame new to drawing. the would then even not any more the case what about me should sozusagen doppelpuffern.

Zur Anwendung

Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Jürgen Strahl02/23/24


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