
evident bow - Speicherleck


Hello fans!

i'm yet always with my Diashow engage and I with many try evident a Error entdeck.

my trouble was Yes the stop the program if The JPGs for Diashow loaded go. thereupon have I the Tipp get the recharge in a self-contained Process walk To let. means have I the following made:

- three self-contained processes created
- Process 1 and 2 produce two independent Laufschriften
- Process 3 loading The eigentliche Diashow.

The Anzeigebildschirm is the Mainwindow the quasi dreigeteilt is. means thrice oGL initialized around the Teilbereiche. the Bildschirmes with my Animationen To fill.

and it's running!

but only about 1 Minute. thereafter catches it on To to judder until absoluten stood still.

me watts mitgeteilt the it one Speicherleck his could what about me ought to time look whether any apertured and not any more required Handles closed and not any more benötigte Speicherbereiche again released get. the have I screen. but the Error exit over ands over again on.
Starte I mean Show without additional processes over a defined procedure runs everything tidy.

In my PC werkeln two Gforce 210 GraKas with 1GB Grafikspeicher. read I this memory to Programmlaufzeit from, is integrally clear To see the the memory fully runs during The second ticket normal using go can.

the lead me now to assumption the OpenGL as Multiprozess launched something bugt.

possible having we one ähnliches Completed: unterschiedlicher software

with webGL I had one Speicherleck. Just could I a cause turn off and it stuff. hereon has me indirect a response one Entwicklers of three.js with stackoverflow brought.

at that Search and testing on The response there, have I one lauffähiges example the developer of three.js found, the my with leak formal really almost identical was, but no vent having. I have it schrittweise minimizes, To as Difference only yet The Zeitrate spare stayed.

then have I in leckfreien Original the gemächlich in the 1000 ms beat bunte effects created simply time two nobodies kassiert. and see there, too the Paradebeispiel frisst memory!

my supposition:
The Speicherbereinigung (Javascript, WebGL, ... ?) need self something Time and is sometime überfordert and comes not any more afterwards.

my Solution is now, The Taktrate in the Animation To limit. with 333 ms I had first Erfolge.

will be it now in silence "sauber" make and then there  [...]  something hither explain.

possible is it with OpenGL integrally similar

Hello HofK,

you mean So one Timingproblem? Hmmh, could his. only then is it for my Diashow not so simply lösbar.
strange is, that all effects free from problems walk as they from the Hauptprogramm and not as eigenständiger Process called go. then can I there on Animationen reinschmeissen I wants. but evident have You me on the right lane brought. One Timingproblem is it nevertheless. namely The Übergabe the oGl-information on the Mainwindow. the shine my Animationen or. TexturMoves To quick To his sodaß The Informationsübergabe hang remaining. the would though very angry because I then the complete solid and Fensterlayout new can make and it then tedious works.
Möglicherweise place I the proposition one except there's a Possibility The Bilderserie in a self-contained Process in the Memory hunt and then of Mainwindow by Pointer o.ä. this BilderArray grab to. the resolve then any Problems. still unfortunately find I moreover no Inormationen.
In freeBASIC and VB.net functions the free from problems. But this is unfortunately komplizierter as XProfan 3.1. man - had I the before known. Have me Xprof extra bought because so simply. Bugs gibbet Yes everywhere but the it me just into first second Meet as beginner ind this Programming-Environment erwischt, fuming me.

not same The "Flinte in' s Korn" throwing!
moreover "wühlen"!

after I yesterday on the evening thought, I have it, coming soon The disillusionment! the small example running with 333ms, but as i then my integral umfangreicheren "Gebilde" with many functions tested have, coming the leak again. I could it over ands over again stuff, but if The Taktfrequenz then again almost with 1000ms alights, is the no flüssige Animation More.

but so have I now moreover sought and be on a not in the Documentation listed but in Examples emerging commands punched the my trouble resolve. If I The thing though yet strain wants, stand I then again to the trouble, there the commands only in designed Make applicable is.

so runs my "sandbox" since a couple minutes in the network  [...]   [...]  without leak!

will be I then soon document.  [...] 

If I on it think, How often I with the Creation of my CPU - Simulation thought, it with XProfan ( then 11 ) not hinzubekommen and hinschmeißen wished ...

Hello HofK,

i've got it!

an something unkonventionelle Solution but It's all right. the secret was The Parameter Passing and evident the vermutete Überlauf in the OpenGL Display in the equal Window. now have I quasi two independent Window created, The übereinander laid. benefit: No Parameter Passing. now walk means in two independent Windows The Animationen without itself mutual To bearing. If I now The Bildmatrix load, remaining naturally too furthermore The Diashow hang but I can Yes the Anzeigefenster for Bildanimation as long as into Hinergrund schieben. so shows now the first Window my Laufschriften and a Logo. once everything loaded is, fetch I the second Window again into Vordergrund. and voilà! it sees from How pseudo. now can I me in silence To september circa my Anzeigeanimationen concern. I give To the it now not The swell manner is it's running.
Erstmal thanks for your Help and Aufmunterung.

have me your Animationen time respected - Real class!


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no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Untitledvor 0 min.
Christof Neuß09/19/18


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