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![Richi: 04/21/13](.././../../i/a/1471.gif) Richi | Hello on all sides, I Search ideas for a manner TextCopy 'Funktion' similar the ScreenCopy 'Befehl'
trouble is, I a FrameSet have and there not on whom View source come. The copy and paste method with the 'Maus' would but weg. its go ahead costly each individual 'Datensatz', by hand To copy.
If someone a idea or Perhaps even already experience has, would me over eure Inspiration forward. Info: Program is for a Sozialessprojekt
thanks Richi |
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![iF: 04/21/13](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | understand I it correctly., that You simply The values possible all Text and Eingabefelder one Fensters into Clipboard write want?
if so, then would this relatively simply with 2 creep To manage and the WindowFromPoint-API. If you but a Browserfenster copy want, then becomes it explicit komplizierter because the Browser from Sicherheits- Found something like prevent. |
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![Richi: 04/21/13](.././../../i/a/1471.gif) Richi | So I would like a web page The Frames using whom Text in ever of/ one shape Save z.B. String/Clipboard/area circa it then moreover To process
having on so what How ScreenCopy hold only with text virtual, that would still one nice new function The certainly suggested too with others Programmierern find would must but not his, a small routine would it too do
its so the one EAN-code as number in a Webbasiertes-system association becomes The then indicated data (from a Frame) would like I reading. CopyAndPaste by hand would weg, there are but 150 000 Datensätze....
resolved have I today with the the trouble the HtmlQuelltextes, this I get now
thanks for your response and idea with the WindowFromPoint-API, is one Browserfenster |
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![iF: 04/21/13](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | stand in the HTML-View source already The from you required Info? |
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![Richi: 04/22/13](.././../../i/a/1471.gif) Richi | Yes, wären there drin. I can whom Frame but not recharge, that prevented one JavaSkript or me are missing The POST Parameter ex whom '?' (zB:https://eineseite.de/request.js.C?HörbuchEAN=4711&Ausgabe=20)
I have it yet so far resolved: Window Search and in Focus set then: @SendString(Window%,"(^a)") ' TastenCode everything select Sleep 100 @SendString(Window%,"(^c)") ' TastenCode copy Sleep 100 Print @GetClip$()
The Mouse ought to I before yet in the FrameSet on the Richtigenframe positionieren Perhaps so: def @mauspos(2)!"User32","SetCursorPos" @mauspos(100,500) 'Maus on Bildschirmpos. x,y settle
Clicken not forget: DEF @mouse_event(5)!"User32","mouse_event" @mouse_event(2,0,0,0,0) 'Maus pressing Sleep 100 @mouse_event(4,0,0,0,0) 'Maus release
the shining yet quite well with functions ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif)
If you a others Lösungsansatz would have, would me forward. and thanks for your Unterstürzung ![](.././../../i/s/__upl_ext_1111498557.gif) |
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![Richi: 04/22/13](.././../../i/a/1471.gif) Richi | CompileMarkSeparation' ####### TextCopy 2013 by Richi :) :) :)
TextCopy "Fenstername",600,600
Print @GetClip$()
' ####### TextCopy "Fenstername",x,y
' ####### Fenstername (Die ersten Buchstaben reichen)
' ####### x,y eine relative Position (Hintergrundposition) des zu lesenden Textfensters zB bei BrowserFrames
' ####### Bei der x,y Position ist darauf zu achten das kein Button oder der gleichen sich auf der Positionierung befindet
' ####### x,y sind nicht die Koordinaten des zu lesenden Textes, nur eine Feldauswahl !!!
' ####### Der Text sollte sich nun in der Zwischenablage befinden
PROC TextCopy
PARAMETERS Fenstername$,x&,y&
Sleep 1000
declare fenster%
Fenster% = @FindWindow(Fenstername$)
Print "GetText von Handle: ";Fenster%;" ist:";@GetText$(Fenster%)
Sleep 100
def @mauspos(2)!"User32","SetCursorPos"
@mauspos(x&,y&)'Maus an Bildschirmpos. x,y setzen
DEF @mouse_event(5)!"User32","mouse_event"
@mouse_event(2,0,0,0,0)'Maus drücken
Sleep 100
@mouse_event(4,0,0,0,0)'Maus loslassen
Sleep 100
@SendString(Fenster%,"(^a)")' TastenCode Alles auswählen
Sleep 100
@SendString(Fenster%,"(^c)")' TastenCode Alles auswählen
Sleep 100
@mouse_event(2,0,0,0,0)'Maus drücken
@mouse_event(4,0,0,0,0)'Maus loslassen
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![Florian Peter Heuberger: 04/22/13](.././../../i/a/5863172184794ee0a445ed.jpg) Florian Peter Heuberger | Hi,
can you us The Page once directly name? or is the one internes network? i'd tappt im dunkeln me gladly time standing. theoretical can you Yes The entire HTML-Page "downloaden" and suitable Algorithms for you properly decompose.
The Page time self To see would me help.
MfG Flo |
| ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _ Die TaschenlampeDie Taschenlampe ist die perfekte APP für dein Windows Phone! -Sie steuert die echte Blitz-LED des Telefons an und versorgt diese mit 100% Leistung -Zudem wird stetig in der Live-Tile der aktuelle Akkustand wiedergegeben.
gehts zur APP! | 04/22/13 ▲ |
![iF: 04/22/13](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | very, or a such Page fix aufbereiten.
who Webspace with PHP, SQL, Mail, FTP, Stats etc. need simply report - are yet sufficient Ressourcen spare! |
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![Richi: 04/22/13](.././../../i/a/1471.gif) Richi | means a Vergleichbares system finds one under: [...] or [...] ![](.././../../i/lnk.gif)
there are naturally yet interne functions with thereby, The I so not present can it ought to still a Überblick give. I need The data the individual spending zB the individual Buches.
the most beautiful Solution would if I over the EAN code search could, but this is so solid made. The standing to that Bsp.: in the spending there: ........... cant Wildtiere / Schwarmverhalten / Jugendsachbuch (ID: 1143734) <-------- Ean code ............ The such URL allows too a Search with the EAN code only I know The Formatierung not. the would naturally The gavel-Solution !!!
thanks you for the interest and the Webspace-tender is too cool is How said one Sozialessprojekt and could too Profan a small Werbekick give ;) at least with the Profan book of Dietmar in the shelf... |
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![Florian Peter Heuberger: 04/22/13](.././../../i/a/5863172184794ee0a445ed.jpg) Florian Peter Heuberger | well perfect!!
this is the HTML Source "nach" the Search:
<table border="1" rules="cols" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tr valign="top"><td class="td3" width="5%" align="center"><a href=/opac/ftitle.C?LANG=de&FUNC=full&342591=YES><img src="image/30.gif.S" & border="0" valign="bottom" title="Zur Volltitelinformation"></td><td class="td2" width="3%" align="center"><input type="checkbox" name="342591" value="YES"></td><td width="34%">08/15</td><td width="34%"> </td><td width="6%" etc...
so can you it to you sensible rausfiltern! in your drop Search to "title" and already have you got whom cover. simply whom string splitten!
If you you The data then in z.B. your Own class written have, can you these without Problems moreover process, filtern, search etc..
MfG |
| ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ _ Die TaschenlampeDie Taschenlampe ist die perfekte APP für dein Windows Phone! -Sie steuert die echte Blitz-LED des Telefons an und versorgt diese mit 100% Leistung -Zudem wird stetig in der Live-Tile der aktuelle Akkustand wiedergegeben.
gehts zur APP! | 04/22/13 ▲ |
![Richi: 04/24/13](.././../../i/a/1471.gif) Richi | thanks Florian, I faith but we've us something misread. it went around the Reading the data/Quelltextes. I should Yes otherwise always whom View source Call and via CopyAndPaste reading. Perhaps so declared: If the Page called becomes, should The data automatically, in anybody shape, to Weiterverarbeitung exist.
in this drop a Sprachausgabe, these have I already ready.
nevertheless thanks for endeavours
If someone a idea has How one find out can where the IE The data save. means not the directory, separate The Aktuelleseite. |
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![iF: 04/24/13](.././../../i/a/1.gif) | at that IE would me not wonder if it even simply under %temp% save. Presumably would But rather, if you by HTMLWin one IE-Control beget and then so directly on whom HTML come. look time here under OCX: [...] ![](.././../../i/lnk.gif)
Look you but too this on: [...] and this: [...] ![](.././../../i/lnk.gif) |
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