
XProfan is still alive!

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i'm already are years thereby! David, Frank and Roland kennen me! nevertheless in XProfan a "tote" Language.... so sorrow it me too does! The problem is the it no "free" Language is! we've any everything for given, the it a for mere "profane" Programming-Language becomes. I find it Schade, the it so far come had.
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« this Posting watts as Solution marked. »

Agreed --- my mustard moreover: "others" wiederrum are with studies engage / on the side with work, I look nevertheless "passiv" ex & To time past
XProfan X2
TC-Programming [...] 
XProfan 8.0 - 10.0 - X2 - X3 - X4


Hm, something like of of someone To listen, the already seeehr long thereby thereby is... .
... but very nice Wassertropfen-Page, if too with 0 functions or Inhalten.

How comes one with so plenty eigener Initiative To such of/ one testimony (which itself reads, How with plenty frustration to 'nem men-evening with plenty Bier's written) ?? 

even if The Vermarktung of by Roland not The best To his scheind (but above watts well enough discusses, and letztlich is this well too Roland's thing), see I still XProfan everything else as dead.
Grüße aus Sachsen... Mario
WinXP, Win7 (64 Bit),Win8(.1),Win10, Win 11, Profan 6 - X4, XPSE, und 'nen schwarzes, blinkendes Dingens, wo ich das alles reinschütte...


whether XProfan "tot" is, likes I and can I not to judge.

I have though so Bauchweh, that one for colour still The SKControl dll need. what if these on new Windowsversionen not any more runs? becomes The dll at all yet taken care of?

just as behave it itself with the Inpoutput dll.

what would most Beginner?
i have noticed, that many colour would and not only whom actually Windowsstyle with whom Controls.
very so slight to create to create and whom equal command abzufragen.

on the other hand is XProfan in weiten sharing well erlernbar and one score in "einfachen" things speedy Results.
one can hold not everything having.

Windows7 Xprofan 8,9,10 [...]  [...] 

means "tot" would I never say.

what I as always for a Error of Roland stops, is the Umstand,
that it in vielerlei Hinsicht not us and not me hears.

my Grundidee is it nachwievor, that it the XProfan vastly
rather weg would, if Roland:

a) instead of lauter Derivate mere the product XProfan vermarktet and something like How
oglbasic, freeprofan etc. simply time his lässt;

b) XProfan finally to kompletten Freeware macht;

c) only whom XProfan-Kompilierer to that buy anbietet.

then were it one windows-Basic namens XProfan that itself gewaschen
has and eachone could it spare use and publish and none should
what buy if it so exercise or small Tools produce wants. (The Language
would itself plenty einfacherer and stronger get around can)

additionally be I like this convincing, that Roland then mere by the
Kompilierer-selling plenty More customers had on my own because plenty More people
with XProfan program could.

The name "FreeProfan" arrives whom names XProfan not heran.

PS: have whom Topictitle of "XProfan are Death" time changed in
"XProfan is (hardship!) Death" I with such Titeln nothing bring on
would like. (one is what ißt ^^)

dead would so did i not absolutely say.
I faith, the lying something on the general
situation. The something jüngeren people versteifen itself
To very on your Smartphone. there remaining PC often
outside to. therefore is the Idea for Android-Profan
none so badly. too the many Freeware-
Compiler do your Übriges moreover.

one see it too incidentally in others Forums, z.B.
PureBasic etc.. there is too long ago not any more so much
go, as the former time the case was. one see it Yes here
and elsewhere yourself, that überwiegend only diejenigen
into Forums active are, The already longer here thereby are.

What the Vermarktung etc. concerns :
for a 64 bit Version must itself Roland what dreamup.
And if it for the time being the only with Freepascal hinbekommt.
Since there it certainly some new, The say :
"Nur 32 bit ? the has for me no Zukunft"
The try it nocht not time and turn itself same
aktuelleren Compilern To.

How I the so see, are The Reasons vielfältig. circa at all
consist to, must one itself in different directions
moving can. means too the, what The various. Betriebssysteme

and what IF there writes, befürworte so did i integrally and quite.
The Freewareversionen (9 and 10) belong not more than in that
XProfan-Museum. rather is there one current Interpreter
with the actually functions and a tidy IDE.
the would then The Freeware his.
and If interested can whom Compiler nachkaufen.

what uses the Neueinsteiger a old Version, The yet
not everything contains, or. Perhaps too yet some Bugs
has. the holds whom only yet More ex, the product not To
Also should Roland time zusehen, that it too some
banale items with einbaut. I have there straight a actually
drop with the Trackbar. so a popelige Trackbar heard on
each drop with mere, just as How Drag & Drop etc.. there the new
User itself apparently here in the Forum not reports, having it
me kontaktiert. clear, we middle-aged Hasen can something like nachbauen,
but if I the already with the API directly in that House entrapment, then can
it XProfan already same left lying.

there XProfan Yes a simple Language his ought to, ought to Roland time
first thing such things abklopfen and if need be install.
it come Yes only Beginner, The former time highest QBasic
or yet garnichts in the manner made having. One eingefleischter
C/C++ Programmer will hither seldom proceed. the ought to
one too always in the Blickwinkel having.

because straight these Beginner are Rolands later customers.
Wir sind die XProfaner.
Sie werden von uns assimiliert.
Widerstand ist zwecklos!
Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.

Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange.

[OFFTOPIC]I Have me time allows, whom cover anew To Change, there in english something not (the) demise is, separate dead, if it (too allegedly) not any more living.[/OFFTOPIC]

I must say, i haven't been whom geringsten Überblick above, How and of wievielen people Profan used becomes. This will well only Roland really to judge can. and as long as Roland not says: "XProfan is tot", see I none reason, the anzunehmen.
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Jörg Sellmeyer (22.02.15)
I must say, i haven't been whom geringsten Überblick above, How and of wievielen people Profan used becomes.

there try I something Klarheit with the display supra right To create,
The number next to the little Community-symbol the ever so zw. 100
and 300 lying. now grade with 200.

tappt im dunkeln shows wieviele not-Bots (means real Visitors) in rückwirkenden last
24 hours The XProfan.Net visit having.

there such "echte" Visitors a Session receive what about me Sessions,
The older as 24 hours are lösche, show I simply The amount
verwalteter Sessions from the data base.

On stats.XProfan.net/  [...]  there too call-Interfaces - z.B. these here:  [...] 

Jörg Sellmeyer (22.02.15)
supplied becomes a Zeilenformatierte .dat-File a Listung the on XProfan.Net eingeloggten Members contain. in the first row are 2 kommagetrennte values include where the first worth The amount verschiedener Visitors the last 24 hours repräsentiert and the second worth The amount momentarily angemeldeter Members. into Folgezeilen go The announced Members aufgelistet where the first characters eachone Folgezeile whom genaueren Anmeldestatus repräsentiert where the Pluszeichen "+" "Online"; the Minuszeichen "-" "Abgemeldet" and the question mark "?" absent-mindedly repräsentiert. The data are UTF-8-kodiert. for Ansi-data can by GET the Parameter ansi with worth true transfer go: .../?ansi=true

so might one thoroughly already one feeling for a "Index" get.

Dass The number not The Number of XProfan the last 24 hours
widerspiegelt is neither your task separate its as index To
reading and one can discern, whether it more or less and be
of my opinion is the number right konstant. Currently are 1.785 registered
User onboard where Fakeuser automatically removes go.

6 kB

Nochmal small Update: Update: viewed go now not any more The Members, The not whom
last 30 Meet announced were. so go only yet aktivere Members
viewed:  [...] 


dead would like so did i not say.

I can me only GDL and H.Brill connect because for colour
use too I The SKControl dll.

such a thing ought to directly with Profan possible his and so what How Auswahlbuttons in the Toolbar (I mean so what where one arrow right next to the Icon another Auswahlliste opens) and Scrollarea.

but it must Yes yet take off further Updates remain.

nevertheless XProfan is a super Progrmiersprache.

XProfan X2
Zu wenig Wissen ist gefärlich, zu viel auch.(XProfan X4) | Win 10 Pro 64 | Win7 Ultimate 32/64 | AMD FX-8320, 16GB, GeForce GT 630 |

And if one The lovely functions the Subscription
of X3 ausprobiert has, would like one sure too on the ball
means : the Fehlende yet complement and already time whom Interpreter
with IDE rausbringen. there haven't only we Subscription-Customers
separate too The new Beginner what of it.( if too only
in the Interpreter to that try).
Wir sind die XProfaner.
Sie werden von uns assimiliert.
Widerstand ist zwecklos!
Wir werden alle ihre Funktionen und Algorithmen den unseren hinzufügen.

Was die Borg können, können wir schon lange.

IDE with Interpreter for all is planned, once a) the Funktionsumfang feststeht and b) The IDE properly adjusted watts. This will well yet to Easter the case his.

XProfan X2
Intel Duo E8400 3,0 GHz / 4 GB RAM / 1000 GB HDD - ATI Radeon HD 4770 512 MB - Windows 7 Home Premium 32Bit - XProfan X4

Have whom cover time changed in "XProfan is still alive!".

Apropro IDE...

I had already once a XProfan Online-Kompilierer for XProfan.com
manufactured - having too super functions.

it would well possible, I the Online-IDE likewise a XProfan-
mode verpasse, so one too directly XProfan kompilieren can,
z.B. any XProfan-Buyer The XProfan official on the XProfan.Net
related having. Bräuchte I the OK of Roland and then could we
with the in that Visier take. the would sure very progressive and
the has little Language that one Exen directly too online produce


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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