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Bamboo | my Program save Birthdays and two Termineinträge. now had I gladly, that the program automatically launch, if one datumsgleicher entry vorliegt. written in XProfan thanks in the ahead for response and Help |
| Manche Menschen werden deshalb schlecht, weil es ihnen zu gut geht. | 07/24/16 ▲ |
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Bamboo | Jörg your code, with "=" extended, created a Error Message. "Zuwenig Parameter..." my code writes correctly. into Registry (CCleaner under "Autostart" nachgesehen), but then hakt it. The Start the actual Program fractures with the Error Message 104 ex ??? |
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Jörg Sellmeyer | Ah - ok. there Have I vertan.
How very should because the Startaufruf your Program looks? the goes from your Codeauszug not forth and whom Information can yet only guess. |
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Bamboo | Jötg on itself integrally simply and until crash works the indeed. code-abbreviation: Assign #1,File$ RESET #1 WHILENOT EOF(#1) INPUT #1,txt$ IF LEFT$(date$(0),5) = txt$ RUN Program$ ENDIF ENDWHILE CLOSE #1 END in the Hauptprogramm becomes then a GridBOX with the vorhanenen Tagesdaten opened. the functions too, if I the program with Double click starte. with RUN Program$ crash Have with both Alternativen GETDIR$("@") or $PROGDIR attempts. always the same Result - Error 104 my suspicion is the List view.dll |
| Manche Menschen werden deshalb schlecht, weil es ihnen zu gut geht. | 07/24/16 ▲ |
Michael W. | "Dateikennung fehlt" or "Datei not to that reading geöffnet"
GETDIR$("@") -- ought to in new Betriebssystemen not used go
and the what You there written have, becomes the because in the program- directory stored (the one evtl. no rights has)?
or in the Datenverzeichnis (under $AppDataDir) |
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Bamboo | Michael The Declaration File$ is in the Hauptprogramm and calls The CSV-File with the Einträgen on. she's in the Unterverzeichnis INS_DATEN present and any Paths are correctly. indicated. its me one puzzel, Why the eigentliche Program with Double click launch, but with RUN Program$ not. |
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Michael W. | we knoe weder what in "programm$" yet what in "control$" very standing. therefore can we here only puzzel guess.
run - calls windowsprogramme on
moreover Gibts yet
%ExitCode, GetExitCode, Shell, ShellExec, WinExec, WinExecWait
under X2 Gibts $AppDataDir not yet, there can this help
| System: Windows 8/10, XProfan X4 Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt. | 07/24/16 ▲ |
Jörg Sellmeyer | with run can naturally too one Profanprogramm auggerufen go. you become but already genauere indicated make must, How Michael already written has. I seh too in your code none Calling the List view.dll. means ditto only Kaffeesatzleserei of ours Page. |
| Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ... | 07/24/16 ▲ |
Bamboo | Jörg Sellmeyer (24.07.2016)
with run can naturally too one Profanprogramm auggerufen go. you become but already genauere indicated make must, How Michael already written has. I seh too in your code none Calling the List view.dll. means ditto only Kaffeesatzleserei of ours Page.
that's right. with RUN call I Yes the eigentliche Program on and there becomes Yes then too The List view.dll declariert. I can Yes badly ca. 9.000 Lines code here post. must means moreover "wurschteln" - think time, I sometime whom Error found have. will be me then report. ...To denne |
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RICOSCH | could the the trouble his ??
kanns now Nich on the speedy Verify
WHILENOT EOF(#1) INPUT #1,txt$ IF LEFT$(date$(0),5) = txt$ RUN Program$ ENDIF ENDWHILE CLOSE #1 END
with run finish You Yes the Own Program , one winexec with anschließendem end in your Program would well rather. or You finish first The schleife z,b
checked% = 0 WHILENOT EOF(#1) INPUT #1,txt$ IF LEFT$(date$(0),5) = txt$ ((RUN Program$)) checked% = 1 ENDIF ENDWHILE CLOSE #1 case checked% = 1:RUN Program$ END
faith something like already had to have, the one RUN from the Loop Problems power.
time please test and gegebenfalls me correct if I moreover lie. |
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Bamboo | thanks for Tipp will be me today noon so keep busy and then telling for. Unmöglich is not. really interessanter suggestion ! |
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Bamboo |
RICOSCH your Tipp has already time helped. now works the Start. one must means first WHILE go through let and if then Check% on 1 standing, functions The thing ! but How the so is, same a new question on The Experten: my Tool operates with of/ one XProfan-GridBOX. The is normal over The 1. slot sortiert. my Grid has 31 Split and the should any sortierbar his. the goes too over SortList "|",x%,1 - unfortunately must for Extra-Buttons laid out go. in the momentum have I the so How in the anhängenden Image resolved (it are missing another couple Buttons) If me now someone veraten can, How I The Spaltenköpfe To Buttons reshaping and then yet on these grab can, schließe I the- or diejenige in my Abendgebet one. ...and No, i will not list view.dll of Frank Abbing works. |
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Thomas Freier | in the plv_pcu should one Sortierbeispiel his: [...]
' Author: Thomas R.
' HitSortsLV(lvHdl&) Sortiert whom Content one Listviews
' lvHdl& = lever of Listviews
$u plv.pcu = plv.
' function
Def ZufallsText(0) chr $(rnd(26)+65)+chr $(rnd(26)+65)+chr $(rnd(26)+65)
Def ZufallsZahl(0) chr $(rnd(10)+48)+chr $(rnd(10)+48)+chr $(rnd(10)+48)
Proc ZufallsZahlText
Declare ZZ_Erg$,ZZ_ZWErg$
WhileLoop 1,3,1
If (rnd(2 + 1) - 1)
ZZ_ZWErg$ = chr $(rnd(26) + 65)
' Case (ZZ_ZWErg$ = "0"): ZZ_ZWErg$ = Chr$(160)
ZZ_Erg$ = (ZZ_Erg$ + ZZ_ZWErg$)
ZZ_Erg$ = (ZZ_Erg$ + chr $(rnd(10) + 48))
Return ZZ_Erg$
Declare lv&
lv& = plv.CreateListView(%hwnd,"",10,10,500,350,RGB(0,0,0),RGB(255,255,255),RGB(255,255,255),0,0,0,0)
plv.SetHeader(lv&,3,"150|150|150","Spalte 1|Spalte 2|Spalte 3")
WhileLoop 0,100
plv.SetRow(lv&, &loop,(ZufallsZahlText() + "|" + ZufallsZahlText() + "|" + ZufallsZahlText()),-1,0)
'WhileLoop 0,200,2
' plv.SetRow(lv&,&loop,(ZufallsZahl() + "|" + ZufallsZahl() + "|" + ZufallsZahl()),-1,0)
' plv.SetRow(lv&,(&loop + 1),(ZufallsText() + "|" + ZufallsText() + "|" + ZufallsText()),-1,0)
'print "OK"
WhileNot %key = 2
| Gruß Thomas Windows XP SP2, XProfan X2 | 07/26/16 ▲ |