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abgelöst: function: fattr

long = fattr ( { string Dateiname | long Modi [, string Dateiname] } )

If only 1 Parameter indicated is:

gives The Filesize back, whether tappt im dunkeln existing or whether Dateiname a directory is.
print fattr("meine.datei")

existing The File not Gibts -1,
is Dateiname a directory Gibts -2.

If 2 Parameter indicated:

Parameter 1: Modi
Parameter 2: File/ Verzeichnisname

values for Modi:

0: Size the File or -1 unless existing or -2 if directory (same How fattr(File))
1: File or directory existing
2: is a File
3: is a directory
4: is "versteckt"/ hidden
5: is readable, Ausleserecht
6: is beschreibbar, Beschreiberecht
7: is executable, Ausführungsrecht
8: Time latest Änderung as Unixzeitstempel
20: Bytes suitor memory current way
21: Bytes Gesamtspeicher current way
100: MediaRescan/Unmount+Mount

Keywords: fattr, fileexists, DirExists, fsize, ftime, dirsize, disksize, diskfree


filesize umbenannt To fsize

concise and almost find I well, gives too much newer "Labersprachen":
document.getElementById("beispiel").firstChild.nodeValue = beispieltext;

but To concise is too problematically ... what was now straight f... ???

filesize, filedelete, and filelist feel I really not as long

especially since I the Grundsprachschatz still right clear hold would like.

Überlege too of name To name pointed me on the sinnvollsten shining.


fpc, file_put_contents, becomes nirgends fpc called, sometime I had but time fpc and fgc etc umgesetzt for XProfan and then too once for nProcs - is beautiful short and präzise.

then power but filesize of names since less sense as fsize. however fs and fsiz wären imho wrong abgekürzt, once because I none 2buchstabigen Grundfunktionen likes and because fs too filesystem mean could and there because of fpc and fgc the f eh for file standing bid itself hold fsize on. name ichs however filesize should ichs too filedelete name instead of fdelete and then too filegetcontents instead of fgc and the would then against not gradlinig. and so consider I of drop To drop and i'm hold first only important, I it meaningfully account could and not completely luftikös benenne.

where I but always fpc and fgc for To short held have.

here hätt's too one fget and fput done...
XProfan X3
System: Windows 8/10, XProfan X4
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

would be imho less eindeutig as one fread and fwrite, especially since To fget rather fset pässe - this against but me To little anmutet in reference hereon the it around the Content as circa attributes goes etc.

rather fread and fwrite as fgc and fpc?

mkdir and chdir nerves me dahingehen unfortunately something, fchdir and fmkdir wären richtiger but attend me unpassender there chdir and mkdir so beautiful familiar are.

fread u fwrite sees anwenderfreundlich from...
XProfan X3
System: Windows 8/10, XProfan X4
Programmieren, das spannendste Detektivspiel der Welt.

Michael W. (11.01.15)
fread u fwrite sees anwenderfreundlich from...

see so did i so.

fsize can now too as fexists and DirExists uses go,

is Return Value -1 (then existing The File not (fileexists),
is Return Value -2 then ists a directory (DirExists).

Presumably I will then but fsize rename To fattr, simply too so yet others Dateiattribute determined but too staid go can.


If 2 Parameter indicated:

Parameter 1: Modi
Parameter 2: File/ Verzeichnisname

values for Modi:

0: Size the File or -1 unless existing or -2 if directory (same How fattr(File))
1: File or directory existing
2: is a File
3: is a directory
4: is "versteckt"/ hidden
5: is readable, Ausleserecht
6: is beschreibbar, Beschreiberecht
7: is executable, Ausführungsrecht
8: Time latest Änderung as Unixzeitstempel

New: becomes one Modi indicated is Dateiname now optional, z.B. for Modi 20 and 21:

20: Bytes suitor memory current way
21: Bytes Gesamtspeicher current way

print fattr(20)
print fattr(21)

New mode:

100: MediaRescan/Unmount+Mount

sometimes must one Media or. Files of system new einscannen
let z.B. so Files on the USB-drive attend and/ or
in the gallery etc.: fattr(100,way)


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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