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Großer Funktionssatz, small Funktionssatz.

i want something Grundlegendes on Infinity Change, I with the Sprachschatz not yet pleased be.

so should it then a offiz. Funktionssatz (the small) give but too a "Großer Funktionssatz".

in example find I well, that it math(math.cos,... gives, so remaining everything in the function math and one comes only with math(... from.

on the others Page would find I it on duration well unpraktisch, if one not just cos( write could. naturally could one now proc cos f define with return math(math.cos,f) but the power the program on this place naturally slower there a further function called becomes. means must Solution since.

there get The XProfan.api-Include Perhaps a Sonderrolle, so The therein encompassed functions then whom undertow. "Großer Funktionssatz" provide. Diesen You can then Yes zuschalten insofern erwünscht.

only müssten The functions therein then too so quick his as regulären functions - So the cos( no detour is To return math(math.cos.

moreover consider I yet How I the optimal solve can. Perhaps even something like How Makros How in ASM - must but another Syntax for since.

The large Funktionssatz from the XProfan.api would then too as great Funktionssatz left in the piloting  [...]  attend as new point about under "Sprachelemente".

so can it then means integrally official z.B. too a function mid( give, The then How st(string,from,to) reacted but without Geschwindigkeitsverlusst. so too explode,.... lauter functions hold How tappt im dunkeln from XProfan famous are or in XProfan time famous go.

gives thereafter means a hard/ small Sprachkern the one with everything program can and _zudem whom large Funktionssatz for Beginner/ Umsteiger/ Tippfaule.

would be there not something like as ph-Files of Profan useful?

but not math(cos... becomes then a Line in the ph set:
~cos( = math(cos,;
and the Präcompiler (so it it here too gives...) setting the properly circa.
XProfan X3
Windows XP SP2 XProfan X4
... und hier mal was ganz anderes als Profan ...

Yes, time consider, dank Spaceoperator vlt. even plainer as i feared:


macro cos=math math.cos

becomes by spaceop Yes

macro cos=math(math.cos)

käme then one


could I cos discern as undeklarierte function,
then but one macro cos find and crept supplant:


bliebe another )( Ungetüm end the replacement -
means slight To discern and one comma umzuwandeln:


sound interestingly.

macro test=mufflon(10,20,30)

Test 100


Test undeklarierte function becomes


Stringende of macro is ), follows one ( supplant To ,


could vmtl. each fallen.

time anhand explode look:

macro explode=arr()


would To:


) latterly the Makros followed of ( supplant in ,



would means arr(zero,"te|st","|") -

skin means net there.

be because I look whether a ( to the end of my replacement standing -
what Yes not his can in others Make,
then could so did i the comma save if to the end the
replacement a Klammer opens.

I faith this is (Adj.) "integer" and the Makrosyntax would too very well.

very taken bräuchte I then not even the new Schlüsselwort
"makro", there proc name=todo eineindeutig discernible is and To
discern of

proc name x=todo

what Yes mean would proc name(x=todo),

proc name(=todo) against can it Yes not give,

ergo must it one macro his.


what I there now not überschaue:

How fügen the Konstanten in this concept one, Punktschreibweise in detail or The seinerzeit angepeilte abbreviation.

math.cos --> cos
event.keydown = 100 --> keydown
event.touchdown =200 --> touchdown
gui.width --> width


with cos=math.cos come I yet with, event.keydown etc is too yet
clear - width but becomes then sooner no macro separate even a normal
function The schaut of what very since the "Breite" abgefrägt becomes.

Perhaps. ought to I The XProfan.api-File too zerfleddern in Threads and autom.
zusammensetzen as Projektdatei.

iF (26.11.15)
Perhaps. ought to I The XProfan.api-File too zerfleddern in Threads and autom.
zusammensetzen as Projektdatei.

since the Präkompilierer for me visible operates, was my thought Why always with include
XProfan.api The entire XProfan.api drangeklatscht we, if only a/little functions from it
really using go. is Yes in a Durchlauf To detect whether it The jeweilige function in
this special api gives. then ok, otherwise Error.
yet is the XProfan.api small, but as they grows would it sure relevant.

iF (26.11.15)
i want something Grundlegendes on Infinity Change, I with the Sprachschatz not yet
pleased be.
so should it then a offiz. Funktionssatz (the small) give but too a "Großer
only müssten The functions therein then too so quick his as regulären functions - So the cos(
no detour is To return math(math.cos.

These Änderung find I from the direction fully ok, even if I then The Anfangskapitel of book
partly right heavy "umstricken" must - straight in the Hinblick on Explanations /Zusammenhänge. but
The Language win explicit. These direction stuck already at the beginning somehow drin:

Klaus Hoffmeister (18.01.15)
"... a mighty Language with little command..."
is for inside Logik/Sprachentwicklung sure better and the idea with "include
XProfan.util.aprf, ...include java.util.aprf" find I in principle well.
to the functions position the structure for me presently so dar:
apiece "Sachverhalt" possible only a/little function/en and the Feingliederung with the Parameters:
aray, directory, event, file, message, print, rgb, string, time, var
with übergreifenden Things: len, del, long on Strings & Arrays utilize.

If the programmieranfängerfreundlichen Schreibweisen beforehand into kompakte Funktionssyntax with
whom very variables Parameterkonstellationen transfer go, soar highest The
Präkompiliererzeit a little bit. moreover yet The structure the Funktionssatzes into Sprachkern and
The Sprachhülle -How I it bezeichnen would- circa too whom Specialists immediate The interne
structure explicit To make.

Sub-Topic: Funktionssatz 1 (original), Test on Näherung set 2  [...]  created.


Topictitle, max. 100 characters.


no Systemprofil laid out. [anlegen]


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Jörg Sellmeyer05/15/18


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